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Hey! Here's my game. Hope you like it :D
Hey! Here's my game. Hope you like it :D
Hey! Here's my game. Hope you like it :D
Hey! Here's my game. Hope you like it :D
Here's mine! Hope you like it!
Wow, that was a crazy fast game. I think it is extremely hard for a new player. The pop level was a little more forgiving, but the rock one was completely impossible to succeed. Looking at the comments you're aware of that issue, but another thing I may add, is that you could take from classic games similar to this one, that the circles that appear show the arrow that you need to press. As you don't have enough time to process it with your eyes, any visual help is good.
There were many features I wanted to add, apart from also putting more effort in the UI and sound effects, but one that it was requested a lot by my few play testers (friends and family, of course) was the ability to have a second chance inside a level so that you could continue without needing to go back to the first wave of the level.
I thought that maybe you could have only one chance per level. Another that I thought, is that you can gain some kind of points, and pay for having that second chance. However, time wasn't enough and I didn't implement anything.
Take a look at the game and you can also suggest what additional features can be added! I'm planning on improving it.