Thank you for playing!
1. That is helpful to know, with the playtesting we might have gotten to used to seeing the character models in the dark.
2. Yeah, the collision box for the mannequins was slightly decreased by accident before the upload.
3. That is a point many people mentioned and I agree, we orginially thought the way to the bag was short enough, but adding in a checkpoint after the pickup would have been a good idea.
Thank you again for playing and I'm also looking forward to your next project and if we might see Maxwell again!
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Love it!
The operator gameplay concept is really cool, but similar as somebody else mentioned having to pass through the password for the door ourself by checking the manual would have been great, but probably outside the scope of the jam.
Sadly I couldn't see the ending cause of the bug, but I will gladly check back once the fix is out! You guys did an amazing job!
We do love us some sharp dressed demon. Especially when the art is also lewd!
I wanna applaud you I think this is the first NSFW game made with Godot I saw.
I hope you will translate it into english, I will definitly give it a try again then. As for now I enjoy mostly the art and try to google translate my way through it. Hope to see more from you in the future!
I like the concept, but I think the ressources are a bit too thin to hold off the demons for long. Maybe because the slot animation and opening time for the cards is bit too long.
The office layout is nice and gives off the right atmosphere. The cards are a nice idea, but their writing was a bit hard to read for me, as their effects also sound a bit cryptic.
To Other Reviewers:
I recommend playing the downloadable windows version.
Now to the Dev time.
Yeah, this one is a 5 accross the board for me. Phenomenal Job to all of you.
I'm impressed on what you managed in a week, the low poly environment + 2D standies pair really well. The gameplay on the rope feels fresh, characters are really well written and the chasm as a theme works on so many levels. I can just repeat myself *chefs kiss*.
As for the only navigation problem i had was on day 5 as my mind was too much on decending so I had to backtrack a bit until I understood that I was meant to go up.