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CTN Phaco

A member registered May 03, 2020 · View creator page →

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You're welcome! :)

Just finished the game. It was fun!

Thanks, glad you appreciated it!

Simple mechanics yet efficient and easy to understand. The difficulty is well adjusted.
It was fun to play! And cute too! :)


Hello, thanks for your comment!

Your feedback was been taken into account. The level design and the controls need a lot of work for sure!

Hello, thanks for your  well written constructive comment! The level design part definitely needs a lot more adjustments!

First off, let's be honest:
The level was built very fast at the last minute and the hiding mechanic (A core one) was implemented in the last 24 hours so it was pretty... Chaotic! ^^ In addition to that I'd say it lacks technical review (had to finish quickly instead!) and playtesting. But at least the game kinda works, it's there haha!

With that being said now:

  • The intention was to tweak the game difficulty to a casual level. I agree the immersion is broken with the current enemy avoidance timing stuff. The enemy placement often have not much meaning. The AI is also very basic so it might not be so engaging though placing enemies correctly should at least help a bit.
    Also, there is no checkpoint! All of that is definitely not casual friendly.
  • This ladder problem was supposed to be fixed but we had to skip a more rigorous testing phase in favor of the addition of new features. We didn't know you could trigger that bug with the ladder in this way though so thanks for letting us know! :)
  • The sound in the menu indeed is very loud... I'm not going to pretend it was made to scare you by destroying your ears, it has to be toned down for sure! ^^

Also glad you enjoyed the art direction! Thanks for your time! :)

I enjoyed the fact there was a world built around a story... And I love violin!

One thing to improve: I was stuck at the top of the stairs so I thought it was intended but apparently it's some occasional collision issues.

Creepy and tense from the start to the end! ^^

Kinda liked the particles effect on the light.

Bonus point for the options menu and the several endings!

Pretty cool idea the 2 first minutes help build tension and made me wonder what was going to happen. I tried running to a monster to flash him for fun and he ran away from me haha I didn't expect that!

One thing to improve: Since I don't use a QWERTY layout it's was hard to play and the arrow keys didn't work.
Since you use Godot what you can do is use physical keys and boom! Done ^^

The sound design is pretty well done and I didn't expect several types of monsters so that's also a + .
It was fun!

Didn't encounter this problem ourselves as far as I know but will look into it, thanks!

Thanks for your comment! If you have an idea how we can tweak the flow to make it more smooth in the beginning that'd be much appreciated! Otherwise we'll see what we can do!

Thanks a lot for you comment! :)

(1 edit)

We used Godot 4.1 on our game and exported a web version + desktop platforms: Windows, Linux Mac so it's definitely doable! :)

Here's how for the web version:
You need to configure your export presets for the web version, name your "executable" file index.html so itch recognizes it, zip the whole exported web folder, upload it on itch, choose "This file will be played in the browser" and then you have to enable ShareBufferArray support on itch as well so you don't have errors while launching the game. (It's a box to check)

Note: I don't think we're allowed to upload anything during the vote period!
EDIT: Typos

A very well done tutorial, didn't manage to break it! :P Though it seems you can prep a little bit before the creature is revealed but I guess it's intended.
The game mechanics and the gameplay are well explained and easy to understand.

One thing to improve the game: Have an icon other than "O" displayed when the game is started so the player understands which key it actually is because I had to go in the itch page to figure out the controls and not everyone has this patience and can quit the game with all its potential.

Other than this small things it seems you have good game design foundations, I truly enjoyed the game!

Can't launch the game so I didn't rate it.

I also noticed you use Godot and there is no web version.
Did you have problems uploading it? If you want to do it I can tell you how, I know it's not very obvious at first.

What if the character has this syndrom? ... :P

What exactly feels wonky? Do you mean you expected some deceleration when releasing the key to run?
We're also aware of some animations being still played when the player is supposed to stop and stuff like that, we had many issues like this.

Other than that glad you liked the game overall!

I'm not aware of a DM system on Itch. I see your setup looks similar to mine then! All hail the Godoteers!

Cool music and good use of the lights! Good to see another Godot fella! ^^ Seems like you did it all by yourself so congrats!

Also how did you setup your light, did you use a DirectionalLight at all? Or only a CanvasModulate? Both?

Pretty fun game! The AI works well, it's nice to see their senses.
Bonus point for the level selection and the shop! :)

Thanks for your comment! :)

Glad you enjoyed it! The Windows version is not available since a display problem was detected when we tested it for some reason.
The desktop builds have exactly the same content as the web version but they are probably more optimized in terms of performance.

Since some content couldn't be put in the game I think we might at least add it!

Yeah I learned a lot for sure, that's the virtue of game jams! I think we have to start somewhere and work our way up in our skillsets (not only technical!) to make something people can truly enjoy so comments like yours help master our craft!

Thanks! :)

Good to know! Might be a problem from Itch maybe. I suspect it to not enable SharedArrayBuffer in the cases you mentioned but I might be totally wrong.

Thanks for your comment! :)

The creature you saw in the opening wasn't implemented in the game even though it was supposed to. Since it was shown in the cutscene it's quite expected to encounter it in game.
The creature on the ground is actually a "normal" enemy and since he stands out from the others I guess that's why it leads some people to believe it was maybe the creature from the intro.

The tutorial was placed very quickly at the last minute and I didn't expect the text to be affected by light so that's why there is this strange behavior but it shouldn't be hard to fix I'm sure!

Didn't play that one!

Thanks for your honest, constructive feedback and your time! :)

The gameplay is very basic indeed because we wanted to make sure we can finish the game in time. If we had spare time, only then would we have add more features on top of the basics.

The art team did a very good job but as the lead dev I have to confess I personally think I didn't take the best decisions for this particular project.
We knew making a sidescroller with basic game mechanics and turning it into a fun game would be challenging because of the limitations tied to the perspective.
Technically I had to work in my weakest areas like AI (which is not really an AI as you can tell, no decision making) for example.
The technical challenges went wrong and took too long to be implemented. As a result, many things had to be dropped or rushed on my end like the level for example which explains the problem you encountered.

We thought about making a visual novel or a point and click at first and I think that would've been much more doable since making a story is way easier than having strong enough game / level design IMO. I agree this kind of project would've make the artists shine a lot more.

With that being said the game is what it is, it is out there and with more time and work it can be much better for sure! :)


Thanks a lot! There are more games to come for sure!

I understand you so it's ok haha! ^^


Hello, I had exactly these errors when I exported the game and opened the HTML file directly. It works well for me and no one reported this problem.

I enabled SharedArrayBuffer on itch already so it could be your machine in particular unless someone else also has this problem.

The last update will come soon, it's not playable yet but we created the itch page and posted the game so we don't have to do it at the last minute.

Thanks for your comment! :)

We wanted to favor the player but it needs some play testing  to adjust difficulty indeed!

Nice little puzzle game! The tutorial is clear and the levels are challenging enough. And thanks for the Linux build!

Hey I wanted to let you know the game doesn't launch on the web version on my end it's all black with a purple title. Since I can't play it I won't rate it, no worries!

Cool concept! It reminds me of "Kind words: Lo fi chill beats to write to" (yes that's the name of the game)

My experience wasn't the best because of toxic messages though but it's not your fault.

By the way I'm wondering: are the HTTP requests encrypted?

The art style is cool with the particles and all.

One thing to improve: As people said the air control has to be more in favor of the player.

Hard to play but the idea is original!

That's one of the most original games from the jam to me!

One thing to improve: Camera could be de zoomed a bit since it's hard to find the asked fish.

The controls feel good and it's playable by 2 persons, pretty cool!

(1 edit)

Nice pixel art (and page!) :)

One thing to improve: When the dialog appears I had to press press the left key exactly when I clicked on continue to avoid falling in the pit, maybe use a timer?

The story incorporated in the tutorial is a good idea and I understood what to do very fast!

Just letting you know I'm on Linux and tried to launch the game with Wine and I could go on the menu but clicking play left me on a grey screen.

Well, I won't know what the game feels like so... No rating! ^^

Nice animations and simple graphic style!

One thing to improve: I pushed the generator all the way to the left and... It couldn't move anymore lol! So maybe you can add a shape where the player could jump on while being able to push the generator which stops on it.

Pretty cool to see some Godot mates! :D