yea the freezes are a web thing, can't seem to fix them unfortunately
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nice game! it was fun and i liked the artstyle
did some speedrunning too, got 21 seconds
definitely needs a tutorial, a lot of people don't read the itch description
i was able to kickjump off a wall which felt unintentional
for some reason shooting the enemies in their body dealt more damage than the head which is kinda weird
i've also had the game crash a few times aswell
it felt like the best speedrun strat was to just ignore the enemies, which is a little weird for a game where you're "just a tool to kill the enemy"
in general tho, i liked the game!
played the windows build because who likes web builds
it was neat, the movement felt very unintuitive tho:
- whenever you moved into a wall/solid surface even at a slight angle, your momentum just completely stopped, which was incredibly frustrating
- the walljump would probably feel better if you got a slight kick upwards
- the slide was delayed by about a second whenever i tried to start it, which made the boss's 3rd phase very frustrating because of the beam attack
- being able to run up walls instead of sliding down them felt pretty unintuituve
the enemies' hurtboxes could've been bigger
whenever i got close to the boss, the screen shook like crazy, which, if it was even intentional, should be toned down by a lot
the boss was very frustrating in general - it was hard to get enough fingers while also having to not die from the insane amount of enemies and dodge the attacks of the boss
amazing game!
i loved the artstyle and juice, it was very fun
i did have some gripes with the enemies' hurtboxes being pretty small, i've had a lot of times i just barely missed the enemies and then died right after because i flew into their field of view, they should probably be bigger than the enemies' actual model
i also had some moments where i just barely got noticed through the gap between, say a bush and a gap, and lost unfairly and sometimes seemingly got seen through walls
the inverted aiming just doesn't work with a mouse
the difficulty balancing was very off, getting thrown into a pretty difficult level right after the tutorial with just 1 enemy doesn't feel fun
in general tho, i really loved it and it was very fun despite the small frustrations
amazing game!
i really like the artstyle and gameplay
i wasn't a huge fan of the autoscroller camera, especially the seemingly random left turn in the last level - it made me lose track of my player a lot of times - maybe you could add a little icon that points to the player if you're offscreen
also having infinite bullets and time slowdown felt a little op - i have a couple of suggestions in terms of this:
1. make slowdown limited (or have it charge up so you still have to spend some time outside of it)
2. make slowdown faster
3. make bullets limited so the player can't just spam them
4. (imo the best way) add scoring based on how many bullets used and seconds of time taken total, with bullet time NOT slowing the timer down or the amount of slowdown used (or both), which adds a lot more replayability to the game and incentivizes you to not spam bullets and slowdown
neat! i like the bread animation
the platformer controls could use some work, they felt very floaty, and the lack of acceleration felt weird
you could add stuff like variable jump height to jump over enemies in tight corridors easily and also please increase the move speed it's so slow
maybe you could also make enemies jump at you or something to make them more challenging?
i did find some bugs:
1. when i died, my bait amount didn't reset
2. i quit to menu after i died one of the times, it brought me to level 1 but the bait ui stayed there
3. after quitting to menu and playing through level 1 again, it told me that the demo is finished despite me playing level 2 already
hey! played the game (windows build because who likes webgl), the artstyle is amazing
the warp mechanic seems a little underwhelming and underpowered, probably could've buffed it a little and some extra effects/particles because having it just teleport you seems a little weird
i imagine it'd feel better if the enemies had knockback, instead of just stopping in place and also could use some particles on hit
getting hit could also use more feedback, e.g a sound, some particles, a vignette and/or screenshake, and a slow-mo effect for a fraction of a second, getting hit should be a lot more noticeable, especially with so few ways to heal
the flamethrower's hitbox felt a little weird, maybe extend it
i was able to shoot through walls sometimes tho (and so were the enemies, especially that spider robot looking thing whatevecr)
in general, the game was pretty fun tho! when are games with flamethrowers not fun tho tbh