Very relaxing and satisfying game, unexpected plot and really well done mechanics. I loved it, good job. Try out our game, it is also about snails.
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Very good game! I liked the option to play in both sides. Playability is good and mechanics are pretty fun. Also music and sounds are quite good as well as story. The only thing I would improve are the movements physics on platform zones and I would add some missing invisible walls to avoid player falling into the void and having to restart the level. Very good job!
Thank you so much for the review!!Please copy it and post it in the submission page as well
Very challenging game, I love the idea and how you applicated the theme. I´d recommend you to be more fair with the jumps distance in order to make it a bit easier.
Also the game would be better if the camera was farther. It´s a shame that you didn't uploaded an exported version of the game ,I hope people at least try it with the instructions below.
- After you downloaded the file and extracted it, import the proyect in Godot .
- Then edit and replace 4th line with this get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://Scenes/main_game.tscn")
- After this, you can enjoy the game.