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A member registered Sep 16, 2020 · View creator page →

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Wow didnt expect it to be this fun :D good job !

Nice simple entry,  nice art and the music is on point. Good job!

Thanks for trying to play, sadly we are aware of the state of the game. But on the bright side we learned some new stuff even if we didn't finish the game.

Nice visuals, i like the space theme. Needs some explosioooons :D

Nice gameplay, i agree with others saying to use Mouse for aiming, that was the first thing i tryed when i turned the game on.

Simple but beautiful visuals, and easy to get used to gameplay loop, solid Trijam submision.

At first i was a bit lost, but when i read the instrucions all went well :D.

Was addicting, needs some juice.

The glowing Title picture attracted me to play your game, looks nice, i think the controls need some work, either the game screen should be larger or the ship could fly slower.

The music was great loved it <3, Juicy combat, archers were the hardest to defeat :D

Nice movement and combat. Simple jet really nice pixel art.

Great work, click klick and you cant stop, nice, would love for it to be a bit more "visual".

Nokia 3310 5/5

I realy enjoyed drifting :D but i felt like the roads were not made for that, some tweaks in map and done.  

Thanks for playing, and the feedback, we appreciate it !

Thanks for playing, yes i failed to find someone to make sound, so there is none. 

Thanks for playing !

I agree movement needs some more polish.

Nice character design, liked the intro Dialoge part!

Man neizdevās uzspēlēt, vai es kko daru nepareizi? Vai arī nav ielikti pareizie faili ?

Exe nestrada, metas errors, caur Godot ar nevarēju atvērt.

Laba atmosfēra. Sakuma visus pieņēmu komandā, bet tad ap 6 stāvuman visu komandu noslānija :D tad bēgot tiku līdz 10 stāvam kur arī viss beidzās. Ja spēlē nevienu neņemot komandā, ir iespējams izdzīvot tālāk par 6 stāvu? 
Bija vietas kur varēja abusot AI(lkm 7/8 stavs) un stāvēt ārpus viņu "range", uzpildīt manu paiet 1 solīti uzšaut un atkal atkāpties. Kā arī vairākos līmeņos varēja iziet cauri sienām.

Pašās spēles beigās vajadzēja ielikt tādu normāli skaļu kliedzienu, tad būtu 10/10 :D

Sākumā domāju ka šito nevar uzvarēt bet beigās to paveicu :D , vajadzēja tik koncentrēties uz Fermeriem un tad izturēt to milžu uzbrukumu kurš nebija tik viegls. Labs !

Labi pavadīts laiks, vienkārš un labs izpildījums :D Nebūtu slikti ja upgreidu apraksts tiktu pievienots arī pie pašiem upgreidiem.

Likās ka browsera versija nestrādā tā kā vajag, nevarēju īsti tēmēt, ierocis šāva kur pagadās. Kamaras skata lenķis manuprāt arī bija daudz par zemu un tuvu. Overall interesanta spēlīte.

Thanks for playing and your feedback! Yes i agree the UI was the last thing we did so its no really that good.

Hey, thanks for playing and for the detailed feedback! There is an option to turn down the SFX in main menu option tab. But If we do release an update i will keep this in mind! Thanks!

Very well made game, love the sprite work. I wanted to say that the game is really easy, but at the end i couldn't click fast enough to heal myself before the last fight and lost :D

Almost lost my finger there, must be easy for lol gamers :D 

Hard one, could help if the first few enemies were a little slower to get used to typing :D Enjoyed it!

Nice looking game, easy tp jump into, but i had trouble dying a lot when i kill the enemy but the character still runs into it before it disappears, and i die.

Cool game, i thought i have to mash the space bar too :D

Didn't expect a dancing game here, nice work. Could do some work on the loosing part, could use some juice there. :D

Wow a coop game in game jam, cool concep, and the music synchronizes with the shooting realy nice! Sadly I don't have anyone to play with, but I did hook up other controller to win myself! Great job!! 

Thanks for playing and the feedback, agreed! 

Thanks for the feedback, but it should show the main menu button on the screen + your score when you die :D

(1 edit)

Wow, the tutorial was easy but then the real game started :D Fun game, should add scoring system or leaderboards!

Oo, and when the music kicked in, that was so satisfyingly.

Stunting visuals and really juicy gameplay! 

Really hard to control, need to get used to the controls or they should be tweaked to be a little more natural to use. 

Love the art style ! Looks really amazing.

Simple and nice looking game, tho the sensitivity is a little too high in my opinion.