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A member registered Nov 26, 2023 · View creator page →

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Hi! We recently launched our game, THE DARK SUBSTANCE, and we are interested in having it translated into different languages. Here is the link to the game so you can take a look and see if you're interested in translating it. We hope you'll consider it.


You can contact us on Discord: fiideogames. Best regards!

Hola, acabo de terminar la demo y me ha gustado bastante. Gráficamente es espectacular y la ambientación en general está muy conseguida. He encontrado un par de fallos, el primero es que en la silla en la que usas el cuchillo, si vuelves después de haber usado la llave, puedes volver a usar el cuchillo y te vuelve a dar el objeto que ya no sirve de nada, y el segundo es que hay algún problema con los guardados, hice un guardado que ponía que llevaba 30 min, al volver a abrir ponía 20, decidí comenzar partida nueva y el primer guardado lo marcaba en 1 min, no he llegado a comprobar si es solo cuestión de un error visual sobre el tiempo o si el guardado en sí mismo está en un punto anterior. Por lo demás me ha parecido genial, sobre todo el arte, tanto pixel art como ilustraciones. !Buen trabajo!

Hola, la verdad es que no estamos interesados en participar en entrevistas por voz/vídeo, pero nos encantaría ver tu gameplay, así que si necesitas algo de información, estaremos encantados de atenderte a través de nuestro Instagram. 


Muchas gracias por tu interés. ¡Un saludo! :)

We are glad to know that both the graphics and the music manage to convey that feeling of oppression and loneliness. We would have liked to have more endings and develop the existing ones in more detail, but time was limited, and we had to give up some things. However, we don't rule out adding another ending in the future. It is very encouraging to know that our effort is appreciated. Thank you very much for your words!! :)

Nos alegramos mucho de que te haya gustado tanto. Muchas gracias por tus buenas palabras, nos motivan a seguir trabajando!! :)

We played the Spanish version, and although there are several untranslated phrases, we appreciate being able to play it in our language. The color palettes work very well with the atmosphere, though it might be good to desaturate the past segments to give them a vintage touch since they are flashbacks. We have unlocked several endings, and we did not expect ending 7 at all; it was a great twist. Good game! :)

We are very glad to hear that it evoked these feelings in you, as they are exactly what we aimed for, especially regarding the graphics and the overall simplicity of the game. We greatly value all opinions and criticisms; they help us improve, and we definitely take them into account!


Regarding the broken fence, we weren't sure if it would be clearly understood, but we have noticed that some people get lost at this point in the game. Therefore, we have decided to widen the gap a bit.

As for the final chase, the AI in RPG Maker is quite peculiar, and its movement depends on the player's movements. If, upon leaving the center, you move slightly to the right and then alternate between moving down and right while following the path, it's fairly easy to avoid being touched by the enemies. We understand that it is a difficult part, but since it is the end of the game, we wanted it to be challenging.

Thank you very much for playing and taking the time to leave us such a detailed comment. Receiving such positive feedback really motivates us. :)

The story is quite creepy and has details that we like. We believe that the presentation could be improved by paying more attention to the mapping, although the art is quite good and its colors along with the music create a very good atmosphere. We have noticed that the announcement for the start of day 3 is missing. Mr. Long Legs is a character that could be further explored, his relationship with Timmy makes us cringe!! Overall, we have enjoyed the game. Good job :)

Wow!! Thank you very much, the truth is that there's a lot of hard work behind it. We've dedicated almost all of our free time to it over the past month. So it's very nice to read your words. :)

Thanks for the gameplay, it was so fun watching it hahaha. It also helps us correct errors and improve gameplay. :)

The graphics have potential, although they could be improved by adding some simple details so that the scenario doesn't feel so empty. It would also benefit from working on the interface a bit so that the art looks more coherent. The narrative is good and easy to follow, the story is interesting although it felt a bit short to me, perhaps it could be extended a bit. Overall, I enjoyed it and I think it has potential and could improve with some touch-ups. Good job! :)

Yes, I used the space bar and even tried it with a controller, refreshed the page and nothing worked. Today I tried again and it was already working, I don't know what the problem was. I've been able to play the complete game without any issues. The graphics are unique and creative, but I feel that smaller elements could be better distinguished from the rest, like Momma Birds. The detail of the narrator addressing the player is quite interesting. I feel it lacked the horror component I was expecting, but the story has a dark aura that caught my interest from the beginning, and I think it has a good development and a fitting ending. I really liked the main characters, both in appearance and personality. I think the mobility could be improved when Rubi transforms; at times, it was difficult for me to control him in cat and bird mode, but still, the gameplay was interesting. It's been a good experience!

We're delighted that you enjoyed it so much, as we've put in many hours of work. After so much effort, it's very fulfilling to know that it was worthwhile. Thank you very much for your kind words!! They definitely motivate us to keep creating. <3

We're really glad you enjoyed it!! Regarding the timers, they do pause at certain moments that we consider necessary, mainly during conversations, the PC puzzle, and text from the file. We'll add pauses to a few more moments where they might come in handy. Thank you very much for taking the time to give us such detailed feedback.

I'm playing it on the website, and at the moment Rubi transforms into a cat, I can't continue. I can't leave the map, and I can't climb in any way. Still, I've liked the aesthetic and tone up to this point.

We're glad you liked it. We've been doing pixel art for a short time, and we had some doubts about the style, but we're happy with the outcome. :)

Vigilia community · Created a new topic Opinion

I've played the spanish version. Everything works fine and the art is simple but beautiful.

Me he sumergido mucho en su atmósfera desde el principio. El ambiente oscuro y tenso hace que la intriga vaya a más. Engancha bastante, estoy deseando empezar la segunda parte. 

Hey. I've just tried to play the Spanish version and once you try to leave the first room it occurs an error that sais: "Unable to find file Graphics/Characters/170-Door01." 

Thank you very much for taking the time to leave us your feedback. We're glad you enjoyed it!! :)