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As for the art and SFX (my part) Thank you for the compliments on the art :D, and don't worry, mouth sound effects are off the table for now, it was just an experiment we wanted to try for this game jam :). Thank you for your critique, it is very valuable. The boat was pretty easy to make, I just drew a boat, made some rooms and then filled in the rest, so thats not the hardest thing about the art don't worry. The animations were probably the hardest. Once again, thank you for your detailed feedback, it means a lot!
Nice artstyle and original premise, but I had no idea how to get spice. Walked around the whole garden and didnt find any, destroyed a bunch of cabbage, still nothing. One of my cucumbers died and nothing. It would have been better is the spice was an item you had to look for in the garden, or maybe just the first piece of spice, and the DR would tell you how to get more spice if you got that one piece.
Good game! Minimalistic art style that is coherent, simple gameplay loop, and good premise. I got to 10:15 before deciding to quit because of the repetitivness. If you added more enemies or maybe a score that ticks up faster the more plants you have, then it would be awesome. Another thing is that the character felt like he was on ice, I would make the movement glide less. Other than that, cool game
really good puzzle game! I got stuck on that one level with the button and the door, where you have to go right and up to the button and then left to the exit, that was insanely difficult, but I managed to beat it and the rest of the levels had a way easier level of difficulty. Good graphics and unique concept, and audio was also good. A couple things I would change is not making the music start over each time you restart the level, because all I heard was the first 5 seconds of the song and I didnt even realize it continued into a melody xd. One more thing I would change is the hitbox of the exit, it happened a lot that I would be finished with the puzzle, but the only reason I had to restart is because my head hit the corner of the exit and didnt fully go in. Solid game!
Pretty good game! It was simple, I knew exactly what to do, and finished the game feeling complete. One small thing I would change is having the ability to dispose of multiple rocks with one flick of the switch, that way when someone spends a lot of time bringing rocks over they can just flip the switch once and be done with it :D
Very simple game, took me 137 seconds to complete. Felt very very satisfying to get that demon core to connect. Even though its such a short, simple, really simple, horribly controlled game, its more fun that 50% of the games I've played in this jam, good job! Keep making more! Could we have hiroshima next?
I love clicker games! I did a strategy where I only bought the coin upgrade. Soon enough I was making 2000 coins per hit and then I bought all the summons I could, big mistake, my ears bled from the sounds of 50 or so ninjas slashing away at the chest, but it was worth it! I would make it so that the price of the upgrades increases a little bit with each purchase (dont tell anyone but, I love that the price doesn't increase in your game). The ending was great :D. Solid art, animations were smooth, I would maybe add a bit more feedback to the player when they buy an upgrade or when they hit the chest, but other than that, pretty great!
Very nice relaxing game, I made it to level 14 before realizing that they repeat xd. Pretty fun game, really liked how you made the things decay automatically after a while, it would have been really frustrating to have to eat every single bit of the thing you're eating. I found a strange bug or "feature" where if you stop moving with the worm his head keeps spinning, don't know why but, yeah. Pretty solid entry!
Pretty cool game! Very neat take on the theme. The bats were a bit over powered so i used those mainly, and I didnt use the hypnotize mechanic much, because the benefits you gain aren't worth risking the damage you'll take. Also missing SFX and music, would have been way more enjoyable with those. Other than that, the art is great, feels coherent. I survived 6 nights and then the game started lagging when an infinite amount of enemies started spawning and I couldn't kill them in time. Other than that, pretty solid entry.