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A member registered Jan 02, 2023 · View creator page →

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Our influences creep in in all the little details. But it came out great! In fact my main gripe with Warning Forever was that the arena was too small, and the bosses eventually got so massive that it was almost impossible to maneuver around their body. This game doesn't have that issue, and I could easily see you even possibly implementing a similar kind of "Learns from the player" system if you continue to develop this to make it a true spiritual successor!

I like the idea of swapping out skills and trying new movesets. The deer enemy and the main character both had neat designs.

I found some unintentional fun in choosing the cartwheel, and getting behind the enemy, and then cartwheeling backwards into them over and over, which was more than enough to outdamage the boss. I wasn't a huge fan of how some attacks would launch them into the air so high, mostly because it meant extra time waiting for them to come down. But if they fell faster it could be a fun mechanic to play around with.

The platforming on the boss was neat.

Overall some good ideas, but very unfinished.  Some neat gameplay that can be experimented with and expanded upon!

Very enjoyable game. Music, sound, visuals and atmosphere were there. The game was challenging, but fair, and I got quite far! (Though I had played Shmups before.)

If the bosses were randomly generated, seriously awesome. I mean, it's awesome either way with some killer designs and fun bullet patterns. Reminded me of an old game called Warning Forever where you would face similar kind of robots which learned from you and got stronger each time.

Overall solid game that I would play again! Only nitpick is that the controls were somewhat confusing. The bomb button was not labeled appropriately, and I was confused at what "Shot 2, Shot 3" were representing.

Loved it! Engaging and fun all the way through! Loved the zany characters, music, and hints of story.

Game was responsive, and felt pretty fair (if a little on the easy side) Would definitely not mind seeing a full version of this!

Not much was explained, I found it overall confusing. I'm not sure I was able to play since it is an online game. But when I entered the arena I saw a blank screen.  My boss also just kinda slid out of existence and I couldn't get it back.

Very ambitious and cool concept. But overall pretty buggy and confusing.

I'm not sure what was going on with the story- there was a god and then I was a furry, and hardstyle was involved. The bossfight itself was very chaotic and confusing, and I'm not sure if I had a health bar at all. Eventually the boss got stuck in a corner shooting and jumping and vibrating and I could take him out, then the game abruptly ended.

I enjoyed the visuals. It was a bit too zoomed in before entering the boss area, but I loved how the lights turned on slowly while the dialog was going. The characters were kinda grungy but cool. The music was nice.

The music was great, and the moment when the elevator opened with the music was satisfying. I enjoyed the boss blob guy as well.

Unfortunately I can't say much about the gameplay. Not a lot was communicated well. I saw that there were cards and there was a real-time system, but wasn't sure how to play my cards, what the restrictions were. Sometimes pressing space played a card, sometimes it didn't. The feedback and strategy just wasn't there and I ended up just mashing space over and over again to play whatever card was available until I got bored.

Kudos for attempting a multiplayer game, I assume the theme of exchange was somewhere in the co-op gameplay.

It definitely has got da booba.

The sound effects and music gave it a very eerie vibe. The noises the enemies make are quite haunting! It overall felt like a very isolating and desolate experience.

I expected that the game would just throw one enemy at a time at me, but was pleasantly surprised when the enchantress showed up and spawned a whole group of enemies!

I wasn't sure what the difference between the spells was. I figured out that blue had an AoE attack, so it was basically mandatory when the horde of enemies came. In that way the red spell is the only good spell against a single target, and the blue one the only good one when there are many enemies. Using the blue spell was satisfying though.

The combat was pretty shallow, consisting of running away/around enemies and blasting. The healthbar broke partway through and while I was testing to see if the boss enemy was actually dealing damage, I got killed.

Definitely not the worst I've played in this jam. Had some fun moments and atmosphere to it.

I enjoy the gloomy aesthetic and art style, the character also looks nice, and the story is good as far as I played, though I think it was a bit long-winded with the exposition text.

The boss was way too difficult, and the controls weren't tight enough for such unforgiving windows to dodge the spikes. There was a significant delay on attacking, and the extra momentum after you stop moving makes it very easy to be stuck in place and get hit- or slide into the spikes while they're active. The projectile the boss fires often comes from off-screen making it very easy to get hit by as well.

Looked nice- solid boss design, kept me engaged even though I was playing solo and lost a number of times. The hitboxes for the player seemed a bit too large for me, coupled with movement that was slightly unresponsive made taking hits feel undeserved quite often. But overall fun, and I'm sure the co-op aspect was great, though I couldn't test it-

Some fun concepts! Even though it is a scratch game it ended up being simple, but enjoyable short experience. I enjoy the idea of taking the boss' weapons, and though they were low budget the insect bosses looked nice. Plus some solid design on the boss' attack patterns! Nicely done.

The game looks nice enough, the spritework, animations and backgrounds were all pleasant. I was initially confused since the game controls with the arrow keys and not WASD, while the menus were operated with the mouse. The lack of any sound was definitely noticeable and made the experience very flat.

The levels were pretty flat level-design wise, and enemies were not fun to fight, since your attack range is so low with the sword and the gun is so weak as to be completely unusable. There was also not great feedback from taking hits, and I often didn't notice it. I ended up avoiding most enemies.

There were some points where the game loaded for a noticeably long time, freezing in the meantime. There were also bugs where enemies would 'vibrate' at the edges of slopes, and other animation and gameplay bugs (Death animation playing over and over on respawn, dash simply not functioning sometimes)

It goes without saying that there were no bosses and the theme of 'exchange' was not present either. It needs work, but looks nice enough that there is some potential.

The controls felt a little floaty- my character would slide a little bit forward even after releasing the button. That being said, the way he shuffles around was quite endearing, and the music was very pleasant, as well as the visuals being simple, but nice as well.

The game was overall confusing, mostly the UI. After clearing a room I wandered around for a bit before realizing I had to go to the elevator again, and there was no clear way to advance up the floors.  I often was confused while in menus, unsure of what was selected, or how to proceed (especially the "advance floor" ui in the elevator.)

I switched to the pistol and found it very underwhelming, unsatisfying to use, compared to the standard laser weapon.

I like the art style, and the visual flair is there. I enjoy the different attack and counter animations. However there is not a lot of gameplay present. Facing an AI means that there's no real strategy to the moves you choose, as you have no idea what random move the computer will do. If it were PvP it might have some merit, but not much beyond the classic Rock-Paper-Scissors. The music and sounds are also very loud.

It looks good and functions, so that is definitely a plus, especially for a solo project!