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A jam submission

NebulaView game page

Submitted by Wolfenrahd, Neverknow247 — 6 minutes, 12 seconds before the deadline
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Nebula's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Theme interpretation#2722.7002.700

Ranked from 20 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Great job! This game has a lot of mechanics, and it surely wasn't easy to make :) Just out of curiosity: are there any features you had to cut due to time constraints or other limitations? I opened a topic called "The Features Cemetery," and I would love to have your input. Anyway, excellent work!

Developer (1 edit)

Yes many many features didnt make it in to the jam game XD Link me the topic, id love to contribute!




Very well done! The scope of this is massive. I'm impressed with how well the procedural generation works. Even if it doesn't feel like a completely finished game, this clearly took a lot of work and it  looks good and plays well.  And y'all did this in a month - crazy. I hope you keep working on it! 


Wow, thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement! We really want to keep working on it, I have already implemented some new content such as different kinds of ore veins on planets as well as a new projectile type. The character controller has been worked on making it a little more responsive and less floaty but planets now have unique gravity that can affect you. Some time after the jam ends I will update the itch page. Thank you again!! Comments like this really help me stay motivated!


Highly polished game, all aspects feel well done and awesome. BTW, how long have you been developing the game from the first time? I am the first time, I dont know how long it takes to complete 80% of the development of a game like this one.

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Thank you so much for your feedback!

I have been doing game jams since 2020 my first ever jam was Miz Jam 1. I have tried to do at least 3 per year, if i can id do more than that. I would say the most difficult part is scope. just learning what you are capable of in a short time is difficult and we often overscope and assume we can get more that possible. This game is a great example of that. for Nebula we started a week late and for week 2 and 3 we coded without communication. we only started combining during week 4.

My advice just keep joining jams and striving to complete a project. You will get better at planning and your skills will improve immensely each time. Even if you dont 100% complete the game or get ranked #1 all that matters is that you made a game and you can always be proud of that! Plus you will get great feedback from the community and that alone is priceless.

Keep it up and I hope to see you again in future jams!


Thank you for your reply. I'm a little late in replying to you, sorry for it. 

Yeah, you're right, when I conceptualized the game, there was always more that I imagined we could do than what actually happened, but contrary to what I hoped for, a lot of stuff couldn't be done with my limited abilities (abilities, in turn, being related to experience and time), and even if I had the ability, there wasn't enough time.

Although I started focusing on it a few days before the game, the two weeks since the game started have been wasted by doing nothing. There's a lot of ineffective communication. I suddenly realized that it's too late when you've thought of everything, and often the motivation to do something is just "go for it".

Many thanks for your encouragement, yeah, while developing more games, practicing planning and organizing is a good way to trade off that "scope" as you advised.

Same here, see you again in future jams!!


Nice platformer! I think that it could benefit from more gravity in the player. Congrats!


Thank you for playing! I agree! I went and played a handful of platformers this week and I have been tweaking the character controller. hopefully I can get it just right! Thank you for your feedback, It makes me feel like im going in the right direction!

Deleted post

Thank you so much for playing and the feedback!


Hello! I played your game live on my stream today if you're interested to see a live reaction to it.

I really really like the idea of the procedurally generated world and maps, but I think this comes with the challenge of making the maps and world feel filled up.

The code behind your game must be really impressive, but I feel like I was missing a nice gameplay loop, I didn't really know what my goal was or where to go.

But I do believe that it is a solid base for a game if it had more concrete objectives, goals and challenges.

I'm sure you can continue working on it and turn it into something great!


Thank you so much for the review and the video! I really enjoyed watching you play! I agree I really needed to add more directions and more objectives. It was overscoped for sure and we made jokes about it being as empty as No mans sky so it was hilarious to hear you say that. I had more upgrades and mining and bosses and tutorials planned but just didnt plan well for time. Thank you again for all the feedback and playing, I really appreciate it!


I like the simple aesthetic, although the environments end up being similar, it's quite entertaining to play, so good job ^^


Thank you! I hope we can differentiate the environments in the future. Thank you for the feedback!

Submitted (1 edit) (+2)

Fun world to run around in! Lots to explore. I like the art and procedural generation. Seems like this would be a good base to work from to keep adding to!


Thank you! Yes I hope to keep working on it, I have already added alot to my local version so after the jam rating period ends i can update it! Thank you again for the feedback!


"Scaling" terrain and the "scale" of the game with all these planets and solar systems, nice. 

Stellar entry! :D

I love this game and I'm super impressed.


Wow! thank you so much for your kind feedback! Yes Scale in multiple ways. Originally it was just scale of the game and then i added climbing in the last week since it felt like the natural progression of the game. Thank you again for the feedback!


I really like the feel of the game, jumping around with low gravity it's very enjoyable
Pretty impresive how big this game is for a gamejam :0
Congratulations :D


Thank you so much! I am glad you enjoyed!


If I am not wrong levels were procedurally generated but most of the time did not feel like that. There were some places where there was not enough space to move but generally it did pretty good job.


Thank you so much! i tried my best to make the levels feel completely hand made. Thank you again for the feedback!


Wow, lots of content in here, but I'm not the first to point that out.  Still playing on my other browser tab!  I'm curious about which way y'all intended the theme interpretation.  I could see it being the boots and "scaling" the walls is definitely a thing in here, but so is the "scale" of the game and worlds :).

Anyway, I second the great DOS vibes =D.  One comment I have on the controls, it's a little counter-intuitive to have the jump be on the same hand as the directional controls (since you need your right hand for mouse/fire, or vice versa if left-handed).  Personally, I actually sometimes like that kind of thing because it literally forces your brain to form connections that it didn't have before, but it did make the character a little tough to control, particularly on those skinny ledges!

Did not hurt my enjoyment of it though, I'm also curious which parts were procedurally generated.  Saw that in the description, that's awesome.

Developer (1 edit)

Yeah the controls are more of a fps style with jump being space, but in the future i want to add key bindings so it can be customized. The scale idea was initially going from planet to space and vise versa. we also were attempting to add more scale with political intrigue between systems but unfortunately the game jam was only one month and not 1 year XD.

The parts that were procedurally generated were the planet designs in space as well as size and location. Once you land on a planet each world is proceduarally generated as well. On world itself i did by custom making chunks and the chunks are generated based on an walking algorithm i wrote. if you are interested in the source code since you are a fellow godot dev the on world generation is done in the "" located in the test_remove_before_export folder (i forgot to move it to a permanent place)and space generation is done in "" located in the singleton folder.

Also thank you so much for playing and your feedback! I really appreciate it since Wolf (the other dev) and I want to keep working on it and improving it XD i know everyone says that but based on the positive feedback everyone has given it really motivates me to make it a full game. So thank you again!!


Nice, yeah I'm fried now from playing games (only game jammers understand that xD), but I'll star your repo and have a look-see later.


Yes i understand all to well I have an unhealthy obsession with game jams and coding in general so i tend to burn out at least once a month. XD


Cool game, I'm impressed by the number of worlds, don't think I've ever seen procedural generation at this scale in a gamejam. The gameplay is fun too!


thank you so much for the feedback! i am glad you enjoyed!!


Really fun game, the visuals give big DOS game vibes, especially the enemies and I love sci-fi settings. The music was nice and fit the game overall, I loved the multiple tracks used. There's something really nostalgic about the level select, where you pilot the ship, I've seen something similar before but just cant remember. The combat is fun and the game has loads of potential. GG!


Thank you so much! I am really glad you enjoyed it!! I would have loved to get more content like space combat and faction politics, but sadly ran out of time. We may have over-scoped slightly XD. Thank you again for playing and for your comment!!


Great game. Loved the music and the animations :)


thank you so much for your feedback!!


Pretty fun and challenging!


thank you for playing! Im glad you enjoyed!!

Submitted (3 edits) (+2)

The map is HUGE!! Never seen a combination of Space Invaders + Platformer where you land on the the planets. Great idea which can be further improved with a tighter platforming. It feels a little floaty/slippery thus a bit hard to control.

EDIT: Managed to run in Windows VM.

Could not play this game since the screen blacked out after clicking on “New Game” with an error on MacOS :(

In the below image, if I dismiss the popup, the screen goes black but seems like the game is still running (music, controls).


dang! im so sorry about that! i was going to upload a mac build but ran out of time. thank you for trying though i really appreciate it


No issues, doing multiple builds takes long during the last moments of dev. Maybe you can still submit a build since bug fixes are allowed.


it could be the browser you are using, it works in chrome and firefox on windows. do you mind letting me know what browser you are using so i can try to bug test?


I’m using Microsoft Edge on MacOS. Since it’s made using Godot, that might be the cause of this. Godot usually has issues with MacOS WebGL builds.


WOW thank you so much for playing! I really appreciate you finding a way to play despite it not working initially! Seriously i cannot thank you enough. I had so much extra in the code that didnt get implemented fully and a few things that i just forgot to turn on. I planned on having different gravity levels based on atmosphere and terrain manipulation is actually already in the code i just forgot to change a value to true. I am really glad you your feedback! Thanks again!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Hey, no problem! The cool splash screen and save mechanics did point out that it’s a must-play so I had to give it a chance at the very least.

You should polish up the screenshots and game page, this idea alone DESERVES more attention!

I’d love to see a continuation in the form of a polished game down the line with all the great ideas and tighter controls. Good luck!

P.S. You should be able to push a build with those ‘fixes’ probably, since they are already developed right.


thank you for the advice i will update the page! and yes it is done so ill see what i can do to get a quick patch in.