Good work. Cute platformer, very simple. I ended up beating all the levels. Keep making games man!
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With the time I had it was difficult to add more mechanics, so I just focused on polish and bugfixing. Though definitely something to consider in the future! When it came to more blocks, I wanted to but unironically the game becomes a lot harder as more blocks are added! Maybe it could be like, a pack system people can choose what blocks can appear.
I'd be happy for you to try my Tetris-like game!
Fun, quick game! Enjoyed it quite a lot. Gameplay overall feels very smooth and exciting. These are very slight suggestions / issues that I had noticed.
-Doors are a bit too hard to notice. When starting a level for the first time, I would just pass doors and finish everything and think, "What's left?" Should have a more obvious indicator, especially at a glance since the game is focused on speed!
-Shotgun doesn't feel shotgunny enough. I was using it like a sniper to two hit enemies.
-Sometimes enemies would clip into walls and tables visually. I knocked a dude down and he just, stood up inside the wall.
Very small things, and easy to miss out on cause of the game jam setting. Good work!
Short and humorous game. Combat was a bit stiff and janky but it honestly added to the fun for me. It kind of reminds me of that scene in The Simpsons where Principal Skinner is trying to setup a dinner for Chalmers. "A DEMON SENT FROM HELL? AT THIS TIME OF YEAR? AT THIS TIME OF DAY? LOCALIZED ENTIRELY INSIDE YOUR KITCHEN?"
"Why yes"
Great job and good work!
Would love for you to try Tetris-like game!
I think this game has a good setup! It's got a great baseline. Movement honestly felt a bit too clunky for me, maybe it's intentional, but I found it frustrating to spend so much of my time turning. I also think the music, while great, is a questionable choice? Maybe if it was like, a rock remix of a sea shanty it might be more fitting. Current one just feels a bit out of place.
Visually game is great and balance wise seems pretty fair! I think with some more polish it could do great!
Fantastic level design on this one. However, I think the task of having to parkour through the level, pick up the item just to see what the traps are, then having to redo the level is a bit tedious. Overall I think it's a very solid game and very creative use of the few items at our disposal. I also think it could've probably have a bit more straight forward of a tutorial, found myself being confused for a bit.
Try to go for a highscore in my Tetris-like game!
Would be happy to see you try my game on Stream!
Very polished and fun game! I liked the dialog and the concept of the game, very fitting to the theme. If I were to provide some suggestions, more audio feedback would go a long way for a game like this. Impactful hit noises, big explosions, that type of deal.
Art is great and enemies were very fluid and kind of hilarious to deal with. Managed to beat the game on my first try!
Hope you have fun! Solo dev here making a tetris-like game!
I CRASHED SO CLOSE TO THE END NOOO. Anyways, great graphics. Music is BOPPING. One of the best I've heard in this jam so far. Wish there were more upgrades and enemies, but that always becomes an issue due to game jam constraints. I think cards could've had a skip or speed up option, since the slowest part of the game was having like 20 cards to have to flip over. Overall, an amazing game!
If you haven't tried my game yet, would love for you to go for a highscore!
I'll add your game to my list! Got a lot of games I wanna get through.
Would love to hear some feedback from you! This is a tetris-like arcade game with leaderboards!
Would love if you tried my game out and shoot for a highscore!
This could be a hit or miss for you but my humor is so broken that I found this game very charming and funny.
Always happy to have more people try my Tetris-like game out!
Would love to see your feedback and reactions. If you make a video, send me a link!
Fun little stealth game. Good job! I would've liked more levels, maybe with different mechanics. Also I think guards should 100% have a rotation time, so they aren't just instantly snapping towards you. Especially with how seemingly sporadic and random their movements tend to be.
Art is pretty good too.