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A member registered Jan 15, 2018 · View creator page →

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That was really good! I 100%ed it, really nice sense of progression, the final ship was cool :)

Great take on the theme! It's fun, I could totally see these mechanics expanded into a full game

Great take on the theme! It's fun, I could totally see these mechanics expanded into a full game

Good idea, that was executed well. Good job!

Cool game, good concept that was done well, good job!

Good game, cool idea that was executed really well, good job!

Cool game, cool concept that was done well, good job!

Cool game, good idea that was executed well, nice art, good job!

Cool game, good idea done well, good job!

Really cute idea, executed well with good art and music, good job!

Fun game, cute idea that uses the theme well, with good art, good job!

Fun game, good use of the theme, I liked the art, good job!

Fun game, good use of the theme, good job!

Fun game, cool idea that was a good use of the theme, good job!

Cool game, best snake based game I've played, great job!

Wow, great game. Very clever use of the theme, implemented so well. Great Job! 

Really cool game, great idea that fits the theme well. Good job!

Cool game, good way to use the theme, good job!

Cool game, really good use of the theme, great job!

Super fun game, great use of the theme. Very impressive amount of content and polish in such a short time, good job!

Cool game, great use of the theme, good job!

Cool idea, great use of the theme, good job!

Cool game, nice way to use the theme, good job!

Someone else also commented that it also crashed for them, but other people said it does work, and it works on the 2 PCs I've tested on, so I'm not sure how to fix it other than just using the downloadable versions, sorry!

Fun game, good use of the theme, good job!

Cool use of the theme. Fun game, good job!

Super impressive, really creative use of the theme, it's very polished. I like that there's multiple endings. Good Job!

Yes there's 3 groups of lines he can say, changing at 25% and 60% patience. Sorry it crashed for you, glad you liked it though! 

Super fun game! Really cool use of the theme. Loved the art on the necromancer. Good job!

Good take on the theme, I liked the dialogue, good job!

Super fun! Very nice visuals and music, impressive that you did this in 2 days, good job!

Cool game! Very nice visuals, and good use of the theme, good job!

Cool game, cool idea that's very well executed, well done!

Cool idea, uses the theme well and was fun to play, good job!

Fun puzzles, with good art at music, great job!

Good use of the theme, well implemented with a cool aesthetic, good job! 

Cool idea that was well executed, it was fun helping Bakito get rich!

Great game! Good idea that was executed well.

Great game! Cool idea that was very well executed.