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A member registered Oct 27, 2017 · View creator page →

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Great game especially for your first game.

Very well made first game.

I did find that it was a bit tricky to get out of pit (where you fall if you fail a jump).

Overall, a very good game.

Fun clicker-like game.

I did find that at some points the music would stop working.

Overall, very well made appart from the music thing there were no bugs.

I have nothing but praise for this game. From the number of levels and the great UI to the lack of bugs.

The only improvement that I can think of would be if you had the ablity to control the camera and turn it around to look at the levels from different angles and zoom in and out.

Very well done! This game is great.

Thank you for playing and for your feedback.

All of  the issues that you have mentioned are things that I would like to work if/when I take this game further after the game jam and in any other games that I make so thank you for pointing some of them out.

Good Job. Well made game, that is, for me at any rate, the perfect amount of difficulty on the first and second level. The third level seemed to be impossible, because once I had got the pattern of the flamethrowers down, the enemy slime in the middle got stuck right at the end.

Overall well done. The choice of music was good and helped give the game a nice puzzle theme.

Good idea. I think it could do with some polishing. e.g. making it so the cars fit onto the grid a bit easier.

I think this would work well as a moblie game.

Well done. It's a very addictive game, which I couldn't stop playing until I had beaten all of the difficulties!

Thank you for playing.

The vaporwave effect was an unintentional side effect of the art and other aspects that I had chosen - I hadn't noticed until you pointed it out.

I am a fan of clicker games and this was very well made. It had some good extra parts added on to the basic clicker model, like having your slimes do different tasks and having multiple currencies is such a good idea for this type of game.

Good Job!

Very well made! The game had an almost professional look and feel to it.

Only one issue, as someone who is colour blind, I found that the colour of the slime for A and S was very similar and hard to tell the difference between. However, this was mostly fixed by the key prompts on the wall.

Overall, a Great Game. Good Job!

Thank you for playing and for the feedback.

Graphics are something that is somewhat lacking in my skill set and something I would like to improve.

Thank you for playing and for the feedback.

Interesting that you said level 2 was harder than 3, something for me to look into.

Thank you for the feedback and for playing my game.

I will definitely look into working on this game after the jam.

If I'd had more time then showing how many cubes reached the end rather than just saying 5 would have been at the top of my list of features to add.

Thank you for playing the game and for the feedback.

I really like the pixel look and the sound design was good. I do think the game was a bit too grindy.

Overall a well built game. Well Done.

I really liked the game's aesthetic and how addictive it is, trying to finish the level in the fewest moves possible.

The only real improvement I can see is the adding of more levels.

Apart from that the game is really cool. Good Job.

Great game although I was unable to beat it. One thing I will say is that sometimes there would be a point that I could not progress any further because the next jump was impossible.

Did a very good job of being both sad and happy, well done.

Loved the graphics and the music/sounds. I am impressed with how many levels you were able to make, good job! As a dyslexic, I found the font you used on the game's page really hard to read.

Great game! Loved the retro feel.

I really loved this game!

Very well made, good job! I liked this take on the theme.

I love the concept. Good job.

This was fun! I really liked the mechanic of destroying yourself to progress.

It gives almost a retro feel. It was very fun making the last dash to the pyramid with only 10 health!

Very addictive and I really like the aesthetic. I was unable to hear any sounds or music.

I really like the way you interpreted the theme in your setting.

Does the game need to be made in Unity or can it be made elsewhere e.g. Construct 3 or The Unreal Engine?