I've been playing and rating all afternoon, might as well keep at it. I'd be happy for some of you to play my entry too :)
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How the hell does this have only 10 ratings so far. This is amazing. Hands down one of the, if not the best game so far. Dude this is a great concept. Great design. The simplicity is exactly what it needs. I love it. Give me more. I want to play that like seriously the next few days and weeks. Please keep working on this.
That is incredible. Good job on getting such a polished game in one week. This is absolutely amazing. I would have played the whole evening if I could. One thing I would change possibly is having manual upgrades somehow. That would have got me playing even longer. But that is complaining on a very high level.
This takes me back to the good old flash games. I felt 10 again. I always play Tower Defenders too. This looks great. It's not that much of a challenge to win, but that could be tweaked really quickly I think. This is a great game :)
Edit: If you continue this, I would add more infos about the towers, right in game. I have awful memory and did not remember what each tower did :D
Finished playing your game and didn't even realize how the time passed. Exactly what you want from a game. Had a lot of fun. The game looks great. Really jam-packed (pun intended) with features and content for one week of development. Great work overall :) I don't know if it is intended but it was fun, but I was able to fly by pressing the space bar repeatedly a certain way. Just added to the whimsical feel of it all :)
As someone who loves Tetris, I love this just as much. What a great idea. Fun design although I would prefer a more polished look, but it has a vibe nonetheless. The lack of rotation is an interesting challenge, but I would like to see how it plays out with more tactical placement. But it is veryy fun :)
Thanks for playing and the great detailed feedback. I agree on the progression. Typical game jam crunch. I had more planned. I added the upgrade points at the end of the jam, because I didn't have the time to implement a way of earning skill points, yet had already implemented the basic upgrade system. It was more of a placeholder, so you could see how the system worked :D
Glad you enjoyed the choice of music. I was going for the juxtaposition of destroying the city but with a jolly backdrop. I also had sfx for destroying the houses, but the music is too loud so you can't hear them if your not zoomed all the way in.
I will keep all this in mind and learned a lot for my next game jam through this experience :)
I made it. You really caught me with this. I was determined to get to the end. I liked the challenge even though it was somewhat frustrating at times. I don't know if I would have made the same choice of having the player replay the puzzle part of the level each time. Otherwise I really like the vibe (calm puzzling and platforming under pressure). Really enjoyed myself. I agree with some others, that the player controller and collision detection could be a bit better, as I missed a few jumps or got caught on ledges, but it was kind of part of the challenge too, even though it might not be intended. Just makes it a bit more frustrating :D
Edit: I also really like the fourth wall moving of blocks instead of pushing it around with the player controller. Opens up new possibilities for puzzles :)

Fun twist, with the difficulty. I like the character design a lot too. I played it a bit but got frustrated quite quickly as the hit boxes of everything are not that great. I got caught by the shadows or at the edge of the blocks quite frequently without standing near it. Also in the last level there is kind of a leap of faith, where the camera doesn't show where you have to go. That made me ragequit, sorry for that
I really like the idea of trying to survive on a map with ever dwindling possibilities of protecting yourself. The collapsing buildings are really cool. Good job. The movement is really sensitive and the mouse doesn't get focused. It was a bit jarring, as well as the meteors being veeeery loud. But those are just minor things. I liked how you interpreted the theme :)
Fun interactions/dialogues. Integrated the assets very well. It's nice to explore the castle and piece the events together. Maybe a few more hidden clues could have been more rewarding but that is very very picky. The only kind of flaws I can think of are, that the movement when you switch from screen to screen can be a bit jarring, as you change the orientation/direction of the player. I had a few cases, where the screen was flickering, because I kept switching screens. Also there was a bug when I was arranging the keywords, where the Barbarian field just disappeared. So I couldn't solve it in the end. But still great game :) I feel like the theme is very loosely connected though.
Small Scale Age of Empire. I enjoyed it. As you said yourself it is loosely connected to the theme but nonetheless a good game.
In WebGL the clicks were not always registering correctly or lagging behind (dragging) which made it a bit tricky to play at times.
I agree with 3D mango that the capturing was not introduced very well. I was wondering why I didn't win when I killed all enemy units in the last level, but I had to capture. Also upgrading could have been explained more prominently.
Yet again, I could see myself playing more levels if there were more to come :)
I had a lot of fun. This game is right up my alley. There is still a bit of confusion. The storm never comes? Or did I misunderstand.
Also the draw card wasn't working after I drew a few cards. After loosing and restarting, there were issues with paths and tiles being changed that shouldn't be changed. But I gotta stress I reaaaalllyy liked this game. Would love to play it a bit more fleshed out too :)
I like the game. It's fun to play and looks and feel decent. I could totally see me playing a bit more polished version of this in my free time casually.
I had to try a few times after dying instantly the first 2-3 times, because I wasn't sure what gave me how much many and stuff. More explanation of the plants would help that.
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