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A jam submission

GloamingholdView game page

A retro dungeon crawler inspired by early 90s DnD games
Submitted by Mag — 1 day, 25 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Overall fun and playability#83.8643.864

Ranked from 22 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Theme incorporation
Infinity/The Endless - I feel this kind of falls under cosmic horror, but the enemy is cosmic and the final boss is called "The Eternal"
Ancient Ruins - The game takes place within ancient ruins
Solitude - You are alone, that is made clear. No party.
Cosmic Horror - There is a cosmic horror that inhabits the ruins and must be defeated.

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Submitted (1 edit)

Sry i noticed this game after the voting ends. I would rate it 4 or 5 probably. I definitely love the hand drawn art eventhough how amateur it is. It has a great retro vibe. I love the music, sfx as well. I think most of the sfx was recorded by you. It shows how much passion and love you poured into this project. It was a little too hard for me though

Truly a great work, congrats!


Simply glorious!

The only thing that kept me a bit puzzled was FOV. Enemies and objects felt a bit too far, but other than that - its just amazing entry. Voice acting was awesme - was grinning a lot while fighting!


Really fun!  I love the intro, especially the sword =).

While playing I kept pressing Escape trying to close the inventory, I wish it would do that =).  Inventory has some (presumably well-known) issues that were frustrating (couldn't swap things around without dropping something / making space, couldn't use things from the inventory, had to unequip weapon, equip potion, exit inventory, use potion, open inventory, re-equip weapon, which was really cumbersome).

First run I was killed by a rat on the other side of a door that I didn't notice :(.  It would be nice if it would have restarted me at the start of the floor instead of back to the beginning or something, but it didn't take too long to do the first floor again, and then I was much more careful of critters on the other side of doors =).

I made it to the end, and loved the little final animation, that was nice!


This was a real joy to play.
I loved the general presentation and voice acting. Navigating was a lot of fun and the environments were difficult enough without being overwhelming.

I liked the combat, but I found juggling items to be a little challenging. It would have been nice to put items in my backpack without opening it first. Also it would be nice to drag an item from the backpack to a hand and have it replace the current item.

Great game!


This one was pretty neat, definitely feels like a dungeon crawler from the 90's. Almost reminds me of Stonekeep visually but with MS Paint sprites. Which is no bad thing.

The opening cutscene was nice and really conveyed how gloamy Gloaminghold is.

The combat for the most part worked quite well, there was some hit feedback on the enemies and the little slash effect was neat. Though I found cases where enemies would hit me even when around corners or 2 or more tiles away from me. I assume the damage is just tied to an enemy playing the attack animation? I was also able to cheese the enemies by attacking them through doors, in fact I accidentally killed the final boss this way lol. I saw this red blobby thing on the other side of a door and thought "Oh neat a new enemy type like the rat in the sewer level!" So I attacked it several times and when I saw the cutscene I just thought "Ah crap, I barely even explored this level". The ending was a bit anti-climactic that way but I liked the art in the cutscene!

The visuals were good, the lighting in the 3d level was very atmospheric, and the paint sprites felt very "bedroom-programmer" and retro. The levels were all unique in their own way which was cool, and the fact that there's multiple levels alone is a feat imo!

Beyond that, I ran into a bug where opening the map while the inventory is open leaves the inventory UI over the map. Which left me unable to close the map because the inventory was blocking it, and unable to close the inventory because when I clicked the close button it would register it as entering a location on the map. So I had to restart after that.

I do have a few QOL suggestions if you plan on updating this post-jam. It would be great if I could quickly pick up items by just dropping them either on the player profile picture or the inventory icon, rather than manually open the inventory and place the item. And adding functionality to allow the player to swap items in the inventory would be nice, or allow potions to be consumed in inventory. Because its a little bit tedious to manually remove an equipped item, and then move the other item into the hand slot each time.

I think it would be nice to add some tooltips showing the different item stats, as I could only guess the axe did more damage than the sword or dagger but never got a handle on how much better.

I think it would also be helpful to make keys disappear when used. Because they all have the same sprite but work on different locks. So I'd either get confused by which one was needed when I kept them in my inventory, or I'd drop the key by it's corresponding lock, but then because I wasn't always easily able to tell where I was I would keep thinking "Oh there's a new key! Oh, wait...". As an idiot I would appreciate the addition lol.

Overall though I really liked this one stylistically, and I loved the automap and ability to take notes on it.

Great work!


This is a very competent entry!

The presentation is great, and I especially loved the voices. I have a couple nitpicks in this category, most egregious of which I think is the map. Without showing where I was on it and a difference between tiles that were dead ends or just weren't explored further, it wasn't that useful. Other than that, i encountered an odd dithering effect across the screen that made everything a bit less visible, which was particularly harsh in the already naturally dark level two.

The menus are a bit bugged too, I had a minor panic moment when I pressed escape to exit the map and instead it brought up the game menu, which then I couldn't exit cause of the map's "take note" function. I realized pressing enter helped though.

That was not the end of the map screen bugginess though as its exit button overlaps the rest button and does not disable it, so I exited the map and went straight into a rest at least once, haha.

One last bug regarding the gameplay was the ability to attack enemies through the doors, or when they were two spaces away, which they could do nothing about. Once I realized I could do that, it kind of broke the difficulty.

But all of these are minor issues when taking the whole of it into account. Good job!




The day is won! You truly managed to capture the feel of old crawlers for me. I really love the first sound you hear when the level load? The bowwwwwiiiiiiiinnnnn? Well it was a fun entry. Sometimes on rest, the shader would break or something and I would play on a very dark level, but resting a couple time randomly fixed it. The fights are basic, but so does Lands of Lore. Very cool entry!

Submitted (1 edit)

Wow this one is great, it's like an old dungeon crawler I played as a kid. I love the old school feel and art, the lighting is great giving it a great dungeon atmosphere. I liked how there was multiple levels (dungeon, sewer, the final area) with different feels to each one. Not much to complain about here except maybe the combat was a little basic. Overall it was a ton of fun and there didn't seem to be any bugs.

Submitted (1 edit)

This is so cool! I'm a big sucker for the entries with voice acting, especially with a humorous spin and this absolutely delivered in that regard. I just finished King Lear and I didn't think I would hear someone use countenance in a sentence unironically for a while, but here we are. Great dialogue.

I'm rather new to the dungeon-crawler eco system, but as I gather this is faithful to the older titles which is really cool. I wasn't aware I was 'supposed' to be doing the two step combat stuff and just face tanked everything and it seemed to work out. Loved the art and how almost all of it was done during the jam. 

Also the game page is excellent: It's clear you've put significant care into both presenting and explaining the game clearly, which can't always be said for the other entries.

Amazing game, I loved it.


This is my favorite entry thus far! Excellent work!

You can watch my play through here:

Submitted (2 edits)

Wow, I really got into this one. It played very well and movement wise, it was spot on. The combat, while simple, worked perfectly well. I did not really get a feeling for the different weapons and the SP mechanic was a bit strange, just give out more health potions. The graphics were very nice and unique, maybe the keys could look a bit better (and distinc from another). Hm, maybe the inventory was a bit fiddely with the constant swapping of things in your hand to use potions etc., but there was an inventory at all, which is very cool.

I loved the eye slash at the end :)
And I will be saying GLOAMINGHOLD for the rest of the day now and go on the nerves of my family ;)


Ahahah the voice acting is so fun!
I really like how you managed the graphics all handpainted.
It really fits all well together.
The sound and the music are really cool.
It's a bit difficult to understand the keys and the doors. Maybe giving the keys a different color matching the door or just deleting the key once used could help a bit more understanding.
I liked the fact you ahve to manage your slots between equip and inventory.
Good job!


Good game with some humor.  Its interesting to see how simple paint items can work perfectly in a game like this. Nice voice acting as well. Good Job!


Entertaining game! With quality voice acting :D

I think the atmosphere is great. The dungeon looks quite pleasing visually. I would've liked to see a confirmation before going to the next level, because I was unaware of it when it got triggered. I don't think I've explored everything in the first area. But in the grand scheme of things I don't think I missed out on anything important. The sewer area was also quite decent, but not as interesting to go through. Then with the cosmic space level, it was quite intimidating seeing the eye, so that was fun! I stumbled into a weird alien enemy for the first time, and when I killed him I got the game over screen. So apparently that was the big boss, which was a bit anticlimactic :D I didn't even explore the space level yet, I just stick to the left and I reached him almost immediately. The fight was tough but it didn't feel like a bossfight to me.

I think the door keys were a bit cumbersome, as at some point I was hoarding them because they didn't fit the lock I wanted to open. Some kind of visual differentiator would've helped a little. And maybe have them be consumed on use would make it more manageable.

I didn't use the rest feature and I only drank two health pots. Didn't touch the blue pots so I had a ton of them. So the combat may have been a tad too easy. Inventory management was a bit tedious but in a good way, as it makes combat more interesting if you have to switch or use other items.

Voices were great. Minimap has a cool implementation but I didn't use it much. Some item tooltips would've been nice (weapon stats, what the potions do, etc), but those are minor things.

Overall a pretty solid game! Good stuff :D


Oh man, this was really cool! Good oldschool vibes, super amusing voiceovers, really fun graphics, solid gameplay. Very well done overall!


Great voice acting. Great art style. Solid engine. I got serious dungeon crawler vibes when playing it. The combat is the usual dance that we either love or hate, but it works. Nice inventory management system. Well done!


I absolutely loved Gloaminghold!

I loved the VO, especially the cultists. I laughed out loud when I heard “You dare come to this sacred place?!” I thought the intro cutscene was terrific. Looking at my notes, I wrote, “Intro cine is peak.”

Other than some minor visual glitches, the game is excellent. The combat felt good (I could attack through doors, though), and the automap with custom notes was a nice touch.

As with all jam games, I wish it was longer. I would absolutely play more of this. I want more Gloaminghold!

Submitted (1 edit)

Pretty good. I'm not a fan of the two-step tango combat, but the atmosphere was solid enough to keep me going. I wish keys were different from one another, e.g. through colors.

Also, the visuals are nice, but I wish there was a CRT filter -- the backgrounds have an almost pre-rendered quality to them.


Loved the voice acting. Loved the art style.

I am an ESC presser. So I only clumsily navigated yer controls.

Good game, tho.

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