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A member registered May 31, 2021 · View creator page →

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This is a new concept that I haven't seen before.  It's pretty fun.  I noticed a few problems with collision, and there was a couple of places I could really cheese it for my advantage.  I'd recommend using bigger colliders, or change your rigid bodies to constant so it's always checking for collision.  That should stop the cheesing problem :P

Thanks for your feedback! 

1.  In the full game everything will be made in a grid system.  Hazards (Including followers) will highlight the edges of the squares red (or something similar)  This should help with a lot of confusion :)

2.  I'm sorry you found the music off putting.  Many others loved it.  Maybe it was something with the fire sfx playing under the track.

3. I'm actually surprised this didn't come up sooner.  During development we had to pick, and choose where to spend a lot of time, and where to cut corners to meet the deadline.  The game over screen/pause menu only had time for 1 draft.  With less time restraints the full version will be much more modern, and sleek.

4.  Thanks we do too :)

I'll check yours out right away

This was pretty fun!  It's a mix of two classic titles, and it works well, and makes sense instantly! 

I was afraid that wouldn't be apparent enough, but I'm glad you could figure it out! Thanks for playing!

I'm a work right now, but I'll check this out when I get back home!  I'd love to see another snake entry!

yeah in the full version the hit boxes will make more sense.  The movement isn't based on a grid so it's easy to be on half a tile and collide with something .  Thanks for playing though!

(1 edit)

Thanks for the feed back! Yeah a lot of people suggested the grid system. In the full version that'll definitely be implemented :) thanks for playing!

Probably the only online entry.  It's like a mix of pokemon snap, and those old school avatar chat rooms.  This game stands out a lot compared to the rest.  I really like the screen that pops up when you find a new bug.  Very polished.

Congratulations on beating it!  That is no easy feat.  You sir are a master!

I wasn't expecting a puzzle.  This was a pretty neat idea.  Good job on your game ^_^

I was blown away by the main menu.  I havent seen a mini intro in this whole jam.  The polish, and love that went into this game is incredible!

This was a pretty fun title! The UI for the main menu looks really nice, and these puzzles really made me think.  I like it!

Part of that is because I had to change how collision worked half way through development.  Most colliders are pretty lenient (You have to hit the center of the object to actually be out)  But some got left really tight.  In the full version it'll be more consistent :)

The physics are a little wonky, but over all it was a good game.  The only thing I'd suggest is to automatically move to the next level whenever you've completed it 

Is the name a pun since its called path, and is written in python?  If so thats great!  The game play is also pretty fun too.  I wish there were guide lines so I could see how my nodes looked before I placed them but its still really fun!  Great job!

Thanks for the feed back!  We wanted to keep the same feel as the game snake where you can't touch your tail or you lose.  I do agree that it doesn't "feel" right, and in our full version I want to make it feel more intuitive to not touch your followers.

First time I've ever played a py game.  Kinda makes me want to work on my twitter bot I wrote in python :)  This was a pretty neat game.  Although I've seen the control 2 character theme a lot in this jam the other character was never an enemy so theres a lot of originality to this!

(2 edits)

Thanks for the feed back!  I want to go on, and expand on this idea.  The main character should be a fire fighter if I keep the fire theme in the full version.  I kept the death when touching followers to keep the traditional feel of snake (like when you hit your tail)  I was playing while developing it, and I felt it was at a fair level.  In retrospect I do believe I should have brought the speed down or at least made a difficult system that affects how fast you move.

I can't believe you were able to do all of this art in 2 days along with writing the story!  You put a lot of hard work into this, and it shows in your game.  Great job!

It took me a while to understand the controls, but once I did it was pretty fun!  You did a really great job!

Okay now this is on a WHOLE new level.  For one the art was clearly made by professionals.  It looks so polished, and the detail is soooo good.  Just look at the game over screen.  It's amazing.  The plot/premise of the game is so WILD. I love it.  If this game will be in the top 20.  Theres no way it can't 

This game was a on of fun.  I played it all the way through.  The game dialogue was well written, and the music really fit the atmosphere,  Over all it was really fun, and way different then everything else I played so far.

This is an incredible game for 48 hours.  Not a lot of shooters have been summited so this was a nice change of pace from all of the other games I played so far.

I really like this, and the fact that you did it by your self is incredible.  One thing I wish was included though was a move list on screen.  Atleast for the first level so you could easily learn how to cast the spells.  Over all I think the game was really good, and fun to play.

Very polished game!  I love the idea, the music, visuals everything!  I hope you make it to the top 20!

Couple of bugs with the controls (Like how you can move with the arrow keys, but can't jump) But the UI elements being game objects will really cool.  Nice game

Thank s for playing!

At first I wasn't sure how this fit the theme, but as it went on it made more sense.  I love how your game as a cut scene.  Most other games didnt have any

Pretty interesting game with an aesthetic that stands out from the rest.  I don't think I've seen any other games that are similar to a management sim.

A pretty fun game with an original idea.  The UI is very polished.  This is one of the nicer looking games out of all entries.  Bravo!

I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for playing!

The game play was fun, and  original.  The music, and SFX added a lot more depth.  I think you did a really good job! :)

I re-did the collection system midway through development so some colliders are really lenient while others should probably be tightened up.    I glad you still enjoyed it though!

We will be making a mobile version some time after the jam.  It'll include all cut content (More hazards, more zones, skills, difficulty, and of course many MANY more puns!)

The is a very polished game with many levels, and unique features.  The browser page also also been decked out, and the games transitions are the smoothest I've seen so far. Bravo!

I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks for the feed back!  Theres a lot of stuff that had to get cut (like certain followers giving you skills), but I think it still came out great!

That justs means they wanted to play more!

This was a really unique concept, and I don't think anyone has done anything remotely similar.  The game is very polished featuring animated text/tutorial/ and 2 different modes.   This isn't present in most entry's.  A little bug I ran into is if you go back to the main menu you can't play again with out refreshing your browser.  Besides that its a really good game!

I'm glad you enjoyed it :D