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A member registered Mar 11, 2020 · View creator page →

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Oh wow, I kinda forgot I still had this game posted haha! Well, I hope you enjoyed it :) 

First off, I set the text speed to 'instant' and it just zoomed right through the opening scene with it's auto-text hahaha! Ah-hem. I set it to 8 afterwards. 

The maps are gorgeous, the music fits so well, and on a whole the game is really atmospheric. You gave Eurydice a great character voice. 

Some of the hidden objects were a lil buggy; I had to click them a few times in different spots for them to register. A bit of an annoyance, but a minor one, since you give a generous amount of time on the puzzles.

Not sure how I felt on the 4th wall breaking; it was done in a way that doesn't hurt the game, but I don't think it does it any favours. 

I did encounter a fail to load issue: if you fail and look back at Eurydice, it's missing 'scream-terrified-female-1h-01' SE. 

All in all, I enjoyed playing this game! Thanks for sharing this with us ^-^

From reading the comments, it seems I also got the void room glitch (and also thought it was intentional haha). The controls were also really janky for me; I made it into one of the doors before quitting in frustration since I could not for the life of me get back out the door. 

I wish I could have played more, as the menu UI and combat visuals were pleasing, and it's clear effort went into the project. From the screenshots, seems you were going for an ambitious 3d-esk style. I applaud and respect that. If you ever come back to this one and get the first glitch cleaned up, I'd love to give it another shot :)

This was beyond adorable and I loved every second of it - and not just because I love dinosaurs haha! Lil running Nugget sprite was precious. Puzzles had good challenge, but never difficult enough to slow the gameplay. How dare you hurt me with that ending.
Also, very minor issue, but after the credits, it doesn't return to title screen and just loops the ending event again on a black screen. Game on a whole was amazing and very enjoyable.

This game was really nicely put together! Good characters and great atmosphere. Both of the endings fit the game so well, I honestly can't say which one I prefer. I couldn't find a use for the flower you can buy though, and now it's going to bug me that I missed something haha.

As soon as I asked the question I realized you probably had no-one left alive XD

I'm uploading a new version now! Found the problem; let me know if it happens again. You've saved me haha. 

Oh, did you find any typos? ;P 

Who did you talk to in the mountain pass before the flashback started? 

Hmm, when testing I did come across a way to mess up the movement routes in the flashback scene - happens if you go through the text too quickly - but I did put some safety nets in there. Every character in that scene has 'through' on, so they can't get stuck. Did it happen in the flashback scene itself, or in the mountain pass? 

And yes, it is 100% possible to get through the game without losing any allies! 

Er, yeah, of course, your friends don't die - no, no.... :3 

Hope you enjoy it, Shadow haha

Hi, thanks for playing my game and taking the time to leave a review! First, I'm happy you found it to be enjoyable! :) 

-The turn order has been pointed out-I feel so smart that I missed it... I believe it is because I used the same settings as my main project has but the difference in text boxes (default vs customized) resulted in a couple pixels being off. Sorry! 

-I could add in and run checks if Aria one-shots Sundra and change the dialog accordingly, though I had never encountered a situation where Aria DOES one-shot Sundra! The only way I could think of is if you got double violent daggers, and got multiple criticals with attacking. I just didn't think it was possible. So, ah, good job? XD 

-Whelp, that's embarrassing.

-Bloodstorm was made overpowered mostly for Drifty so he would have an easy mode and ensure he could see the ending. Though he didn't use it till halfway through the fight, and did pretty well. You can always fight without using Bloodstorm if you want a challenge ;) If I expand the game, you can certainly expect a nerf to Bloodstorm, and a buff for the bosses! 

Thanks again for playing and writing a review! 

Hi there, thanks for playing my game and taking the time to give some great feedback! I'm happy you enjoyed the plot and characters! I take it as a huge compliment you want to see more of the story ^-^ 

The begining is a little text-heavy, I will agree. I tried to be as efficient as possible with setting the scene and the society. I'll certainly look into trimming it back a bit and revealing more later rather than upfront. 

Sorry you didn't enjoy the AI combat! I wanted to try a different style. You aren't supposed to die to the random encounters unless you just spam guard, and even then your teammates should pick up the slack, hence the choice to AI them.  I'll look into the balancing, as I suspect you died to an aoe attack. If you are ever struggling, try Aria's healing primal tap, which gives a huge critical evasion boost. Treat her more as a healer/support than an attacker. 

Thanks again for playing! I'm glad you had an overall positive experience, and I'll certainly consider what you've said :) 

Thanks so much for the rating, and for the compliment! I'm coming into game development as a writer, so I feel like story telling is my strongest point. I'm super happy you enjoyed the plot and characters! ^-^ 

Yes, music was rough for me in the jam. MV music is limited and I tried, but finding a way to make it fit the scene clearly didn't work as well as I wanted it to. 

As for the text, was there a specific example that you found difficult to read? I wanted to give each character their own voice, so I'm wondering if one voice I used had a negative side effect in terms of comprehension. 

Thank you for playing my game and taking the time to write a review! Makes me very happy ^-^ 

Thanks for playing!  I'm glad you enjoyed the story and mapping. As for the turn indicator, sorry it cut some text off! I hope you were still able to read enough to understand the battle messages. 

As for the 'dead parents' bit, well, I just needed something to jumpstart the plot. And technically one parent isn't dead ;) 

Thank you  for the feedback. It makes me happy you had a good experience playing my game :) 

I went into this game planning to be strategic about my party's classes...then I saw the 'Stripper' class. H-how am I supposed to play the game and NOT have that in my party?! 

So, my final party was Dragoon, Assassin, and Stripper...

Okay, now for my review :3 The class-changing concept was a great idea, and it was done really well. The need for a Guard skill in combat however, is massive. I wasted so much MP and items so I could control my classes. It would also be fantastic if there was a skill, or Guard, that restores a small amount of MP. I ran out of MP and items very quickly in the final battle and it turned into an attack-fest. Maybe my class setup was less than optimal, but even so, the cost of some skills vs the total MP classes have is a touch unbalanced. 

The intro was great, the ending not so. Perhaps you're planning on expanding this game after the jam? The mapping in the game could use some improvement but isn't terrible by any means. 

Overall, a fun game with a creative concept well executed. This game could use some extra work (and a more conclusive ending) but I had a good time playing it! :)

I really enjoyed this game and am sad it wasn't longer! The puzzles themselves were pretty simple, made fun by the switching between two characters. The dialogue was good, and the story concept was intriguing. If the dev makes a longer game with this story base, I'd happily play it! Though due to the short length of this game, the story gets little playtime so that's a negative to me. 

Good job! :)

Those crazy high numbers! It was actually entertaining playing with absurdly high numbers. The skills were well done with good action sequencing, though maybe there were a few too many of them. Some of the skills I used once, noticed how weak they were compared to other skills, and never touched them again. 

I tried to pay attention to the story and dialogue, but after Harold and Lucius in the inn, I couldn't take anything seriously! XD 

Also, I found an oversight in the swamp area, right after the lost forest. When you climb the stairs, it triggers a scene and the fight against the mind embodiment. However! If you try to return like I did to save, touching either stair tile triggers the same scene and fight again.

A very similar thing happened after the heart embodiment fight. It kept looping until I picked up the soul fragment. I believe it was intentional - you have to pick up the fragment to continue, in which case don't even offer a choice. 

It's clear a lot of work went into this game, though it would benefit from - and deserves - some extra polish. Smaller things such as equipment information being too long and getting cut off so I can't actually see what the equipment is changing(Onyx Chip is a great example).  Some of the dungeon floors deserve their own maps rather than the preloaded MV maps.

Overall, it was enjoyable with loads of effort put into it. I'd love to see some updates to the project; it has a lot of potential to be an amazing game! 

Save the kitty! I'll start with what I enjoyed about this game: 

  •  Cat <3 
  • The element system was simple, effective, and added a layer of strategy to combat
  • Skills gained over time, given as needed for the upcoming fights
  •  The use of TP to augment magical skills was clever! 

There are some areas I believe could use some improvement however. The first being, your action sequencing was super slow to me. I would cut the times in half, honestly, or add a speed-up option/script. Another gripe I had was how frequently  Multi-Strike could miss. That was frustrating and could allow enemies to get in a free hit. Thankfully, it was balanced quite well and you did give some healing items at the start.

Also I did note the scrolling text at the end gets cut off, making it very difficult to read.

Overall, you did a good job and the game has some potential, however I would strongly suggest speeding up the combat a little bit to keep it more engaging :)

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed my game! It was made in the span of a massive 6 days so it makes me really happy it came together and was a good experience for someone. :) 

This was such an adorable game to play! Cute idea, well executed, with a very, very scary villain! ;) 

I played it a few times, and even when I thought I cleaned everything up, the ending message still said I cleaned 'most' of it up! Probably going to have to play again till I find what I missed...