Super fun! I love fishing in video games. This one took me a minute to figure out, but after a couple of tries I was fishing like a pro! Rowing around was fun too, especially once I realized that with the right inputs I could send my little rowboat careening through the water with reckless abandon
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Super cute! The idea has a lot of potential, and the premise of being a little blobby experiment guy gives things a fun sci-fi twist. I didn't love the character movement-- it felt very slippery and unwieldy, flying over platforms and bouncing off of walls in a manner that felt uncontrolled. I also really wanted to remap my box-grabbing key a lot of the time to something easier to use alongside WASD, like ctrl or shift.
Adorable, complete, and fun! The platforming didn't always feel the smoothest, particularly the jump between the left side of the map and the cat lady house felt a little too far to be comfortable with the provided mushroom on the closest tile. I loved the little puzzles, though; realizing I could pick up the mushrooms and the bugs was particularly satisfying.
Absolutely insane to have been done solo in 2 weeks! Amazing! The skill tree is a lot to look at, I'd love for it to get visually clearer, and the level selection feels odd, especially before you unlock a second level. I'd also love to be able to choose what to cast and when, to really make the most of the 'core' provided and perhaps be able to get further sooner by risking bunching up more enemies before I shoot. All in all, very fun, I love the elements and the visual polish, great game.
Making this feel right felt so simple and yet I felt so accomplished getting it to where it felt like the character actually belonged in the environments! I'm just learning how to build games so this really helped me get an idea of all the sorts of things that go into making a game really feel polished!