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CONSTRUCTOBOT Training SoftwareView game page

Learn how to be the best CONSTRUCTOBOT you can be!
Submitted by Shield Does Pixels (@shielddoespixel) — 13 minutes, 9 seconds before the deadline
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Ranked from 22 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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this game was awesome! i thought that collecting all the parts would get a bit tedious, but the controls were so tight and responsive that it was just fun to play, and i had a great time the whole way through. i thought it was especially cool how the lower speed meant that i couldnt get through the conveyor belts, i didnt expect that at all!

great use of decay as a theme, i loved finding a bunch of new routes through the level. great level design, great game feel, adorable art, all around amazing game. great job, i hope this gets lots of good ratings!



I hate the controls, why no WASD :(

Still, feels polished and nice art!


Hey great game ! The movement feels really good once you get used to it. I think the levels are a bit too repetitive/long but else good job !


Pretty cool game. Nice atmosphere and I loved the changing art. But i thinks it's far too long. Having to get all parts 3 times just feels bad. The player does the level once and making him do the exact same level again is bad design in my opinion. If every level just required one robot I think it would've been a much better experience. Otherwise the first time is exciting and then it feels like a chore. But apart from that detail it was awesome! It had a cool storyline nice art and the platforming felt very satisfying once you got to your part. All in all a very good game it's just a little repetitive.


A very polished and enjoyable game. In some places it is worth making the platforms a little lower or making an indicator that tells you when the jump has reached the maximum height (there may be a sound). And in general, add a little more sounds and animations, but this is a proposal for the future, I understand that a lot of work has already been done within the jam.


I noticed that you marked changes made on 8/12 beneath your game. This means that the game provided on th website is not one made entirely within 48 hrs as the jam stipulates. Is the jam version of the game hosted somewhere so we can rate it? Currently only the modified game is linked to on your submission page.


Removing an entire feature such as double jumping seems to be doing more than just changing serious bugs such as the Fullscreen windowing scaling issue you mentioned. 


It was not a feature. It was a bug, and one that substantially interfered with the actual intended mechanics.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Honestly I think this is one of the best entries in the jam, I’m surprised it hasn’t gotten more attention. From what I gathered you’re a solo dev so I was properly shocked by how much depth the game had. I love the art and visuals, especially the idea of having the base factory and then modifying it as each stage progresses to add new challenges and give it a new playstyle. Wasn’t paying attention and almost turned it off when I realised I couldn’t boost anymore in stage 2 until I realised it was intentional and I was still able to get all the parts.

Audio is nice, jet pack noise I think was too harsh for the chill vibe of everything else. Love the personalisation with the name and the general universe and setting, great little touches and humour. Took a while for the use of the theme to sink in for me but I thought it was great between the factory itself and the robot decaying. Gameplay itself was pretty straightforward and easy to handle, bonus points for controller support.

Trying hard to find negatives rn but I never usually play platformers so I can’t think of any and didn’t notice what others have mentioned. Very well polished, fun to play, and alot of depth added in a short amount of time with clever design, really great visuals too. Right now I would have it easily in my Top 5, hope more people play this. Fantastic amount of work put in for 48 hours.


SUPER WELL MADE! loved the graphics and the use of the theme, enjoyable! could use some more instructions, or it could be me being stupid/blind, but i didn't get it the first time but second time i played it after recommendation it was great!

also a few movement bugs where u get stuck on some edges i think, only got it once and wasnt a biggie 

got 15:15 time btw


I think this is a bit of a recurring issue, pressing X on the cutscenes instantly skips the whole thing. The first terminal cutscene contains most of the dialogue explaining how the game works, but I've seen more than a handful of people skip it because X (on controller) is the advance text button, so they're on the same line. Totally reasonable to be confused, but I'm glad you figured it out!


The art is beatiful! I love the character designs, the robot is so cute!!! To take the powerups away from the player is not only a great way to incorporate the theme in the gameplay, its also a cool twist on most platformers, where you normally would gain abilities.

One negative thing is that you have to assemble 3 Robots per level, which gets a bit stale, but a great game nonetheless!


Cool concept. Losing your powers as the levels progress. I think 3 robots per level is too much, you already got to every part once, proving your skill, now you have to do it twice more? ˘-˘
Otherwise fun game.


unfortunately the game does get repetitive very fast


Oooh, I love the mood you set!

As someone who plays/makes too many platformers, let me begin with my biggest complaint. The timing on the double jump. Forcing the second jump to be before the apex of your jump just feels awful. I believe the timing is this way due to the hovering mechanic in the first 2 levels, but I was genuinely struggling at time to make the character double jump the way I wanted them too, even long after the hovering mechanic was removed.  Honestly, that might be my only complaint.

These aren't complaints, but a series of neutral thoughts. I thought it was strange that all objects except screws required you to press a button while standing on them to pick them up. The wind sound effect had a very noticeable looping point. I found it funny that the conveyors never broke down in this place. Everything may be falling apart, but those conveyors are holding on strong.

You know I enjoy a good speedrun game, and I love how you added a timer. My time was 9:06, but I also spent like, 4 minutes failing to collect a single screw in the final level.

The background changing over time is fantastic, and I love the character decaying as well. The art is delightful.

I love how you open the game with a suite of movement tech, and narratively take them away. It's a great use of the theme, and it sets up the story so well. Poor little robot, still trying their best despite the circumstances.

I like how you use the player's name in a lot of the storytelling segments.

All around, this was a great game! Nice work.

I love platformers! What a fun little game too. Built well for speedrunning, solid mood, and is visually stellar. In terms of specific things I would adjust or change; the map gets really stale after a while. The variations on mechanical availability and platform placement help, and I understand that the core tenet of the game is that the map stays (essentially) the same, but it does need a bit more I think. Maybe an escape sequence at the very end where you leave the workshop into the "real world"? Secondly, the double-jump and hover being bound to the same button feels very awkward. There were several situations where I would be on the downswing of the first jump, go in for a double jump, and then hover because I was technically following. I would personally say that going all in on either double jump OR hover would be a better solution here (mostly because I think the hover is kind of redundant compared to the double jump - I used it WAAAY less), or bind the hover to a separate button. Finally - and this is more a personal gripe - some of the particle effects felt really out of place? Like, I couldn't deposit at the other white particle orbs but I didn't really think there was a mechanical purpose for them either? IDK, maybe there is and me skipping the intro cutscene by accident caused me to miss it.

Overall, very solid entry, barring a few very minor complaints! Congratulations on finishing under the deadline!


Thanks for playing! Definitely agree on the map variation, the tradeoff was absolutely between gameplay and atmosphere and I leaned more towards atmosphere, though obviously I would have loved to do both given the time. An escape level definitely would be interesting too! The double jump is actually a "bug" that I found pretty early on as a consequence of the relatively generous coyote time, hence why it's not mentioned in the controls and is "mapped" to the same button as hover. I left it in because it can really speed up some of the later levels but I didn't want it to be a core mechanic either. The white particles that aren't a part of the dropoff location are actually just the spawn locations of the core items, though I definitely see how that could be confusing. Another thing I went back and forth on and eventually decided to leave as-is. I'm glad you enjoyed it overall :)