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A jam submission

DragonscaleView game page

A challenging high-speed platformer
Submitted by Marsoupial, Ample RAM — 5 hours, 12 minutes before the deadline
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Theme interpretation#2213.0003.000

Ranked from 23 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Some checkpoints could be great, I did the tutorial but the first level was too difficult for me. I need smooth difficulty progression to this kind of games. This game could be great to see on speedrun streams though!


Thank you for your feedback!


I like the mechanic, but the gameplay with the keyboad was too difficult to handle. I couldn't even finish the tutorial as I didn't know how to get past the first skeletion. Despite that, I feel the game has a great potential,  a nice atmosphere and it exploits the theme in an interesting way. Graphics are really great too ! Good job !


Thanks for trying it out! If the skeleton is blocking you, you can just jump over his head to continue on


Loved the challenge! It wasn't very clear how to kill skeletons, so I just skipped them, lol. The controls felt really good. I liked the soundtrack; I think adding a forest/windy ambiance would improve the immersion :)


Thanks for your feedback!


I gotta say, the game expects a lot from you right from the get-go. I even found the tutorial difficult. (Kept trying to land on that skeleton but it’s hard to aim once airborne.) I was able to complete the level after the tutorial after many many attempts.

The concept is really cool though! I do like tricky platformers, just needs a more gradual difficulty slope. The graphics are very colorful and quite pretty. (I didn’t reach a dragon, but from the thumbnail, I love how cute the dragon is with his band-aid.) The music was nice to listen to and helped me stay focused on the challenging maneuvers.


Yeah, it comes out the gate swinging lol. An improved difficulty curve is definitely on the to-do list. Thanks for checking it out!


Nice platformer. Gameplay is fun and controls are tight and fun to use. It is quite difficult but rewarding. Well done!


Thank you!


Nice game , I really like the mechanics with the scale but it is quite challenging


Thanks for your feedback!


Really fun skill-based platformer! I thought the controls were fine with some practice in terms of the key bindings. It might be helpful to introduce a buffer when using the scale (arrow keys) to give some leeway / allow some forgiveness for the player mistiming things by a few milliseconds. You can adjust the buffer length to create different difficulties. Just an idea :) Overall though, very addictive, the game is hard to put down! Well done!


Thanks so much for your feedback! And input buffering is a good idea, I will definitely look into that for the full release :)


Really ingenious concept! Like the others said, it's very challenging. The tutorial skeleton killed me an embarrassing amount of times! But amazing what you managed to pull off in terms of gameplay. Congrats


Thank you!

Submitted (1 edit)

Amazing entry! I loved the mechanics of the platforming and the story behind the game. For me, this was very innovative. The art is very lovely and the sound design is on point (a big plus for an original soundtrack).

Unfortunately, I will have to admit here in front of everybody, that I suck at the game. It is challenging, which is a good thing, but my brain could not get over the controls especially. I was unable to precisely control the movement and the direction of the scale at the same time. I tried both the keyboard and controller, but my brain refused to learn this, and I tried for quite some time. :D

Good job! This is a great candidate for a full release later on. :)


Thanks so much for your thoughtful feedback :)

Do you have any suggestions to improve the controls?

Submitted (1 edit)

That’s a tough question. I think it will require some trial and error and user testing. It is hard to answer that just by imagining how it would feel if it was different.

(Let’s consider the keyboard for a moment, but the controller would be analogical.) Based on what buttons I was inclined to press, I would personally try getting rid of the separate 2-axis control of the scale position and incorporate it into the movement. Since there is a separate button for jumping already, I would maybe try:

  • A - move left
  • D - move right
  • W - scale up (glide)
  • S - scale down
  • SPACE - Jump

And you’ll need one extra button, let’s say SHIFT for example, for raising the scale (as a shield) in the movement direction. So if you hold SHIFT + D, you are moving in the right direction with the scale in front of you. When you stop your movement and hold SHIFT alone, you hold the scale in front of you while stationary.

I’d try how this feels, and tweak the binding. But be aware, that this might affect the mechanics and/or level design as well. So there might be some other tweaks required.


I appreciate the suggestion, it’s something I’ll have to ponder. Removing directional blocking would kinda obviate some of the game obstacles, such as the double spike wall bounces.

Lots to think about!

Submitted (1 edit)

Exactly what I was worried about. But I gave the game another go and was trying to think about this and for the double spike wall bounces, I was also switching the movement direction mid-air, not only the scale orientation. Like I was actively trying to move towards the second set of spikes after the first bounce. And with the proposed controls scheme, that would mean that the scale position would switch as well with the character movement after the first bounce.

Anyway, after playing the game for a second day, I feel like I started getting used to the controls. Still a bit unnatural for me, but I could get there eventually perhaps.

Developer (3 edits) (+1)

What I meant is that if the block direction matches the movement direction, much of the difficulty is removed from the double spike bounces. You would simply hold block and air-steer between them. I like having some timing aspect to master for the double bounces… but perhaps air steering is enough? I’m really not sure, tbh. Maybe I’m too attached to the idea of double bounces in the first place.

There is a specific issue with changing block directions: if blocking left and right simultaneously, you block in no direction. So if you are moving rapidly from blocking right to blocking left, if you don’t release right quickly enough, you not be blocking at all when you hit the left spike wall on a double bounce.

You definitely aren’t the only one to struggle with the controls; the goal is to have them not get in the way of the already challenging level design. I’m not sure if resolving that specific issue would be enough, or if a larger rework is necessary. I’d like to try both for a while, I think; trouble is, I can’t go updating the game post-submission!

Thanks for your thoughts!


Very cool idea :) I'm sure it would works better with joypad, 'cause with keyboard was a little bit difficult for me. Great job overall! :)


Thank you, I’m glad you enjoyed!

Can you tell me more about what was difficult about the keyboard controls? Or can you suggest what would have made it easier to control?

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

I enjoyed the game very much.

Mechanics were great reminded me 3 vikings an old blizzard game. What it lacks is a polish in movement. Some things were near pixel perfect and some platforms had "thickness" that make you fall down.

Also when we are trying to do something we don't read the back ground text. Maybe showing that after we die makes more sense and we learn why we died.


Glad you had fun!

Can you elaborate on things being pixel perfect and especially on platforms having “thickness” ?

I think you make a good point about the background text - if I ever polish this up for a full release, a better text delivery method is definitely on the to-do list.


Platform was bouncing me off like a ball in "Arkanoid" when the ball hits the sides of the brick.


thanks for that description lol I will definitely look into it!


Super good game but I spent like 30 minutes on the first level and I couldn't finish but from what I've seen its great


It’s challenging! Hope you give it another shot and beat that first level!


This was a really satisfying, challenging entry! I really liked how fluid the movement felt.


Thank you 🤓


The game is fun and not easy to beat.... Like the sound when I land on spikes with my scale down.


This was great, my favorite Game Off game I’ve played so far! I agree that a binding change would be a necessary update, the wall spikes were very difficult to tackle until I used a controller with paddles (meaning I could easily hold jump and move the shield). It felt great to build up momentum and it really flowed nicely once I got used to it. Very well done!


I’m so glad you enjoyed it! By binding change, do you mean adding a right bumper binding for jump in addition to the existing left bumper binding? Or something else?


I guess i missed that the left bumper was bound to jump, so if that’s the case then no change needed on my end


Cool! Hope it’s easier to play that way 😊


I really like the art and mechanics of the game! The multiple uses of the scale were really unique and fun to play. Playing on keyboard, I feel like there were some issues - it was hard to control at times which was worsened by the high-speed gameplay, and levels being long meant that one accident with the controls ended up causing issues. A lot of these issues are probably alleviated or reduced on controller though.


Can you elaborate on the control issues you experienced?


Mainly just that with the layout of the keyboard and how fast the character moved, it was hard to shift between the glider and shield sometimes 


I see, thanks for the feedback!


This is a fun and challenging game and I think using a shield as a means of movement is pretty unique. I wish the movement was less sensitive though as I had some trouble getting used to the game. But overall it was an enjoyable experience!


Thanks for your feedback! When you say the movement is sensitive, do you mean the aerial and bouncing controls? Or the running controls? Or something else?


Hmm I'd say the running controls actually. There were times where I've jumped to a platform and I want to slightly move to the right, but then my player ends up moving too much and falls right into the abyss hahaha


I see, thanks for your feedback!


This game has a control scheme complicated. You need had the option to configure the keyboard control to left-handed. Also, I have the sensation that the game has trouble responding when I change where the shield is pointing.


Thanks for the feedback!


The mechanics are cool and creative, nice game!


Thank you!


Love the idea, really unique mechanics.  I wish jump was mapped to the right shoulder button as well.  Graphics and music are awesome.  


I’m so glad you liked it! I could easily add a right bumper binding; do you think a tiny update like that is okay to do after submissions have closed?


not sure to be honest! It’s not really any change to the game mechanics so maybe it’s okay?

BTW Did you do all the graphics and music for this game?


I’m gonna lump it under “accessibility” and assume it’s okay 😎

I did not; My teammate Heckerzs did all the character art (player, enemies, dragon). The music is by a friend (Indigo Springs) and was made for the game. Everything else is a free asset (except one sound my brother made).


The power of teamwork!  You all did a great job. 


I added a right bumper binding!


Awesome.  Gonna try it again :)

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