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A member registered Jun 16, 2020 · View creator page →

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Simple visuals but very juicy all the same. I really love the soft, bouncy jumping sound you chose. Currently, if you have reached a checkpoint but run out of time, you can die to be sent back to the checkpoint instead of the start of the level. Overall quite fun! 

Very creative idea! I could definitely see this being expanded with more traps/"cheats". It's a little hard sometimes to know if a marble is going to hit a peg or not from the angle you have when cheating. 

Appreciate the feedback. I'd originally conceptualised it as a mobile game, hence the funny ratio.
I've adjusted the settings to make the embed a bit smaller, if that helps!


This was very fun, everything about it reminded me of playing old flash games in the best way. 

Very fun. Great execution on a simple concept. On my first run, I made it to wave 9 on roguelike mode. I appreciate that the attacks that are shot at you are a good way to incentivise speccing into health/regen more but they felt a bit punishing. Other than that I'd say the game was challenging, but in a good way.  

Great game! My fingers hurt!

Using embroidery for game art is super cute. Good implementation too :)

This is very cool. Love the audio and visuals, it's a really relaxing experience. The puzzles feel clever and rewarding.

Thanks for playing! Bonus for noticing that the menu is interactive!

Definitely taking the feedback about readability to heart. In my post-jam build I've overhauled the UI to make it less harsh. I'll try to post an update to itch if I have the time :)

Just popping in to clarify that I did really enjoy your game :) If you work on it post-jam and tidy up some of those elements I think you've got a great base for a fun roguelite!

Thanks for playing! Deleting buildings is definitely the most requested feature :) 

Cool game. The sounds and music were excellent. I found that the enemies felt a bit too tanky, they weren't hard to kill, just tedious. I didn't realise until almost 15 minutes in that there were chests with items in them because I never came across one until then. Got the staircase bug once, but not consistently on Chrome. 

Hey this is pretty nifty. The repair mechanic is quite unique. I thought the driving mechanics were really solid, but wondered if the zoom in when you're turning could be turned down a little bit. Great work for a first project with Godot! 

Very nifty, sort of a "trick-taking" game with a more advanced version of a "trick". Had to read the GDD to work out all of the rules but after that there's a pretty interesting decision tree of "Do I think my first card will win?" -> "If so, what do I play next?" vs "If not, how do I counter what beat it?". I think there's a really unique card game mechanic here that I'd love to see explored further.

As others have stated, visually this game is top-notch. Some clear Balatro influences, but it maintains an identity of its own. Thanks for making it :)

This game is great, I've played it for over an hour now. It's a perfect interpretation of the theme. Love the visual style and general level of polish. Especially excellent use of the post-processing effects

Some minor notes/thoughts:

  • when you get to 10000 points, the scoreboard rolls over to 00001 points, and then you start gaining points as normal again (*see image) 
  • the difficulty probably ramps up too slowly, on a 30 minute run I rarely had more than one enemy on screen
  • enemies (and their stunned bodies) probably shouldn't be able to exit the screen, it's frustrating to stun a guy only to have it float away and then do an attack from offscreen
  • the laser enemies are effectively not a threat compared to the other two, because the biggest danger to the player is having an enemy near them

All-in-all one of my favourite entries. I could see myself coming back and playing it again and again. Thanks for making it :)

(*image to be seen below)

Satisfying controls/physics on the missile, I'd destroy the enemy base again! The variance on the speed of the space debris was sometimes wild. My best run had me just fly straight at the enemy base with no problems, but sometimes I would get hit by one thing and get launched out to space immediately. Would love to see the movement system expanded into a larger game!

Took me a second to get accustomed to the controls but then it was smooth sailing. I love a bullet time game, I think it would be really cool to have a speedrunning timer to encourage players (me) to not constantly be in slow-mo. Great music, fun art. Hope you never harm any silly guy ;)

Thanks, I'll note that for the post-jam changes. For now you can change the volume of the SFX in the options menu :)

Really appreciate you taking the time to play through it far enough to get to an upgrade twice! Sorry about the bug. I've just given it a few tests and can't replicate it. If you have the time, do you mind letting me know what browser you were on and what your first upgrade was? (if it was the same both times). Many thanks :)

A perfectly complete package. Very satisfying and juicy. Love the classic/emulator/zxc controls on keyboard, good choice. 

Great art style! I really loved your start menu as well. Takes a couple plays to know what everything does so you can have a good run :)

A seriously impressive amount of content for a 2 week jam. Lots of lore/worldbuilding as well. It sort of reminded me of some classic GBA games. Combat might have been a bit too easy, I don't think I ever came close to losing a fight. Great fun!!

Neat game, it didn't seem like there was much you could do to stop the Rustkins from blowing your Bitkin up while you're away opening a chest. Really loved the "character creator" when you're building a Bitkin and the sound effects

That's a wild screenshot, thanks for sharing (and thanks for the positive comments). Deleting buildings is a definite post-jam priority! 

Pretty fun, especially the boss. The green ghosts were a bit confusing, were they damage immune temporarily or did bullets just phase through them while still doing damage?

Nifty. I was not prepared for the pirate, even though you warned me!

Excellent game, really cool that you have this whole intro/backstory for a jam game. It's really satisfying when the bullet starts to go faster and faster and the goddess starts dancing on scene. 

I also was going to provide this feedback, but I just discovered that you can switch into shooting mode right away (and then back into setup mode) in order to hide the dialogue.

Fun and cute. The bone throwing felt really good. Would have definitely played more levels if there were some :)

Great game, right up my alley. I think most others have already said what needed to be said about tooltips and putting you right into battles after selecting a quest. I'd play a full release for days and days for sure.

Elegant and juicy. I love starting a spin and then dashing into enemies.

Nifty game! It's sort of like a streamlined version of the Mount and Blade world map. Enjoyed the variety in unit types!

Very cute. I loved all the little dialogues and the sound effect when you're successful. I saved Earth using a different tool each time but didn't notice any difference between them. 

Right off the bat the title screen+music is sick. Would have loved to have more than one wave and a little more feedback on when a weapon is loaded. A really fun and unique game!

(1 edit)

Thanks! I really appreciate it :)

You very much are the weapon in this one :) 

Not sure if they just weren't implemented but some shop items don't unlock when you have enough money. 
I enjoyed this game, the 'juice' (reloading, enemies taking hits, firinganimations) were especially nice. 

Nice take on the theme. I would have liked to have some UI elements or visual feedback for how much population is in a building without having to click on it. Regardless, I had a lot of fun playing this 

Interesting take on the theme! It took me a minute to sort out what all the icons (and their sizes) meant. I thought the graphics were all really cohesive. An excellent first game :)

This game is great, no comments (except that I wish there were more levels/random levels so that I could keep playing)

Satisfying to play, very smooth controls (even on Keyboard). What made it really click was recognising that the particle colour had something to do with the jump height. Fun to have the developer's best time posted as a challenge! 

One of the prettiest game jam games I've ever played and quite polished on top of the art. Very cool for a family project :)