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A member registered Feb 08, 2022 · View creator page →

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Very innovative and unique mechanics, Amazing art style, very well done sounds. Also merged with a story. Amazing piece of art! I am hugely insprired and impressed!

Thank you so much for your very detailed feedback! I added those to my feedback list for future development.

I definitely need to figure it out more about setting up volume values in Gdevelop, Because I always had a struggle to find optimal sound levels for different devices. I guess I can do a workaroud by doing a sound settings menu. Another thing for repair spamming, yeah I definitely should put limitation for repeated repair attempts.

Yes you are right, blocks doesn't get unstable faster over the time or blocks doesn't get unstable at the same time. It was a concious choice that I didn't follow that path, because I thought it was very obvious choice and I also wanted to increase difficulty with a more creative way. Also most importantly I didn't wanted to player feel they are losing against the game. if over the time blocks started to fall faster and faster, it would create a feeling to player "game is winning ".  Generally difficulty topic is a hard one, Im happy If I made the players think "I can't see" rather than "game become hard".

But I might be wrong! thats why the feedbacks are valuable and always should be taken seriously for further development. Thanks again! and gg for the highscore!

Damn wabbits! they ate all of my tower! Very nice stacking game with a twist! Well done!

Very good defense game. I love it!

Very interesting game. I would love to see it more of it.

Very cool game.

Nice concept

Very cool platformer!

(1 edit)

Thank you so much! I actually did many days ago, but did't left a comment. very good game.

It is very very good game. I love the games throw you in a situation and you need to figure it out by yourself. well done!

Very cool game.

Impressive work. easy to understand, challeging to progress, but very enjoyful to play. I love it. Good job!

Amazing art style. Love the balance mechanic for the conversation. well done!

oh wow changing the gravity and stacking according to gravity's orientation is really a good mechanic. Love it!

Love the art style and sounds. well done!

I liked the concept, but I didn't understand what to do

I played till level 5 and it took me 13 tries to pass the first level! Level designs are really good. And I love how gameplay is old school style. You just need to fail to learn what to do next. well done!

I always wanted to be a tyre! :P Trying to balance between speed and control was a good challenge. I love the level design.

I always wanted to be a tyre! :P Trying to balance between speed and control was a good challenge. I love the level design.

Thanks! I am happy you played my game :)

Thank you so much! I'm happy that I managed catch that aesthetic and gameplay!

this is seriously amazing work. I am so impressed!

Thanks for playing! I'm happy you enjoyed. 

Thank you so much for those lovely words!

Wow! This is very impressive game! Good job!

Very relaxing platformer. I like it.

It was very relaxing. I enjoyed very much.

Congrats for the highest score! And thank you for your kind words! I am so happy you liked sunset is happening over the time.

Thanks for playing my game :)

Thank you so much!

Thank you so much!

Thank you for your kind words

I'm so happy you liked it! Thanks for playing! 

it is really funny and it show it has been worked well.

Good work.

I like to concept and I want to see more of it! good work.

This game definetly has some potential

Very good cute little platformer. I liked the level of challenge it gives. well done!

it is really an impressive work. well designed!