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A member registered Jul 25, 2023 · View creator page →

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thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed the biggest feedback is not enjoying enemies popping up but hearing about the generations is awesome, thats probably my proudest part of this game.

thank you! And yea a small delay and maybe some markers before they popped up would help that a lot.

thank you!

thank you! Variety definitely would have helped this game a lot.

Thank you! When I was doing the art it felt retro like so I wanted to make sure the audio felt the same way!

thank you so much!

Thank you for the strong feedback! Some of these things I wasn’t even thinking about when making the game, but now that I’m getting this feedback, playing it again I feel the same way. I’m going to be moving forward with these things in mind.

thank you!

thank you! And yes they are, this was a balancing issue, if you look at the health bar when picking up the correct boosts you’ll notice a “health drop” which is actually just the total expanding you still have the same health, they are working just very very low for balancing. I wanted to add more for sure and looking back would’ve made it a bit more noticeable!

Okay this has alot of potential I really enjoyed it, the use of the theme felt super unnecessary, it was almost like by adding more penguins Im just making it harder on my self, I think if you had it to where a penguin dropped every countdown without a choice that would have made it more of a requirement that I was attentive to it. The blocks breaking was cool, I would suggest making more come out more frequently so not only do I have some to expand, but replace was damaging and then its a puzzle of me just picking and choosing where they go! Over all I like what you have here its alot of fun!

I love the fact you used a laser that reflects to damage other "mirrors" colors felt a bit confusing like what were they there for ? but other than that I always love me a puzzle that can end satsifyingly if I just aim right!

This was a fun time, really felt like I was trying to not get upset lol these are always fun!

I love the simple art you went with this one! some cool mechanics happening I just wish there was some sort of feed back from the game what was happening like a possible countdown for disappearing blocks and more of a tutorial in-game on how to play, However solid movement for this kind of game, gives me super meat boy vibes!

https://froggiejonnie.itch.io/shape-reclaim - heres mine just played yours!

Movement felt a bit quick here but it was a nice relaxing adventure just dodging shapes and collecting powerups!

Okay so it definitely took me a solid minute to figure out what was happening and had to go back and read the description, but once I had it figured out it was super cool to see the mechanics working. Editing the world with items to traverse is a pretty cool concept. Good job!

Nice and relaxing game :) OR SO I THOUGHT fire, roaches, smells, everything coming out of nowhere I want from the most stress-free environment too I need an exterminator, an electrician, and to teach the kids to pick up after themselves! Fun little game good job :)

This was cool, I absolutely loved the beat thing that was happening with the small zoom everytime I shot a gun, Had to learn what weapons were what so I didnt pick up something worse XD

THIS IS WHAT I LOVE! phenomonal level design, amazing mechanics, the movement feels so nice! The one thing that got to me is at a certain point theres alot of specific jumps that have to be made and then place an angel and if you dont hit on the second way through you have to completely restart with no check point, otherwise this one is my favorite! 

The theme is spot on and I abolutely love the style you went with, it was a bit hard to understand how the 3... 2.. 1. bubbles worked so that took a second but I got the hang of it. This one was difficult for sure but I enjoyed playing none the less! good job!

Please give it a look it!


I like the use of different characters and abilities per character, that always gets my brain moving on how to engage each obstacle! The controls were a bit odd for me to figure out at first but once I played around for a bit I got it down. Nice level design and fun puzzles!

I want to make sure everyone is getting their games reviewed and rated! I have alot of time so go ahead and send them my way! This is also my first ever game jam so if you have a moment please check mine out as well! https://froggiejonnie.itch.io/shape-reclaim

https://froggiejonnie.itch.io/shape-reclaim Ill take a look now!

This was simple and fun, why am I shooting burgers in space? I have no clue but I kept doing it! I like that you also had a shield ability that helped you get through the barrage of bullets, however, there was also alot of bullets flying my way and not enough there to help me avoid it, maybe more powerups? overall for a game jam great work!

This was super fun! Thy way you incorporate the music with movement mechanics was super creative, Definitely more of a learning curve but also really satisfying to beat each level!

Definitely had me stuck playing for longer than I expected too, I always enjoy games like this! 

This was fun I really enjoyed the different mechanics and they always showed up with good timing so I never felt like it was becoming dull, great job !

The art was amazing I'm a huge pixel art nerd. You did really well with the voxel feel of blowing down the building I think this would be an amazing game if you ended up adding physics to it collapsing and different levels with different buildings!

I like the perspective and the way it moves with the player thats a really cool effect, i will say it took me a good minute to figure what I was doing other than going in circles over and over. but once I got it I had a great time.

Definitely should have added some markers where enemies were going to spawn with a delay. Im glad you enjoyed the character movement!

Thank you! I completely agree I wanted to add some variety but so goes a game jam :)

Thank you I really appreciate that

I’m glad you like the game concept! I’m sorry to hear you didn’t have a Health bar there should have been in the top left I will look into why it’s not showing up for some people after the voting is done!

Im glad you enjoyed it :)

(1 edit)

Pretty Solid game, I feel like the timer is really long for the nuke. Over All had fun destroying for a few minutes!

Fun and engaging, A bit chaotic and hard to get ahold of what to do but enjoyable none the less.

This was a fun experience for sure, the enemy types were a nice variety, the balance between powerups and chaos were a perfect mix of fun!

This ahs earned my highest rating so far! A lot of fun and had me playing over and over until I hit 1170 and claimed my victory at that! 

This concept was alot of fun!