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A member registered Apr 29, 2019 · View creator page →

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115 000 points !!! i really like the use of the theme and the limitation, big gg to you *clap clap clap*

alternativ story, we are a bar of soap floating around trying the dodge shuriken monsters and infamous killing walls and rocks, wandering around trying the get parts to repair a spaceship :p

really shliked it, i hoped for more random cards but this is already very impressiv, i sure hope that if you get far enough in the game you get a healing card bc i was missing it and the washing machine killed me :(((

big gg

thanks, we put a lof of effort into it, blender is so hard to work with without experience lol, youtube is my best friend xD

yeah, well, steam locomotive turned out to be the least original idea for this jam lol :p

is isnt wil west, it is the wild styx, the river separatin the world of the living from the kingdom of the dead, however, the styx got dry and is now an infinite desert for some reason :p

thanks :) to be fair, this isnt our first rodeo so we decided to challenge ourselves with 3D again :)

omg, i really like it, idk how  i got the short range weapon but i liked it better than the gun, anyway, really good job, really like the steam boiler crabe thing ennemi design <3

completelly in the theme, respectful of the limitation, graphics, gameplay and sound design are great, not gonna lie, it is one of the greatest game i've playing during this jam :) gg

i really like the binding of  isaac, i can smell the inspiration LoLiLoLz, i think i killed the red boss, not sure, because it teleported me to another level, i think, not sure, lol

nice game

not gonna lie, i expected a little more diversity among levels but it is a nice jam entry, also try to compile it for a window a little bigger, this was tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny  on my browser :)


i dont know who i am, i dont know where i am, all i know, is i must kill !! bam bam boom pew pew !!

i didnt really understand the part involving steam and getting new parts, however i did what the robots told me to do, will i get spaired by skynet ? o_O

i really like the pixel arts, i expected a pokemon like game judging by the screenshot lol :) nice entry 

omg this is so cool, omg this is so hard, i couldnt finish the level 5 even in train mode, you are insane if you believe any human could complete that :)

omg this is so cool, omg this is so hard, i couldnt finish the level 5 even in train mode, you are insane if you believe any human could complete that :)

it is very fun, controls a bit weird regarding gravity applied on the character but other than that, i really enjoyed it, i dont deserve a C rank tho, i'm at leaaaaast S tier :)

dude, the story was sooooo long i couldn't make it to the end i'm sorry x) i shliked the deaths ??? .. tho, you iz doing me a funny :)

okkkkkkk took me a long time to realize i had to actually make a full stop in stations to pick up ghosts, however, when i figured it out, i couldn't to thought montains in tunnels and every now and then my train would get dismentled on an intersection soooo yeah, safe to say, my lil ghosty ghosts didnt really get to there destination :p

i'm just neat picking, this is a cool game, :)

damn son, nice music and sound effects, the core gameplay is a nice type of puzzle and well done on the animations of the main character bubble boi, even tho you are trying to make me believe it is vapor ;)

i'm sorry i couldnt play your game, it looks like you uploaded a c3p file and this is soooo not an executable  :( sorry budy

hey hey, tonight it the last night for trying out and voting for others projects, i'll try to play as much as possible tonight, enjoy playing our game too :)

(1 edit)

me big dumb, got stuck after the fire thing xD and if you die there, you need to start from the beginning :(

good game tho :p

i fell out of the world and i kept falling,  please help

the idea was simple but nice i suppose but DAMN the controls !! i felt like driving a 50 Tons truck :|

Great concept and fun to play! The frustration when you need 1more mm to get through something ^^. Great entry in th jam

i like killing things, i liked your game, i would like to you kill you :)

the game is still full of bug sadly, i got stuck at the wall with black on the left and white on the right, i get how i'm suppoed to get up but didnt manage to do it ahah, rage quit

Fun concept, what isn't so funny is that the characters easily desync. Good game overall. Good job.

very fun, repetitive quite early but fun none the less, i'm impressed by the graphics beyond anything else !

dude, i dont get it, ok, i'm supposed to kill the colored blops, but i mean, am i supposed to mix colors ? shoot them to hurt them and change color ? how do i kill the orange, purple or even green ones ? Over all i just, dont, get it. could be fun, if i had a tutorial or something, to be continued i guess ? :

i got bored after killing a few bad guys, some of them didnt even attack me i felt bad for killing them :( nice game tho, music is really good if you made it yourself :)

Awesome game, the concept is fun and well implemented, the art is unique, (maybe tune down the noise filter a little ?). Great job !

dude,  you had to compressed it and send the hwole compiled file, windows says "missing DLL file" :(