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A member registered Nov 10, 2023 · View creator page →

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Do you recall if your "balcony/entry" room was properly rotated?

It seems we could have been far more clear about the fact that, unless the balcony room is properly oriented, getting out of gridmode is not posible.

When the jam finishes we will 100% add a little popup warning explaining that whenever someone tries to go back to platforming mode from grid to the full version. (Hope this didn't sour the experience and also thank you very much for the kind comment n-n)

Ah! Well thank you very much! x3 Glad you liked it n-n

Loved it, the typical cozy scaperoom but so well adapted to the theme at hand, If this ever turns into a complete game I sure would love to give it a go!

If I could come up with any nitpicks I'd say a bit of music would benefit the experience a lot, and perhaps to allow stacked items to be weighted together, sometimes getting everything on top of the scales got a little frustrating. But then again, lovely game! Keep it up!

If you enjoy puzzle platformers perhaps you'd like our game!

Gonna go give yours a try too!

Perhaps you'd enjoy our game, it's a cozy puzzle platformer n-n
Will have a look at yours!


Glad you liked our game!

We tried originally working with a following camera but eventually had to change it to the one we have now because of time constraints, we only had one artist and he was already crunching enough to finish everything to ask him to make sure the room transitions lined up properly and there's a lot of "out of bounds" ugly hidden by the camera right now xD

Perhaps after we give it some more time when the jam's over we'll fill in those gaps and try a different camera n-n

(And glad you like the logo, our artist is very happy that someone found it cool.)

Thank you for your comment, regarding the 3D movement we are aware now that it makes the game a bit hard to play so we will certainly be fixing that after the jam ends.

Regarding the pressing of R resetting Kiwi's position, this is an intended mechanic, as the main difficulty is to be able to properly create a path to both the key and lock in the same go. If we allowed people to just get the key, and then move their starting room next to the lock for example the puzzle aspect of the game would diminish considerably. (Remember that pressing Shift zooms out so that players can have a look at were they are without resetting their position, as explained in level 1 on the grid scene)

And the cells being hidden is done on purpose to entice the players to explore before trying to construct their paths. Though we do understand why this might feel like a bit of a chore if the platforming section and moving between rooms felt a bit annoying.

Thanks a lot for the comment and glad you enjoyed the aesthetic, our artist is delighted to hear this being commented so much!

Also, could you think back to the playthrough and remember if the "entraces" the rooms with the balconies in them. Were properly rotated? R doesn't exit the grid mode unless the entrace is properly rotated cuz Kiwi has to enter through somewhere. (Our fault for nor properly conveying that information in game)

If that wasn't the case though we will try and look for whatever might be causing the issue!

Glad you liked the platforming part and sorry the puzzle part wasn't for you x3 It's a bit hard to aim with puzzle mechanics because everyone has their preferences, but we will probably improve the aspect you pointed out, yes some of the rooms were there to obfuscate the slider puzzle section of the game, but we'll try to fill them in with something more engaging and related to the solutions when we have time after the jam!

And yes, we would love to test and try out making the final level a Rubik's Cube, that'd surely ramp up difficulty xD

Quite a fun game! Beat it on the first try but will certainly go back to try a different build.
Congratulations on the artstyle and general vibe, specially on the inventory system, that was a delight.

If I had anything to point out is maybe that the theme interpretation was a bit weak. If you get rid of the "scaling" and change it for literally anything else you could very well just have the same game which means it wasn't specially well implemented.

But appart from that, the game's a delight and it's got some potential! Keep it up!

Quite a nice puzzle game, the aesthetic is relaxing and it has a chill atmosphere.

The only thing that doesn't quite feel right is the theme interpretation, it seems like a bit of an aftertought. Perhaps a couple more ways to implement a Scale related mechanic would have been nice. A good way to know if a theme is properly implemented is to ask oneself if the game would be the same without mentioning the theme (Scale), and in this case it feels like that'd be the case.

But appart from that I'd say this is a puzzle game I would probably give a try and pay for with just a little bit more polish! Great job!

The game has a charming premise but it needs some work, there's definitely potential here if it gets some more work!

A few things to point out for improvement:
-The ground feels like you are on ice at all times, I have no idea how the game is handled but it feels like a force based movement when maybe a translation based one would fit better.

-The explosive arrow makes some enemies lose their collision and phase through the floor while still alive.

And to end on a high note:
-The art direction is super lovely, there's a few minor bugs like the grass rendering with the depth inverted, making it look like the blades that are further away are rendered in front. But the overall aesthetic is lovely, the tiny houses, the fences made out of matchsticks, the enemy design using straws like bazookas and such, it all could feel really really immersive with just a little bit more time to polish! Congrats!

A little confused after trying it, I couldn't manage to use the Info button, or attack any enemies, for that matter I actively tried to get hit but there doesn't seem to be any triggers of collissions happening at all.
I am guessing this is a submission more of an idea than a fully fledged demo, right?

Well, there is something here, but a very rough idea, if only the battle part had been finished in time the game would have been more fun, but do keep working on it if you have time after the jam, there's definitely something to work with here at least as a concept!

Aaa thanks so much for the compliment! And do not worry it's not you, some people have pointed out that getting through the doors is a little hard so we will 100% be fixing that when we keep working on the game after the jam x3

When we release it, and we surely will since the reviews so far have been quite positive n-n, we'll take into account all comments and suggestions and fix any issue we can!

Thank you so much for your comment! n-n
Glad you had fun with the game and yes, the doors are a thing we need to fix after the jam ends, the original idea was the one you describe, a 3D 2Dplatformer but we ended up deciding some rooms would have a bit more interest to them if we unlocked that depth movement. But yes! We hope that when the game is fully released this issue will be fixed for a smoother exploration.

Thanks for the rating and sorry you couldn't finish it!

We as a studio are believers in the idea of just dropping the player straight into the world and letting them figure out how to play on their own, by hidding the instructions and tutorial directly into the world, for example, in the form of hieroglyps that are scattered on the starting room and the only accessible room from that point.

So after just a little exploring and paying attention to surroundings the controls would become clear.

Perhaps in the future we will add a small tutorial as a small interaction of Kiwi with the hieroglyphs, having him turn to look at them and commenting on the controls themselves, but a way to make the controls themselves part of the puzzle is what we personally like most.

A really charming game! The character and enemy art is lovely, the UI is well designed, combats are fun, the boon system leaves space for a more complex game design in the future if different boons are added, I was enjoying my playthrough really much.

A couple notes on things to improve:
-The theme of Scales, while present is a bit of an afterthought, since mostly the scales feel like the usual mana system, you could have the same game without the scale and it wouldn't miss much.

-A bug ocurred during my playthrough where if you cast the Curse of Strength during the Rootsnarl battle while a companion is dead, the battle will stop progressing.

But! Even though the game basically froze after a good while playing it, I went back to finish it, so take that as a sign that there's potential here, it's an accomplishment to get a player to retry your game and you managed perfectly. With little more work and some variation to the boons I could see this being released as a full game! n-n

Is it actually posible to get past the fourth level? It doesn't seem like the jumps are high enough to get anywhere unless we are missing something.

A nice premise and artstyle but sadly the theme interpretation was fairly weak, if you took the game and played it without taking "scales" into account you'd basically have the same exact game (which is certainly a good puzzle game).

It definitely has potential, but perhaps it would have been best to try and emphasize the theme a bit more on the mechanics for the gameoff.

Quite a charming lil game! The storyboard and art is quite lovely, certainly it's strongest suit, and the funny premise was also a delight.

If anything was to be pointed out, perhaps the level progression could be a teensy bit more clear, since when we played the last thing we found after beating the bugs was the tutorial.

Overall a nice surprise to find at this gamejam. n-n

It is a charming lil game but wish there was a little bit more to it, it feels like it would fit in any good cooking game but only as a minigame, what stands out the most is that the artstyle is quite charming!