Incredible article. Good stuff!
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I had voiced despair at how flooded with AI the assets section had become, and even stopped publishing on itch altogether. This is very good news, a good start, and I'll definitely come back to itch if negative filtering does a good job of filtering out the slop.
I dont mean to sound ungrateful here but why not ban AI entirely? No one wants it, and it's just a shitty grift that actively harms the indies that your platform specifically caters towards. Itch has always been a haven for devs and artists, why even allow assets that have had no significant human editing? Moderation seems to be stretched thin, and that also seems like a faster way to get the issue done with
The game assets store is often flooded with awful "pixel art" images that are AI-generated without even the most barebones human pass. I'm tired of searching for assets like icons and portraits and needing to dodge landmines with every click. It's especially egregious with backgrounds, mostly everything uploaded is terrible AI. This website is the place for indie gamedevs, and it's about time itch takes a stance on protecting human creators. No opinion on games that use AI content, because that is at least a transformative work done on top of garbage, but undressed garbage should not be allowed on the website.
Always nice seeing farming games! Controls don't seem to be working properly in my browser as maybe one in ten clicks got registered and it wasn't clear why some patches were getting tilled/sown/harvested and others stayed unresponsive. Other than this I'd suggest turning off filtering in your sprites for crisp pixel art if your engine allows it, for example the character select screen has crisp pixel art but the character itself appears blurry due to filtering c: Good effort and keep it up!
Thank you for including a Linux build! I loved the characters and sights, really cool visuals. Talk animations were very nice, in fact a little thing I'd nitpick is wanting the chat window to be a little transparent so I could see the character better. Overall I really enjoyed this, was great seeing it get developed :)
also good to see droods influence growing one game credit at a time
I really appreciate there being control remappings in jam projects. In my system the mouse look controls were inverted, however, with no option to leave them as normal. Not sure if that was intentional or not, but it was very disorienting and i couldn't finish it. Overall a very ambitious project for a jam, congratulations on making as much as you did!
Hello, thanks for the comment. There's an audio alert for its reload being finished - 4 "ticks" quickly play. Two minor quirks are that the rifle begins the level as loaded so you don't hear them in the beginning, and since your friend is the one reloading, the timer doesn't start until you put the rifle down.
I can see the audio cue not being very clear, as there are many other sounds playing or people's settings may be low. Would you have any suggestions for improving that feedback on a post-jam update?