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A member registered Feb 06, 2023 · View creator page →

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Refreshing important information:

2 Important Notes:


1. There is a bug : collect sunlight button doesn't reshow between days. 

The solution is to collect water first (or go underground and back)  and button should pop up again. 

Note that during rain or storm no sunshine will spawn

2.  Fall season might me too hard due to small amount of sunshine avaible.              

I suggest lowering difficulty setting for this season.

You can do this by clicking escape in game

Thank you very much for valuable feedback!

Really great game, i loved the graphics audio and gameplay, i really see nothing bad in it, great job to you and the team!

Refreshing important information:

2 Important Notes:


1. There is a bug : collect sunlight button doesn't reshow between days. 

The solution is to collect water first (or go underground and back)  and button should pop up again. 

Note that during rain or storm no sunshine will spawn

2.  Fall season might me too hard due to small amount of sunshine avaible.              

I suggest lowering difficulty setting for this season.

You can do this by clicking escape in game

Damn, i don't know how to pin this, but it's known bug and the solution is simple: collect sun button reappears after going for the water.

Thanks for valuable feedback. 

I will check out your project in a moment or so.

Graphics are lovely, and SUPERB job with auto-generated dungeon. It must have been hard to program. Our team also made all the assets from scratch. We know it's a lot of work. I appreciate it!

I love that you made every asset from scratch. Our team decided to do the same. It's a lot of work.

Interesting idea with tornadoes. I managed to get a highscore of 590! There is a lot of things to polish but I like your game :)

Simple idea, great art! Reincarnation mechanic really fits the theme.

I am astonished by the fact you made this game in 3 days. For me the the game is a little too hard (I am a noob). Gameplay is very fun, but it could fit the theme more.

I am very glad that you wanted to experience the full game. 

That's the reason why we added difficulty setting. It was a spontaneous idea and, luckily, it paid off.

Yea, I wanted to use Unity URP lighting. It didn't work out and I didn't remove it. I didn't want to risk by removing it at the end of our crunch.

Now we can't modify our files, but thanks a lot for the tip

I feel you. If you experience bad RNG after some time, but want to play on, feel free to lower difficulty settings (in pause menu) till next sunrise.

We were aware of brutal RNG so we added adjustable difficulty settings, but remember:

Nature can be brutal too...

Because our game file is huge and downloading takes a while,


We made literally all assets the assets used. (Including 15 minute OST which is lit)

We used nature theme, game is relaxing and you can adjust difficulty to easly go through entire game. 

Try our game Regrow and I might check out yours!

Here is my game. The file is quite heavey but is worth downloading.

It's not the best made but i liked the idea and was pretty fun

Pretty cool and enjoyable to play through the stories you make yourself

Amazing game, very fun and the graphics look good, fits the theme perfectly and the music is fitting too, you were definitely right about the difficulty too and i enjoyed the cutscenes

the art was great, and the moment you collect the diamond took me off guard and was really well made

The game is solid i fairy enjoyed it, i don't like the audio too much, but the idea is very fun and cute

The game is very charming and fun, i find the zombies pointless but i guess that's preference, the audio gets annoying at some point, nonetheless very good and creative

The game is great, i really liked playing through the whole thing, the combat is smooth i found no bugs and it kept being fun the whole way, the art is great too 

The game was pretty good but i couldn't seem to hit any enemies, might be a skill issue judging by the other comments, other than that i really liked the sprites and the audio and movement really fit

Definitely not the easiest with the ammo being scarce, but other than that and the audio being standard, yet kinda scary, the game is fun and i love the graphics

Cool gameplay, will play more in the future. We also used nature theme.

Read comments before playing our game.

Thank you very much. I appreciate your feedback. We thought it would be funny to make players figure out what can/should they do.

Me and my team worked on this game whole week. We crunched yesterday pretty hard. Our game is relaxing, you are playing as a plant.    

We made a adjustable difficulty settings and our composer created 15-minute OST. 

The only problem is that our projects weighs a lot, but I can guarantee it is worth downloading.


I am SUPER proud of my team's work. Our game is complete, we have 15min OST and original graphics. Gamelay is relaxing and difficulty is adjustable. I am worried that people won't download and test our game because of its huge size (idk why it's so big). 

Game Jam was an interesting experience. I have never worked so much during one week period.  

Also my Unity skills have improved by A LOT.

Here's our game: REGROW

It weighs a lot but it's worth downloading. Read the comment

Me and my team worked on this game whole week. We crunched yesterday pretty hard. Our game is relaxing, you are playing as a plant.    

We made a adjustable difficulty settings and our composer created 15-minute OST. 

The only problem is that our projects weighs a lot, but I can guarantee it is worth downloading.


Damn... I have never been a fan of top-down survivals, but your game is exceptional.

I like it.

The game could be a little bit longer, but I liked it

Fall season might me too hard due to small amount of sunshine avaible.              I suggest lowering difficulty setting for this season.                                                        You can do this by clicking escape in game

(1 edit)

There is a bug : collect sunlight button doesn't reshow between days. 

The solution is to collect water first (or go underground and back)  and button should pop up again. 

Note that during rain or storm no sunshine will spawn

Superb game in my opinion. Very fun gameplay, cool mechanics, no glitches and very instructive tutorial. The only thing missing is audio and pause menu.

The game is unfortunely laggy for me, but still playable. I am sorry that you ran out of time.

The idea of being a sniper is really cool.


Uh oh. I checked the game again you are right.

 The button for collecting sunlight doesn't reshow. 

This is the effect of my late night debugging session. 

I was fixing the bug where you could infinitely collect sun after going underground and back. 

Now the collect sunlight button doesn't reshow between days. 

The solution is to collect water first (or go underground and back)  and button should pop up again. 

I am terribly sorry for overlooking this bug. I hope it doesn't stop anyone from enjoying our game.

Thank you very much. The lack of sunshine is planned mechanic which occurs during rain or storm. It makes game really hard during Fall season. I suggest adjusting difficulty to discover everything this game has to offer.

You can pause your game and access difficulty settings by hitting escape. 

You have to discover the rest of rules and mechanics.

I have no idea why the file is so big, but I can guarantee this game is worth downloading.
