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CarrionView game page

Open source Godot arcade game
Submitted by Josep Valls, N.S. Dawn, ch3ckpo1nt, atumemot — 58 minutes, 2 seconds before the deadline
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Ranked from 30 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Nice game! I feel like it would be fun for the game to end after the 5 levels and report a total final score, so it has more replayability :) or when the levels start cycling, there could be more enemies for more difficulty. Also the decay shader is super cool and very well done! 


Thanks for the feedback, those are definitely things we had in mind but ran out of time. Your feedback gives us an additional incentive to keep working on this project. Thanks!

Submitted (1 edit)

I was really charmed by this game. I like the little worm fellows body movement and thought that the eating noises were pretty satisfying! I thought that there possibly could've been a slightly more engaging form of interaction between the player and the enemies because most of the time they felt a little too easy to avoid. Otherwise this was awesome!



Nice, I like the effect visually and the SFX are cute. The enemies would get stuck in the wall a lot. lol felt like a loop after a few levels. I really like the idea. Had a fun time munching, the art was really cool!


Very cozy game vibe, I love it ! I encountered a few bugs bug nothing dramatic. The game might just need more content for difficulty around the last levels. heads Up !

its a very cute and charming game, i like the idea and the style, it gets a bit repetitive but all around i like it 


Sadly I got stuck in the rocks on level 3, with the rabit RIP ˘-˘, so I had to quit and restart my progress.
The games was pretty fun, chill music nice graphics.


I have complicated feelings about this game. I do like it, but there are a good handful of pretty core structural problems that leave me wishing it was... more. I'll start with my critiques:

- It got quite repetitive quite quickly.  I appreciate the idea of it being a score chaser, but there simply isn't enough variation in the 10 levels you've made to justify infinitely looping them. Also, calling them levels kept making me think there was a proper end that I just wasn't hitting. I finally gave up on Level 22 having not even gotten close to dying.

- The only enemy that posed any sort of threat was the other worms, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. But if the idea is to lose/die eventually, either they needed to kill you faster, or the other enemies needed to be more aggressive/threatening. I literally never got hit by the beetles because if you just stay away from them a little bit they won't attack you. This is all okay at the start, but once levels start looping your lose condition needs to get easier to hit because otherwise you're just playing indefinitely.

- Objects start to decay a little too quickly. I appreciate that you don't have to eat every molecule of every object, but I just walked straight through them and they started their final decay almost instantly, giving me no reason to stick around. I know they give more score, but I stopped caring about that pretty quickly with everything else I mentioned. If they didn't start dissolving before they hit, say, 40% eaten or something, that would have made it slightly more interesting in my opinion.

- If it is a score-chaser, there should really be a final indication of your score on the game over screen or somewhere. Even if your score accumulated through levels instead of resetting to 0 after every level, that would have gone a long way to making the grind feel more worthwhile.

Now for the stuff I did like:

- The graphics were wonderful, and the animal carcasses especially were really satisfying to watch dissolve. The skeletons underneath was a nice touch as well.

- It fits the theme very well, not the wildest interpretation but often for jams those end up being some of the least common because no one wants to do the "obvious" thing!

- The audio was quite nice. The background music was soothing, and the sound effects really sold the whole experience.

I think with a little more time and polish this could be really exciting, I'm just a little underwhelmed by it in it's current state. I wish you the best of luck in the future :)


Thank you for the feedback! These are really great points, and we'll keep them in mind.


I really liked this, definitely one of the standouts of this jam.


I loved the worm. Crunch munch crunch munch type game goes hard. I'm sad the audio seemed to be glitched in my browser (skipping alot) because it sounded really nice when it was working. Good entry!


Nice effects for eating and fading! 
Somehow stuck in the rocks and couldn't move anymore :(


Nice work on the AI enemies 🙌


I’m glad you enjoyed the game. We had so many plans for more enemy types and more advanced AI but we ran out of time. Maybe in our next game!


Very nice relaxing game, I made it to level 14 before realizing that they repeat xd. Pretty fun game, really liked how you made the things decay automatically after a while, it would have been really frustrating to have to eat every single bit of the thing you're eating. I found a strange bug or "feature" where if you stop moving with the worm his head keeps spinning, don't know why but, yeah. Pretty solid entry!


LOL, yeah, that’s something that happens on keyboard controls, not if using the mouse, but we need to figure a solution. Frist thing on our agenda after the voting period ends, and yes, more levels! :)


Nice little game. Very addictive. I like how the path where I went through is removed and the decay effect.


That is cool concept. Love it bro.  I like the decay effect too🫡🫡


Super solid, great work and music


This game feels nostalgic. Back in the days there were "those" flash game where you played as a fish or a predator and consumed others to become bigger and bigger. "Carrion" manages to give me a similar vibe, yet has it's own unique charm. I liked the game! Good job!


I'm glad you enjoyed it! And yeah one of the first comparisons we drew was to lol.


I never thought a game about carrion could be this relaxing!


Very nice relaxing game and the use of theme is really good.  The decay effect was also nice with how the bones are all that's left after you move through them. Great game, Loved it! 


Very nice use of the theme. Looked like a nice relaxing game until i was forced to eat the bunny😢. Jokes aside it is an interesting concept and well executed good job!

Developer (1 edit)

No animals were harmed during the development of this game.


Really cool concept! I had a hard time eating the deceased animals they just looked cute standing there until I realized they were dead ahahahah. I enjoyed it a lot, great work!

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