The wall climb mechanics are interesting.
I can't go very far because I can't escape a flying enemy following every room.
I'm not sure this flying enemy chase want the player to run fast to avoid or hide at somewhere.
This is a very great game.
I have not finished every room yet, but I enjoy playing this game so far.
The visuals are very pretty and cute art style. but the sprite edge seems pixelated is it on purpose?
The game is platformer-metroidvania the control feels very good! well done for the platformer sections.
Some of the puzzles need more visual indication.
for example the lever that needs the player to throw a lance to trigger.
first time I thought I need to dash pass because I just got the dash unlock. maybe making the spike longer than the dash range helps.
The save point should refill some health, especially in the early game when the player doesn't have the heal yet it feels unforgiving because most of the time player will take damage from the environment (or just my skill issue)
It's hard to see where the player is on the map, maybe need to use a bigger player icon.
Overall nice game! looking forward to the future update.
Very polished game! I enjoy playing it.
The movement is very good the griping hook mechanic and level design are very well designed
The combat is fun I like the decision to not put contact damage on most of the enemy love it.
I found the bug when dash but did not press any direction or up direction the character sprite will disappear, but did not affect the gameplay, the sprite comeback when started walking.
Anyway Great work!
I really like the combat and feel of it, animation and sound fit together very well.
The art style very nice and unique, animation is very smooth
The combat feels satisfy when attacking an enemy, but need more visual feedback when taking damage from an enemy (animation, flashing, knockback, etc.)
The control some move can combine with the direction button instead of using separate key, like can use
"down" + "jump" = dropdown the platform
"up + attack" for uppercut,
"down + attack (on air)" = stomp
it will make a move set easy to remember and perform.
keep up the good work, I would love to see more in the future!
Very nice visuals the audio is very good.
I like the animation, scene, background, color scheme, enemy design, a good use of post-processing
The control is slippery at some platforms and slopes, and the knockback from an attack is too high.
The locked door before the dash upgrade and the lever are fine for putting far apart but it's less visually related, if the lever has the same color or has the same symbol should be better. because when I switch the lever I have no idea what happens until I recheck the dash upgrade room.
Overall the game looks nice and polished well done!
Good looking entry!
The visuals are nice the cowboy theme is interesting and art style is very unique, and the audio fits the theme as well.
I like the level design of the game the game mechanics are designed very well.
The UIs have the cooldown for the ability it's very good, it's nice to have mini map but it's a bit too small.
Control: the player character can fall a bit faster, and need to limit the fire rate currently I can spam the input very fast and get a ton of bullets!
Monster: the bat stuck to the wall very often, and the mole? an enemy that hides in the ground can lower its attack delay.
Congratulations on submitting the entry!
I like the concept and level design.
the game looked very fun but I couldn't go very far because the game crashed.
Here's an issue that I found.
the basic enemy not attacking and can't do any damage to the player.
I got an error and the game shut down after I got a scythe (at the train after killing the boss)
The game crashed after I started the game for the second time and the popup show "LowLevelFatalError"
Overall the game has the potential just needs a polish and bug fixing.
Looking forward to the post-jam.
Thank you for playing and feedback!
Glad you like the character even the animation is not finished yet.
Thank you for the suggestion about dropping through the platform! but I have an Idea to make use of kneeling
like kneeling for a certain duration and will pan the camera down to see the spike or place to land, and kneeling will narrow down the hurtbox to avoid projectile! Sadly am not able to make it In time T'T
Hope to see the feedback again for the SMVM update
Very like the game!
Good level design and map system! Zooming out and seeing the full map in real time is a cool idea.
The void mechanics are a cool idea! I spawn a box on top of the spikes and walk on it I don't know is supposed to be but I like it.
Platforming is well designed!
The feedback I found is when I drop down the platform sometimes I need to down only one but not all the vertical cannon on the left of the map for example when I press down I fall passed all the platforms to the bottom and need to jump up again.
The game art model and animation are very good! and I like the character design as well.
The attack effects are very cool but it need some effect on the wall/enemy when gets hit.
The camera sensitivity is too high, Need the option to adjust the speed.
For the platforming, Edge Grab really helps! but the camera need to fix the camera zoom level on some part.
Very promising game! I'm looking forward to it.
Thank you for playing and feedback.
Lagging is the problem only on WebGL build still unknown what causes the lag maybe the particle effect or a texture
still working on it.
For the .rar file problem can you give me more info about the issue? It can't unzip or unzip and can't play the game.
because I test download it and can unzip and play normally.
Very good game!
I like the aesthetic use of a simple color and the audio when entering different rooms.
The level design is very nice and I like the idea of putting a sign for read in the rooms.
The variety of enemy types and attacks keeps combat fresh and exciting.
For the upgrade system, I'm fine with a bit of grinding but it may make the player farm enemies in the same room rather than explore a new area.
Assembly Language is very hard and you made the game with it, wow
and the cover art is very good I like it :D
I don't know if it's hard or not to add some features. here my feedback
- the platform sometimes hard to tell can the player stand on it or not
- jumping is a bit too floaty
- need some camera transition or fade black when entering the new area
Thank you for the feedback!
I think I don't have time to fix anything before the jam ends.
But I have a plan to continue on this project!
and yes the game now has only simple gameplay
my plan is I want to make a basic base game as a foundation and continue working on it for SMVM
so any feedback is welcome!!
ah, maybe I should add this plan to the game page.
Great jam! a bit surprised when I heard a voice acting from the tutorial well done.
my feedback:
Sometimes I get hit by an enemy and I don't have any chance to escape and get hit till dead.
I'm not used "w" key to jump, for me most use "space" to jump, but this is only my problem (I'm just not used to it. )
Looking good intro/cutscene here is my feedback :
+ Platformer parts are good mushroom are not too fast or too slow.
+ story is interesting
- Find a bug that NPC (August) stands floating off ground in the cutscene.
- I finish the demo then back to the menu and I can't quite a game.
- Can't press "S" to go down the ladder, arrow keys are fine.
? (suggestion) In the room background and floor need more contrast, like making the floor the same color as the ladder.
Very fun and challenging, The music and soundtrack are good. for Metroidvania level designs are good.
+ I can skip some upgrades like a missile and finish the game, which is very good.
+ cool enemy/boss mechanic and design
+ nice little puzzle with rock and auto door
- Blue lasers trap is a bit too hard
- Camera is turning a bit too fast when the ship turning direction, maybe needs more smooth/damping
? Save point should maybe an autosave/checkpoint instead of pressing E to save.