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A member registered 77 days ago · View creator page →

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We’ll probably remove the unstuck button entirely because the bug that sometimes caused a softlock seems to have disappeared.

Thank you for the feedback! :D

I feel so understood TwT

Thank you for the kind words. It means a lot :)

We originally joined the jam to gain experience and ended up having a lot of fun doing so!

It was a great experience all the way. A large part of it being the incredible community that took part in the jam.

I wish you the best of luck moving forward and hope to meet you guys in a future game jam. Take Care!

The game is amazing. Theres really not much to complain. Maybe the framerate, but its not too bad honestly. The puzzles are incredibly creative and the ending very nice even though I saw it coming..

Really good job! :D

I appreciate the feedback qwq We joined the jam to learn and improve our skills and id say we achieved that goal :D A tutorial, ground texture, enemy variety with modular AI and a reward system were all planned but not included in the current build as we ran out of time. The fire was originally meant to be a placeholder and was in fact not made by the same artist as the rest of the sprites. The controls are meant to be paired with a ranged weapon that we did not get to implement either, which makes for the weird feel, and the camera is my greatest pride lol. We also gathered some sounds and music, but, again, didnt have the time to implement them :P We’re probably going to make some improvements to the game in the future so your feedback, albeit a little harsh, is much appreciated! :)

We will probably make a few improvements to the game where possible, but we achieved our goal of submitting a playable game. We also learned a lot about time management and game development in general, which will definitely be helpful in the future!

Thanks for the kind words :) We originally planned to add a ranged weapon alongside the melee weapon to give the mouse more purpose than to drag the cards, but ended up scrapping it due to a lack of time. Same thing happened to the options menu. Theres also just a lot of placeholders we never got to replace. And for some reason a few bugs appeared that are only in the embed :/ We’re still proud of what we achieved and look to make some improvements to the game. As you said, music would be nice

thank you so much! :D

The graphics are nice and the atmosphere is good, but I once I danced on one of the creatures heads it took away the eery feeling. Maybe add a threat to the player directly? Still a lot of fun. Great game! :)

The gameplay is fun and the angel looks absolutely amazing. So amazing in fact that I recommend you to make it the games icon! Overall really cool game. Good job! :D

Holy the atmosphere is amazing! Very creepy.. Sometimes it was a bit hard to see what was ground or not and I ran into future collectibles early on which was kind of confusing, but I still enjoyed playing the game. Again, great job with the atmosphere and the story. Really cool! :D

Thank you so much for the kind words!! We’ll try to make some improvements in the future (mainly sounds lol), but we learned a lot and had great fun. :3

Very fun, very creative and overall just extremely cute. The controls take some time getting used to, but its still a great game! :D

The story and atmosphere are really nice, but its very unforgiving. The art is amazing and the sounds very fitting. Maybe give the player an indicator of the distance and make dying less punishing. Still a really cool game! :)

Time management and inexperience were likely the biggest problems we had. But improving that was exactly why we did this. Besides, it was a lot of fun. Thank you for the kind words! :D

The puzzles are quite fun to solve and the lights add a great ambience. Very chill vibe!

I really like the menu! The gameplay is pretty difficult. Not necessarily too difficult but I do recommend you add some sort of indicator or flicker to the flashlight.

Lighting stuff on fire is fun! Its also just very chill. Id love to know how you made the shader! If it even is a shader of course. As for improvements maybe add a sound to indicate youre currently freezing to death. Overall really good game!

The artwork is really cute and the gameplay quite challenging! The jumpsound gets a little repetetive after some time. Maybe add multiple or pitch it a bit?

Id also recommend you make the game playable on web. When exporting your Project, simply make sure you have the webgl export package installed and chose it when exporting. The html file must be named “index” and all files must be zipped.

The Games good. I like the vibe! :D

The Gameplay is fun and i really like the death animation. Id love to know how you made it! Sound Effects would be a great addition.

The Sprite is so cute omg. Very chill and enjoyable gameplay. Ill definitely revisit if you get around to making a bossfight! :3

(1 edit)

The slow movement becomes tedious after some time. Especially when walking up slopes. But the artstyle and lighting are fantastic and make for great and honestly really creepy atmosphere!

We were working on a track and some sounds for the game but ran out of time. Its our first gamejam and id say we learned a lot about time management and just making games in general. We’ll probably update the game a few times to make it more enjoyable. Thanks for the feedback! :)