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Coffee Break Game Studio

A member registered Apr 12, 2021 · View creator page →

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This felt so nostalgic! I thought the sound effects were a good fit. Lots of small things like the way debris was picked up and the way the shield bounced contributed to the polish.

In response to comments below, I think you could perhaps pause the enemy waves in-between dialogue (with the ability to speed it up)? Although, to be honest, I quite enjoyed the atmospheric pacing.

One of the best takes on this theme! Very well done, this is the spiritual successor to Snake in my opinion.

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Like everybody else, I think the procedural generation here is awesome. On that it's a 10/10.

The game overall is pretty fun too and I like the minimalism in the visuals. I don't know how to put it into words but it felt a little hard to move and shoot at the same time. Maybe shifting the velocity of the bullets with the player's movement might make aiming a little easier?

Just wow! So polished, fun, and creative. I think the great thing about the sneeze mechanic is that it is both your most powerful tool and something you're constantly battling with (dang you tiny platforms). I do also agree that maybe pathways could be made a little bit more distinguished from the backgrounds. For a one person project, this is incredible.

I liked the different level designs you incorporated, and the approach to the theme was very unique. The art was cute. I think maybe an arrow pointing to enemies off screen would be helpful, similar to the dungeon exit!

Visuals are amazing! That logo really pops. I also like the changing weapons mechanic. I'd like to see the new difficulty curve/maybe a boss design!

Really like the concept, and the programming of the game itself feels good! I would make the shield spin around a little faster though, and that would help the balance issue. This is final boss material for sure

It's in 3D! That alone is very impressive. In addition, the controls are responsive and snappy. The game feels great! I think adding a bit more variety in enemy behavior would be a good idea.

I think that you implemented the theme very well! Everything is built around that core idea of moving while shooting, and polished and refined past that. The unit types are well-designed too, I like the amount of variation you were able to add in the short span of a week.

I would put quarters in this arcade machine! My favorite bit was noticing that enemies died and generated the sound effect in time with the music :) Agreed that the theme application is a little loose but the project is super solid.

I really like the retro feel. This makes me want to try my hand at TIC-80! I will say that it is a very steep difficulty curve.

This was awesome! Very juicy, very polished, visuals were great. Reminiscent to me of Hotline Miami.

Not much here that hasn't been said. My personal nitpick is the grenades were a little hard to get the trajectory just right, and it was really difficult to blow up the crates in level 11 I think with them as a result.

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I also picked up on the tower defense connection, I really like that idea! I agree that the game pace could be sped up. My suggestion: rather than the enemy spawn rate, I think increasing the crab bullet speed/rate would be good, the enemies can still be slow though ;) Overall, very cute idea and very unique!

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Overall, like the audio and visuals, and the execution is tight. The game feels good to control. I had a lot of fun playing, great job!

A couple suggestions: I think reducing the number of bullets on screen might be good, and rather increasing the size but keeping the hitbox fairly small. I do really like how things sync up with the music and that's how the level progression works.

Something specific to this jam is that it would be nice for the theme to play somewhat more of a central role. Perhaps a new powerup every 10 seconds, or the beat of the song speeding up every 10 seconds?

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There's so much polish here and also such a fun concept to back it up! I think that having 10 seconds be a "meter" rather than a "timer" of sorts is satisfying. Overall I liked the level design, glad you added the checkpoints to the rewind clocks. I do wonder if the size of the levels increases or you get to more of them, if hitting them manually would get a little repetitive over time. Still, one of my favorites so far, great job!

Very polished, particularly the hand-crafted sound effects and the visuals stuck out to me. Good execution goes a long way, and that definitely is the case here.

One note, I had some issues playing this on my particular monitor setup. It seemed as though my player would spawn below the screen. Perhaps some configuration on that end for different resolutions would be good in the future after the jam.

Thanks! There are quite a few features we want to add, a menu system is going to be high up on the list.

The latest patch should fix that particular issue. Thanks for letting us know, and playing!