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A member registered Mar 30, 2022

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While the majority of games I play now are porn there is a lot of tags on to match what suits the game. The porn rabbit hole can go deep and rarely will it satisfy everyone. I feel that you should focus on your strong suits before branching out into other things. Project 0193 has a decent story and background but I already can see it branching out way out like in cyoa. just the pacificist and non pacificist run has already made it so you have to make two games essentially. Once you feel you developed this game well enough maybe start a second one to go the more nsfw way.

I like the characters in the game. I really didn't like Octavia and liked Riley at first, but the rest of the demo convinced me to buy the game. spent the day playing this and I came around to Octavia the more I learnt about her and found Riley annoying during the second half, but I think that's more because I was feeling for my character injecting reality into fantasy his dick would be sore bouncing between so many women. hardest choice in the game was who to sit next to in history class which for me Chloe won. The fetish list threw me off at first since I thought it was enabling content to be shown instead of a checklist. All the characters look attractive, I was disappointed there wasn't more to Liu. You did well on character development, but it feels like the main plot moves so slow and I like how you tried to cater to a lot of tastes. I think you handled trans pretty well without being overbearing. I just found that the beginning was restrictive balancing points which I glad you move away from later in the story and was more based on choices. I did give this story a five-star rating, but my biggest disappointment was the end of the content. I really wanted to see how the main character fucking every woman would go but I'll have to put it on my pile of games to checkback on down the road for development time.

that part was annoying but what I did was save before the room and run around writing down the answers from each computer. it wasn't until it was solved I figured out how to lock it in the center. the fight isn't hard just tedious and if you run to the other side after you down it it takes longer for it to get to you.

I like the concept, but the grammar hurts my eyes so much. There isn't much there to mention the story.

it's alright. I feel like there could of been more like ways to change how they look and some upgrades were counter productive such as max out rest time so they didn't need to use break time and if they they didn't rest then drip didn't work. considering you had time constraints it's understandable. if you do decide to continue working on this game I would like to see more story and it would of been nice to see what upgrades that were cut. I don't understand the idea of a leaderboard since there is no fail state.

good game, still don't feel choices matter so as checking to see if you want to see lewd scenes or not. I think my favorite character is Celeste

not a bad start, I don't know how long you were working on this but I came looking for porn and was surprised to find a discount cyberpunk. :p The game looks well made but found a typo with purple hair guy in the sewers, instead of quit he says quite. Paying for bullets is a bit too micromanaging a bullet cost two dollars a rat pays one dollar and you are not really rolling in money for most of the game and even the guns you do find I knew I would burn through nine bullets or seventeen bullets in no time. I also feel Berry needs to learn ddos attack a level or two earlier since a black hat is pretty pointless until you can use it to attack machines and the definition of what counts is kind of a mystery since cyborg dog is not but mesh cyborg dog is. mp and tp are not really balanced I know it would suck if Len or Stella was out of mp but why use mp if the most expensive skill costs fifty-five, but you regen thirteen percent every turn, get over a little four hundred mp and you gain more than you lose. Meanwhile Berry can freely do double and triple attack to gain twelve to fifteen tp only to burn it doing something like bash or slash which does the same amount of damage just for a chance of a status effect, but Len needs ten tp to hurt not machines since black hats have horrible attack. The story is interesting enough but I can't really judge on it since it hasn't finished yet.

I feel I enjoyed this game although half the game models are fugly, and I feel like there was a lack of direction in the game since there was loose ends all over the place. I can tell you are learning since the schools of magic were not something to collect and in act 2 it was more all of them level up at the same time. Also I felt like Bredita and necromancy being evil was kinda overshadowed with how fast the power scaling went. I can't tell if it was guilt from the start or just overeagerness to share the sex scenes but it was kind of overwhelming at the end especially since it was kind of repeating of actions just with different girls for most of it. I gave this game a three star rating since it was pretty much baseline for a good game but I would be interested in any new projects you decided to share but I would suggest have a storyboard or an outline of what to do for the project beforehand also I know authors like to foreshadow things but showing us cutscenes of things our character doesn't know only to inform the player character later was kinda a long-winded form of writing.

I agree with aleciarobbins you sort of need to work on a description of what the game is about. I can tell you are still learning the engine because there is a problem with the text running off and some places have the wrong triggers such as in the beginning with the paper cup it will pick up me interacting with it even if I'm actually by the armors, the hidden doors are also something that should be avoided, although it makes sense now a days to have a house front door across from the other if the player can't see a door then it's possible they won't find the door also a lot of clipping assets. Overall, it was alright for a lighthearted adventure

This isn't a bad start, the major flaw I see is you need to proofread your work a lot. in visual novels the thing that players will interact with the most is the writing, so you need to double and triple check to make sure it's done well so maybe run it through a word doc before putting it in. I noticed some place where there needed to be a space and when first meets the twins, Saeko will refer to the main character as Jay even if you change his name. I suggest in future projects try to keep the cast a bit more down since it's hard to keep track of who is who when you have ten people introduced in a short time. I'll check out Dreams of Desire and Deadmoon but when it comes to visual novels the ones that stick in my head is Tales from the Unending Void by preverteer and Ravager by 4minutewarning.

I enjoyed this game a lot. I just hope in later updates there is more influence and time. it's kind of annoying how get changed into a female, handicaps you so much with Gethra not giving you the time of day in the first challenge and Marazet waiting for you on the second one. I kind of hope in the more developed version you can screw over more of the characters because it feels like a lot of them needs to be took down a peg or two. Also some of the characters I feel don't need to be changed much if at all such as Rhianna. I would also suggest making the hubs more distinguished because I didn't notice quick enough you can meet people outside of your faction's icon and the gazebo.

tried the demo and I can agree somewhat with what Raven commented on about 9 months ago and I find the main character annoying. not sure how Raven felt about it but I found him kind of stupid for the first chapter. chaos of getting captured okay being imprisoned in a different country yet can still find it in himself to bitch and complain like he doesn't really understand his situation. also felt annoyed at how easy it was to force him into things where I think I would get shocked was refusing to do sexual things since he has a history of it but nope and would be kind of common sense in a country ran by the other gender you shouldn't yell at your partner like a dumbass. I really wish he didn't hide the fact he was forced to do sexual things from his wife. regardless I'm interested enough to buy this game is it better to buy it on or steam?

(3 edits)

I really enjoyed this game and my favorite character is Lenya. I think the writing needs to be improved on I noticed a few typos here and there and it would help if you put internal monologuing in parentheses since a lot of times I was wondering if people were saying what they were thinking like the main character tended to do in the beginning.

this seems interesting but I think the screen is too small

mixed about this honestly, I like it because of the srpg but every character besides Otis annoys me. got up to chapter 6 and basically what got me to stop play is another character disappearing after. the first one I saw coming because I played fire emblem and saw one character that reminded me a lot of Jaden so when he disappeared didn't bother me that much but when the second one disappeared right after I went through the trouble of leveling him up kinda killed my motivation.  I like Jakson in battles, but I found him annoying in the support stories. Satia and Norde were almost interchangeable in combat with Satia being slightly weaker. it bothers me that Norde thinks he is better than Anton while looking up to Ivan meanwhile he beats Pup in a spar when gameplay he was level 8 and Pup was level 13 -.- I feel you are trying to make Satia kinda a mother archetype but besides bullying the main character with no history just came off as annoying to me.  Rowan's character didn't annoy me just using him in combat was annoying since he has no normal weapons and you only give 3 keys he kinda has to come along most fights just to unlock thing and since blaze and smite has such short range with his low hp he dies unless he is basically kill stealing from other party member also story wise it annoys me how long they distrust him, about 3 chapters and still brought up later. Charlotte was like the worse parts of Satia and Rowan put together fragile, short range and annoying personality. Mariel in combat suited her role decently as a healer but her nativity was annoying. I sorta liked Cainan but his long hair made me think he was a girl for the longest time until they kept referring to him as he I figured it wasn't a type o in my defense his shield blocks his chest so ha ha moment for me. Anton annoys me because he honestly is kinda dumb and a push over, for combat all he can do is swing his sword. no range options, no spells just swing sword all day every day and not even that well if you look at it story wise and gameplay I was way over leveled for the intended encounters, so I had to have him sit back most of the time although I did get a laugh that Jakson usually had a higher magic stat them him even a dog is a better mage than the mercenary. I know that it's your setting and your world building but historically nobles were better educated and although I'm not expect Anton to be a scholar he seems to mix well enough with the princesses for someone who only remembers being a mercenary he is a bit too soft for being paid to kill others also it's silly how weak he is just because he is outnumbered or unarmed guys are bigger than him he feels he can't fight back and how often he gets startled is silly. I still don't understand the conversations in combat. it's mentioned in the tutorial that support quests happen because the amount of combat a character was in. overall, I was disappointed that this was more of a visual novel then engaging game and i feel it's a bit too lighthearted, but I can honestly see that it's done decently enough to distracted me for two days hence I'm mixed on my feelings for this game.

Eromancer community · Created a new topic bugs

I'm using the window 0.0.002 version, guards become untargetable except when they are exactly 5 tiles away starting from when the spear guards show up. the jerk off masturbation doesn't function so no way to get hp except from falling guards and in most places guards bodies disappear and if used will play the ghost jerk off scene. also if a guard body is next to the tile you enter in you can't leave the tile making it a soft lock.

on your tfgame sites post it mentions you had problems with rpg maker mv and killed your patience with this game. does that mean you gave up on the concept? my complains about this game so far is the ninja compulsion is too annoying tried to do work but twice in a row it made me gossip wasting time. deck customization is a hassle since clothing forces 10 cards on you, I feel being able to replace cards would of been better. it's annoying to try to keep track of what crystals you sync with and their benefits so maybe something to show what your resistances is would of been nice could of put in status since that didn't seem to have much use. guidance was kinda bad too went through a week before I realized that you could go to the right and left after beating the first boss and finding out what is going on is a little too obtuse everyone and everything is pointing to mind controlled students to do homework but you can only proceed if you talk to one student. worse part of combat is realizing you need to click a single button to end it when everything else is done by keyboard. I do like the story for the most part cypher is cute. The artwork is alright I think it would be interesting to see how it improves in your later works. I'm not sure why people are leaning towards cards for combat in games but I did like the going feral artwork even through I never used the card since it would k.o. me in most combat. the twist I didn't expect was what the green hair girl's motivates were which it where I stopped. I also like the design of the school earlier rpg maker games in non fantasy settings tended to make things too big or poorly designed but your maps seem about the right size disregarding their is no exit to the outside world. I feel I like your game enough to try the sequel.

upgrading compaions is a wip. The current version lets you do it once with one being twic

kinda what I was talking about with everyone wants to be a sister but I'm glad there will be more love interests, of the current cast it seems the best seems to be the twins but I do like the ai.

Maeda has a brother fetish, Akira is his older sister, Mirai is his younger sister and then there is Nobume which how the families are might be a cousin funny enough which is all tied to Ren before the crash. the ones tied to Inei are Luna, Mei, Diana and Artemis which is was meet after the crash which is why so many want to be his sister. granted when I was younger I use to like incest but considering how Patreon cracks down on junk like it leads me to believe the only ones who can have a relationship with the main character is Inei side

this game is very good for the most part only flaws I see really is too much in the anime tropes and by the time I start really getting attached it gets to the end. I hope I can remember this so I can see how it ends. one thing that confuses me is will the main character get with anyone besides who Ren knows already considering everyone else wants to be a sister?

interesting proof of concept but it has it's glitches such as saying I was defeated when I was able to defeat Bellatrix. trigger needs to be fixed I think since I went to the blacksmith to turn in the ore to get the whole lecture about how I need to get stronger. kinda quit playing after that. I was hoping there would be actual females but this game suffers from the same thing as tales from androgny in that all females are actually futa. I guess you are working on other project currently but if you return to this one I might play it again.

it unlocks by beating the dungeon which you need find the rebels after getting the information from a patrol in the mountains

refuse to show your permit or attack the first time you see them. you need to fight them and win