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Galen Molk

A member registered Apr 25, 2020 · View creator page →

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I wasn't sure when I got hit or not! It would be cool to have a sound effect or visual when you get hit maybe. Nice work!

It wouldn't load for me, unfortunately.

That was cool! Yes, saving the populace. Innovated design. It took me a minute to understand that my controls were working, to be honest. I might just be dumb lmao but if you keep working on it, addding more feedback would be helpful! A visual/auditory moment that happens when you press the P key. Nice work.

When you get a chance, please mark your download as PC only! It says Mac/PC but there's only a PC build in the zip. Thank you!

When you get a chance, please mark your download as PC only! It says Mac/PC but there's only a PC build in the zip. Thank you!

That was really fun. Great use of the speech bubbles to not only convey story and flavor but also to make it very clear what was happening with the enemies. The only thing I would do would tweak the colliders on the player or maybe some of the environment in that opening level. I went exploring off the path and got stuck in a clump of rocks and bushes for ten seconds before I freed myself lmao. That'll teach me to go off road.

Thank you for the feedback! I just made the inventory always stay open and our other programmer assigned hotkeys for plants. It's definitely an improvement lol.

For Mac users who want to play but it says Damaged:

If you have time, I would suggest changing the supported platforms to Windows only! I downloaded it because it says for MacOS but it was just an .exe. Thanks!

Cool idea to control the aim of both guys with one input! It seems like the starting point for a fun arcade-style game you could expand for multiplayer. I would maybe add more ammo drops. Or maybe I just suck haha.

My girlfriend and I LOVED the music. It was perfect. The art was charming as well. I felt like all the assets fit together in a coherent design really well. The controls were very smooth and responsive. It might be nice for the UI to be on the edge of the screen. And I liked how the chickens moved behind the tree sprites, it added some depth. It might be cool for the players to also move behind the trees so we feel like we're on the same plane. All around fun game.

Thank you for sharing that link, I'll look into it! Yeah those seams were really bothering me lol

Thank you!

Good stuff! Clear game design, satisfying gameplay, kept me engaged. At one point an ally was stuck halfway off the left side of the screen behind a wall and couldn't get past. Maybe something with it's pathfinding? Or it was the end of the level and some ally cleanup didn't happen when it was supposed to. I also noticed the enemies corpse sprite would sometimes be perched on a block by just a hair instead of falling down to where you'd expect it to land. This is all insanely nitpicky stuff though. Congratulations on making an exceptionally fun game in a week!

Hey, that was cool! I thought the sprites were cute and the concept clear and fun. I liked that the roving animals were not necessarily out to get you, unless I missed something. I thought that was a nice change of pace to have neutral NPCs, it made it a more relaxing jumping puzzle game. I did have a couple small problems where I couldn't move for a few seconds after I broke a block. Or in what I think was the second level the camera was unfortunately offset to the right so I could only see half the level. But that was small stuff. Nice work!

Hey, this looked really cool and I downloaded it but it looks like it's only a Windows build. No worries, just a heads up on that in case you want to change the project platforms to Windows only!

Really impressed with your artwork, nice job. I loved the music too. One thing that tripped me up was the perspective of the ground. I wasn't sure where was safe to walk or not.  Even so, what a sweet game!

Thanks for the post! Yeah, it's a weird bug that I haven't been able to figure out yet. I'm using full colliders but he's still falling through the floor lol. 

The voiceover work was awesome! I noticed that using the end-of-level teleporter cut off the voice and I really wanted to listen to it lol. Maybe you could preserve the voiceover between levels somehow with some code.

I found the movement slightly delayed after I pressed a key, which created some difficulties in controllign battery placement and crossing gaps. Overall, this would be a game I'd definitely play a lot if the physics were more responsive and battery movement was polished! Nice work.

(1 edit)

In all seriousness, really nice platformer! Something I've found frustrating about some games in the jam is a lack of clarity. Your game was super clear. Key + door = win level. And then the guard NPC was beautifully clear: move into the triangle LOS, you lose. Solid design in that regard. You might be interested in adding coyote jumping and/or jump buffering to your game logic. I just learned how to code it myself. It's pretty easy to implement but it adds a ton of quality of life for platformers with a lot of jumping. This is a good read about it: https://developer.amazon.com/blogs/appstore/post/9d2094ed-53cb-4a3a-a5cf-c7f34bc...

Nice work!

lmao everyone here saying this is on the easy side but here i am getting stuck on this level

Cool! I liked you city background a lot. The physics and coding also seemed really solid. It was fun and challenging combining the elements. A platformer that makes you think??? haha

A couple random things I noticed: when the level after the tutorial loaded, the camera flickered to black and back on a couple times. I could jump and stand on enemies, not sure if this was intentional. I was confused by the tutorial somewhat. It made it seem like my attacks were going to be projectiles, but then when the actual level started, it was all melee. Anyways, good stuff, I hope you keep developing this.

You have a really charming art style! It'd be cool to see your work in any number of other 2D genres as well, like a chill exploration/puzzle game or something. I loved your characters. and yes to pronouns in video games 👏

If you continue to develop this project, I would offer up that the dialogue text color and the text background color could perhaps be tweaked for a greater level of contrast. It was a litle hard to read the white text on grey backgrounds before I moused over them.

Hey, this sounds fun, I'd love to play but I downloaded it and there's only a Windows version. No big deal lol, but maybe if you have time, change the supported platforms in your project description to Windows only!

Cool! I liked your 3D models for the enemies. It reminded me of a cartoony dark souls. I had some trouble moving the camera, maybe the mouse sensitivity was low. And it clipped through the walls a couple times. That minotaur was scary lmao. Good work.

Nice job! I got stuck at the part with three blue walls and two orbs. I found it confusing trying to keep track of what exactly the controls did. If the jam had been longer, I would've loved to see a slower progression of puzzles that help teach you your abilities. That was super fun!

Note for Mac users trying to play who get the Damaged message: Right click app,  Show Package Contents > Contents > MacOS. Then open your Terminal application and drag the UNIX Executable from the MacOS folder (it's called Bound) onto the Terminal window and press return. The game will run!

Wow, that put me a good mood. Loved the lighting, particles, physics. It seems like it'd be challenging  to simulate being underwater but that was super polished. The music was such a bop too, totally fit the vibe.

Hey Nickitus, could you use another coder? I'd love to join if you do :)


(1 edit)

Hey, what's up. I'm an amateur Unity programmer operating out of Eastern Standard Time. I've primarily built 2D projects so far.

Some games I've worked on:

  • Classic tile-flipping Memory game, with computer opponent with adjustable difficulty: demo video
  • Quest system and journal UI for a detective/puzzle game, plus a binary file save system
  • Top-down action runner: https://galenmolk.itch.io/rescue-rosie

Some other mechanics I've been prototyping:

  • Lane-based tower defense
  • Side-scrolling platformer
  • Interactive fiction
  • Point & click puzzle

Happy to contribute as programmer only, or to jump in and help design as well. Whatever you're looking for. 

Discord: aubrian#1985

Wow! 5/5 on everything for me! What a great example of a unique design idea brought to fruition in such a clear, fun format. I love how the dificulty scales organically as your past selves fill up the level. It makes me think that there's actually a good deal of strategy on replays. I would try to move in a predictable way around the level so I can avoid myself more easily down the road. This was awesome.


Thanks for playing!

I agree, hand drawn walls would definitely improve the whole look. And yeah, the clocks spawning between 4 walls is so annoying. I wasn't savvy enough with my C# to prevent that from happening in my code so I made the walls breakable as a temporary solution. But I made the walls take 4 hits to destroy, which almost always takes too long to do because of how fast the camera scrolls lol. Back to the drawing board. I really appreciate the feedback!

Thanks for playing! I wish I had a turtle called Rosie lol. I was rushing to finish the game by the deadline, I did not manage my time well last month haha. I was intending to have some kind of boss battle but in the end I needed to simplify the game so that you basically trigger a win condition after surviving long enough. So I was thinking, it's 2020, nobody needs another princess rescue story so let's make it a turtle. My girlfriend (who did the voices) came up with the name Rosie :-)

Looking forward to checking out your submission later today!

Thank you so much for the link! That was really helpful in terms of my UI. Now I just have to figure out why my code that rotates the player to face the mouse isn't working in fullscreen lol. 

The upwards scrolling was a design choice to keep the pressure on but  I agree it's very frustrating most of the time haha. I was thinking of increasing the player speed when they're moving downwards to help with that. But I like the idea you bring up of having a cam that tracks the player! There'd be an incentive to keep moving because of the timer but you could also go back to get clocks. Thanks for playing, I really appreciate the feedback!

Thanks! Yeah, I really need to figure out resolution and scaling in Unity. When I tried to build it fullscreen, things got weird. Like my menu buttons would only register a click if you clicked an inch to the right of it. Also, my mouse aiming code totally broke in fullscreen mode. If you know of any learning resources for resolution related stuff that you'd recommend, I'd love to check them out! Thanks so much for playing.

This was so fun! I love the puzzle element of the movement. And your art and animations were very satisfying. Everything just fits together so well. Great design. When it came to the time limit, at first I thought the amount of time I had left was relative to the amount of coins I had made sure to pick up along the way. I realized that wasn't the case but I wonder if that would be an interesting element! So if you're super thorough, you get a little more time. But if you rushed the early level and didn't bother to solve all the puzzles and get all the coins, you get less time. Definitely 5/5, excellent work!

Hahaha amazing. Thank you so much for playing and for letting me know about that bug!

That was really cool. It was fun to play a side-scroller shooter but have enemies above you. I'm definitely going to try and learn from your source for future project inspiration. Your 2D artwork was stunning. I want to figure out how you made the multi-layered canyon walls. Nice work!

(1 edit)

I love this concept of an animal feeding game! I feel like there isn't a game out there quite like this. Super cozy. I just noticed a couple times when canvas elements were overlapping with each other. Also would it be possible to make the level image on the Menu Screen bigger? The text could be bigger overall as well. Nice work.

Thank you so much!