Hello, I just saw the itch.io tool a while ago and was wondering to check the documentation before starting a game. But it seems like everything is off? The websites doesn't answer...
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Nice game, but I didn't understood at first how to open the console at the end of the game. Fortunately, I'm an EFPS Dev newbie so I searched on the software forum and on the discord and I found out the solution.
Shift + Right click in the explorer window where the game executable is (not on the game!), Open Powershell, then put this : ./"buried alive.exe" -console
When your are in the Crib, tap on the console key and put the keyword! Then scroll down and use your weapon.
***Spoiler END***
Really nice and surprising level, it's a pitty that we don't have the account of ennemies killed and the number of secrets at the end though, i see you are working on this for the next update. Some black artefacts are on some ceilings. Next update pleaaase!
The ambient is very mysterious and I like it a lot! Il like the level design, even if it's not like the original doom, it adds a modern edge, as do the flames and lighting effects.
I didn't understood how to display the map interface.
More levels and environments plz!
Nice game, I had some difficulties to play it because the grap isn't working if you don't aim the right thing, I was hoping to grap everywhere and touch the hit point with the grap and not with the cursor. The voice acting is disturbing too. Otherwise, I like the gameplay, animation, and the graphics. Good game!