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A member registered Feb 11, 2018 · View creator page →

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Love this! The artstyle, music, and slow paced idle gameplay blends nicely. I could easily leave it turned on all day

Tree sure is a “masterpiece” lmao

Heh, that’s a solid title screen. Love the people passing by

Yeah, I’m Korean. And thanks for trying out this demo. I want to make this one a full game someday…

Nice tune! And that fly catching is too cute to stand haha

Wow, super smooth 3D experience. Great job. Only nitpick is that I can’t press L to interact while the map is turned on.

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Nice little puzzle game! Looks great.

Dang, this locked and frozen cells are quite annoying.

Nice music btw, it definitely feels like I’m running out of time

Nice looking UI, fits so well for the space themed game. Although I’m so bad at controlling my ship, and drift away a lot XD

I’ve encountered this divide by zero error on mission 2 when I touched the asteroids, while attacking at it. I was also low on HP, but I can’t recall how much was it.

Wow this game seems quite polished, although it’s too hard for me.

I can’t pass even a single hostile stage on zone 2.

Guess I’ll have to overuse pausing…

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Really cute puzzle game!

Pixel arts fit so well each other.

And I love how you make use of the tongue in different situations.

There’s one minor nitpick.

In the last level, the first move you do is go down.

But if I do that, I can’t see the top-most rock even if I go up higher.

This results in blind tongue jump, if you haven’t seen the rock before.

The same thing applies for the bottom-most rock too.

I wish the camera just moved with the toad.

Oh, and I found that sometimes the box doesn’t undo by pressing L, when messing around the earlier levels.

Is it intended, or is it a bug?

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Thanks a ton!

Designing these levels took me some hours, but was definitely a fun experience.

I’m happy to see that you call them surprisingly deep and very clever. <3

Super cute animation!

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I love playing hard platformers, and enjoyed this one.

Here’s what I thought while playing.

  1. You press UP to jump. I wanted to play this on real hardware, but gave up knowing this. Jump button really should be assigned to a seperate button in platformers.
  2. If you wall jump on left side, even if you touch the ground, you can’t wall jump on left side again before executing wall jump on right side. It took some time to figure this out. It would be better to reset the flag when you touch the ground.
  3. The inertia. I wanted to slow down in mid-air, so I’ve changed my direction, and what I got is full speed to the other side.
  4. Some levels contain trap. e.g.

It’s still nice little game though.

Also, Had the player gone to home safely at the end? Or did he just die in the stomach?

The rocks are super unpredictable as the title implies.

My best score is 27 seconds, I’ve achieved this score by going down the screen and doing absolutely nothing lol

Thanks for playing!

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Thanks for trying it out! I prefer to teach player the mechanics while playing, as some of my beloved puzzle games do.

Wow this is quite challenging puzzle game!

I confused the flipping and rotating the whole time. XD

Let me rotate this pipe again… Oh, that doesn’t work, I should have flipped it.

Well polished game!

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Ah, the classic hamilton path puzzle on the grid. I remember playing this game on my feature phone back in early 2000s.

Some thoughts:

  1. I sometimes misinput and remove what I have been doing, I wish the undo were assigned to seperate key instead.
  2. I wish there were at least Congrats or something before going back to stage 0.
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Cool roguelike with a unique feature, which is possessing the mobs on the floor!

And the well-made pixel arts fits so well in GBA!

Some thoughts:

  1. Constantly tapping the arrow keys just to move is quite tedious. Hold arrow key to keep moving would be better.
  2. Right now you are free to explore the floor without any risk, if you don’t grab the key. So this made me to find the shortest way to the locked door first, and grab the key and run to it asap.
  3. If you’re in a pinch, just release the mob you are possessing, wait for it to be killed by other one, and grab the SP heal, and possess the other one. So the pinch is really not a pinch.

Also, small bug, sometimes the key graphic just disappears when you grab it.

But it’s still a cool idea!

Just a ramble, I had a similar idea to this roguelike, which is you are a parasite who possesses the mobs by being eaten by them! I was amazed about the similarity.

The save funtionality seems to be broken right now.

After I lost to Wu Pu, I loaded my save, and I’m stuck in this green empty field.

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I’ve never played deck building roguelikes before, and now that I played your game.

I fell in love with it.

I love how you made players to think about consequences of the next summon, and calculate the lose and gain with probabilities.

The temptation to earn more money, but with the xx% chance of messing up…

Also the pixel arts of the owls fit in so well in the mood.

I enjoyed it a lot.

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I suppose the fence around here is missing?

Oh, and amazing entry btw.

Seriously, at glance I thought this were the actual commercial game for GBA.

and when I looked at the size of the ROM, which is more than 24 MB, I was like “what in the world?”

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As soon as TV test screen popped up, and give out this SUPER LOUD BLIP SOUND, I was like My ears!

Other than that it’s a useful screen test program!

I fell down to the void, and arrived at this weird glitchy map.

Looks like somethings gone totally wrong here.

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I have this weird bug when you lose to the dragonfly daughter and not game-overring out to the title screen.

If you encounter anything in this state, then the game-over takes place.

but still, you can save the progress in this state.

Edit : I can heal myself in this state!

120x80 for one player’s screen, but still works great!

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I like the mood of the floor, and how the magic circle fits in them perfectly.

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I really love the rotating motion shown on molecules and GBA.  Cool demo!

Huh, seems like the link cable supports super faster transmission than I thought.

Cool stuff!

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Is there any way to test this on emulators?

If not, the judges have to rate this submission only with your video

(I assume at least some of them don't have the Rasberry Pi and the link cable)

Awesome demo btw.

Perfect screen saver for the GBA, if it were a GBA logo instead of DVD.

Such a cute pixel art for a slime-like creature and tileset!

Super smooth fire particles effect, with 60 FPS!  Cool stuff!

Such a nice platformer with the decent pixel art!

I really like the sprite of the boss.

And the boss themselves...  kinda reminds me of a character from Cave Story.

One minor suggestion: Hold A to show the dialogues faster.

Wow, a gbsenpai entry!

Also, where's my free candy?  I cannot find them in the pit :(

I thought I could find the key to break free!

Also, Has these mushrooms grown up in the fridge, because the fridge is broken?

I like how you managed to fit in these cute pixel art portraits of the characters on the tiny 240x160 resolution screen.

Good job!

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This is a nice-looking entry with a decent pixel art, which has the vibes from the early Zelda game!

Too bad it's so short.

There's this trick in the boss fight, I wish the boss pushed me away when I do this: