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A member registered Sep 17, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the nice comment, as the person responsible for said skull trap you gave me a nice laugh!

Oh, that’s a neat idea! The spawns still are a bit janky, and sometimes if you kill the enemies too fast it takes a long time for them to spawn back, which definitely is an oversight on my end. Thanks a lot for the feedback!

The idea is that the enemies get revealed by the radar, and they start fading after a while, but the radar speed seems to be far too fast. I didn’t really have as much time to test as I would have liked, but I definitely feel it should have been slower.

Yeah, I’m still not sure how transparent the recipes should be. I toyed with having an entire recipe book available, but I felt it took something away, but also I feel it might be a tad cryptic as it is. I’ll have to keep thinking about it I guess. Thanks for your feedback. PS: Just in case you didn’t get them (it happened quite a bit in testing), if you hover an item in your inventory, a panel pops up telling you what recipes it’s good for, maybe that can help if you hadn’t seen them

Thanks a lot! I pretty much fully agree with the changes you suggest haha. I managed to finish the game right before the deadline, so saldly I had to cut some more polish on a couple of things. Thanks a lot for your feedback!

It took me a try of floundering to get it fully, but I don’t think it was a huge problem.

It looked really nice, and I liked the level getting harder with each upgrade, it gave a nice level of balance to each one. Good job!

Despite the game being somewhat unfinished (unless I just didn’t get it or a bug popped up), I found the concept of moving enemies from timeline to timeline fascinating. I could see it used in many interesting ways, from puzzles to action games. Good job!

I found this game to be a really fun concept despite being quite short. Maybe the way the lasers work could be explained a bit more clearly, but overall it felt like the prototype to a game with a lot of design space.

Aha! This is one of the trickier ones, but I can tell you the third ingredient is another prepared drink.

I figure it’s a game you can play on your browser. Itch has a really good browser player where you can upload your games. You just have to make sure to export it for web.

Very good tips!! Thanks!

Found you in the Sudaka Games discord, really liked the game. As someone who has made games that aren’t super easy to understand right off the bat, I think a good, deep tutorial would go a long way. Once I got most of it, I found it to be very interesting, it combines the puzzle of moving and picking the right spots to hack really well with the goal of getting everything. I think making the “main log” screen (lower left) either a bit bigger or less cluttered would also go a long way. Great job, keep it up!

(1 edit)

I found the whole idea to be super ambitious, and the control scheme to be really innovative. I did struggle to understand what I was supposed to be doing at first, but I eventually got the hang of it. I also really liked the addition of the supplies, as they make you go outside the tank and experience that part of the gameplay before the wyrms show up! Great job!

Edit: Idk how I forgot to add this, but it looks amazing, and it’s incredibly impressive you managed to make it in only four days!

Oh my goodness!! This is so cool! I just checked it out and I’m truly honored. Thanks so much!

Hi, just signed up to the jam and love the concept, but I have a few questions. First, do we only get 1 asset or is it a set with which to make our game? In case it’s the first, can we then make extra assets ourselves or can we only use the given ones? Lastly do we or can we know if the assets are 2D or 3D?

Thanks so much, hope my questions aren’t too dumb


Oh wow! I’m super glad you enjoyed it so much! I would love to see your take on it! I am also a massive fan of customization, so I also quite like that idea.

Thanks a lot! I hadn’t thought of the animation thing, but now that you mention it, I’ll take a look into it! Hope you enjoyed it!

Thanks a lot for your comment! The background was one of the things I thought of adding, but ultimately decided not to, and I think it was a mistake. I now think it was possible to keep the feel of it with the added clarity. Well, you live a d you learn I guess. I’m glad you enjoyed it!!

(1 edit)

Wow, I had never thought of the horizontal mouse motion, but it sounds like it could be really interesting! I kept the movement more restricted because I liked some of the uncomfortability, but I did get that note about diagonal movement during testing as well. It was more down to preference I suppose. Thanks a lot for the cool ideas, and I hope you enjoyed it!

Thanks for the feedback! Yeah, I thought of adding customizable controls, but I never got around to it. I will make sure to check out your channel!

Thanks a lot!!

I really appreciated seeing a more narrative game here, as there are usually few in jams. The starting sequence was great, with some pretty good cinematography. The visuals are good, and even more impressive considering the amount of stuff you got done in the jam’s short time. Only problem for me was the camera controls, which were kinda finnicky. Good job!

Yeah, death animations are one of the things that sadly didn’t quite make it in time. Thanks a lot, I’m glad you liked the vibes!

I had to come back to the comments to see whether someone had figured out the gameplay, and I’m glad I did. The gameplay is still a bit hard to understand, and there are some bugs with grabbing the objects (I think), but nevertheless, I’d be lying if this game wasn’t fascinating. From the artstyle to the language investigation aspect, to the puzzle itself, this is an extremely creative uncut gem.

I enjoyed the vibes, nice and old school. The controls were a bit tricky, sometimes felt stiff, but I think that also adds to the classic feeling. The sound was cool, and that little line at the beggining was dope.

Nice game, it nails the feel of the retro top down shooters. As said before, it has a little issue with the spawn of bosses, but that’s a little detail. Good job!

Fun game! The models were really nice, and I think the audio also works quite well. Maybe some enemy variety would add some more to it, but with only two weeks this is a solid execution of the concept

I really like the cartoon artsyle combined with the effect at the edge of the screen. Also, the beggining scene was insane hahaha. The game is maybe a bit simple, but for your first in 14 days, it’s a great job!

Nice game, it has the retro game feel nailed down. Congrats on your first game btw!!!

Really cool take on the theme, I think it’s extremely unique. I found the puzzles to be quite hard, but not unfair, and I think there’s also a lot of space for further design. One thing I could think of adding would be a small guide at the beggining, because while the concept is easy to grasp, knowing what to look for at the start would make things easier to get accustomed to. Good job!

I really enjoyed playing this game, the level design made really good use of the base mechanic without being overly complex, and the game has a lot more design space if you wanted to go further. It kinda reminds me of a Chilean game called What lies in the Multiverse. I think there might have been a way of making the goal a bit clearer without losing the confusing maze feeling, but I don’t fault you, having had 2 weeks to make it.

Thanks! Yeah, the enemies tend to clump when following you, and then they basically oneshot you.I’m glad you enjoyed it!

Funny little game. I generally enjoyed my stay at the city hall, so it already beats real life. The Midi keyboard of course was the star of the show, really cool.

It took me a minute to get a hang of the controls, but when I did it really sold the feeling of a spaceship dogfight. The visual style is also on point, the sun looks great, really impressive.

Thanks a lot for your feedback. I have seen different approaches work well with the smaller enemies, which is something I quite like. Glad you enjoyed it!

Wow! Thanks so much! I am pretty happy with the endless mode, as it adds a lot more gameplay for almost no implentation effort. I’m super happy you enjoyed it, and thank you for your kind words!

I am terrible at this game, but nevertheless it’s a fun take on a classic game, and the presentation is also nice. Good job!

Thanks! Yeah, the background was a point of contention during testing. I might implement ways to get some more clarity of movement after the jam