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A member registered Sep 29, 2023 · View creator page →

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Ope! Apologies for the late reply! Yes I played on mouse and keyboard. As for the volume it could be something with it not setting setting as like a default for some reason idk... It was fine after I turned it down after initial startup. So hope that helps in some way, either way it isn't too bad for me to go turn it down! :D

Fun Game! I had a bug where if I used any menus before trying to select the next node, it wouldn't start the next nodes event on the map. Additionally some UI Bugs such as being able to click on the party button multiple times while on the map, and for some reason the sticker album exit button never left the top left.

However, with all that aside when I was playing the game I had a fun time!

Last critique, and admittedly I just have this with a lot of games in general, but making sure the volume on first start up is lower is always a nice thing for me cause games always jumpscare me on first start up.

Super excited to see where this goes keep up the amazing work!

Yeah that makes a lot of sense, chrome is just funky with its hardware acceleration and whatnot.

Thank you! I definitely spent way too much time on it during the jam, so I am glad at least someone noticed! Much appreciated!

Thank you so much I appreciate it!

Ahhhh, that makes sense as to why the enemies seemed slowed in general ig. I played on web, in that case maybe check the export settings of that is all I can really recommend. Either way great job

The O key is a bit too powerful if you heal every floor. There were also some graphical bugs with the health bar being way too big and the ladder down being in the dark and unable to see clearly. Concept is really fun though and I think it has some legs!

The weapons are really silly and fun to play with. The enemies need to move faster and get stuck on a lot of the terrain so I would say look into pathfinding methods a little bit. Other than that it ran fine on web and didn't encounter any bugs good job

Great game for your first time! Congratulations, the only real issue I had was stuttering every now and then, but that whole heartedly was probably because I was playing in browser so no worries there! Keep up the good work and I hope to see more games from you in the future.

One of the enemies spawned in the level geometry for me and I couldn't finish the whole game. However, it does seem fun and the idea of possibly taking attacks away seems interesting. If you were to add a second attack as a possible way to lock people out without removing their attacking options all together I think it would be super solid!

Adorable little game loved the idea behind just simply asking a person to a dance :D

Will say the camera lag is a bit much in my opinion it takes a little too long to catch up to direction of velocity, but other than that loved the game and think it is great and cozy!

Really unique concept on the god game imo! The movement of the believers is a bit slow and could do with some more tweaking but love the concept and can't wait to see what else you make in the future!