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Haunted Bees Productions

A member registered Oct 18, 2015 · View creator page →

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This was amazing! I made it to the final enemy before I took a fatal blow, then discovered that I was seemingly immortal! After that I beat the game with negative 27 health. Loved it!

Definitely Game Of The Jam 2024. Once I figured out that prioritizing more valuable ores over whatever happened to be closest to me at the moment, I was able to climb up the leaderboards! I'll be coming back to claim the #1 spot after I finish rating other games.

I got up to 227,900 points before I realized that I wasn't winning because I was good -- I was winning because the bullets and enemy ships didn't actually hurt me! Still a fun game!

They call me SONIC the way I be runnin and jumpin!

This is excellent! I hope you develop this concept further because being locked in made for some interesting strategies; trying to plan my way to get to the boots without getting stuck.

This was a lot of fun! I think the balloon didn't shoot fast enough -- there were a lot of times I got smacked by an enemy that I had no way of killing given how fast they moved and how slow I shot -- and I'm still not sure what the B balls do, but this was an excellent game! On my last life I beat the second level and got a score of 51,650!

Just got 51,650, so you're only in second place now! :)

This was a hoot! After I hit a score of 20:00 I drove off to the right to see what I could find. After some random chunks of road, I drove off into the green void. Very impressive game for such a short jam!

Thank you! If I had more time, I would've worked on the audio aspect of the game. I was listening to a lot of Greek pop music on Spotify to get into the right mindset when making the game, though. I hope your music choices worked well with the game, too!

This was one of my favorite, if not my #1 favorite, games of the jam! The difficulty curve felt perfect for me; always enough new stuff to keep me engaged, but not too much that I got overwhelmed. This was a lot of fun!

Thank you! Making yogurt is hard! That's why I only do it in video games; it's even harder in real life!

Thank you!

Thank you! I did have a vision for what I wanted the game to be (which included all of those things!) but my power went out the morning before release, and also the schedule for this jam was pretty tight overall. I might give it a 1.1 update with more content later if I have time, though!

I spent way too much time playing this game trying to beat my previous time. I have not yet mastered steering, but it was a lot of fun!

Thank you! I discovered shortly after release that the fire shader didn't work on a lot of devices, so I figured there would probably be a few other bugs that snuck past me.

Thank you! I originally planned the flavoring to be its own step but combining it probably saved me a little bit of much-needed jam time. I hope you enjoyed it!

I persisted! And then I opened the game in a private tab and gave up immediately just to see what would happen.

Spoilers: Persisting is better, and worth it! Everyone should persist!

This was fun! I wish I had kept count of how many raindrops I was able to avoid before Succumbing.

These penguins are my friends and I'm glad I was able to help them. Very fun little game!

This was fun! I can't recommend Git enough, though! If you still need help with it, I'm probably closer to your time zone so feel free to reach out if you need help getting it set up! It can be scary because of how many features it has, but for the basic purpose of basically being a backup copy of your code, it can be pretty easy once you figure it out!

This was a lot of fun! Love to be in orbit. Love to be launched into the darkness of space.

We do what we can!

I had a lot of fun with this! There were a few too many times where three cars were coming at me, all side by side at the same speed, and I had to accept my untimely demise, but other than that I liked this game a lot!

I love it! Definitely the most polished and elaborate endless-runner-esque game from this jam that I've played so far!

Thank you! Yeah, in hindsight I think the first thing is change would be giving the player more than three strikes, and not making it an instant fail if you miss the time limit once. I added an option to disable the time limit, at least, but the yogurts themselves are still tricky.

Got a high score of 235! I love it!

I think I glitched something -- I only had two diamonds but I got stuck in a wall or something and then got the YOU WIN screen with a score of 430. My high score was 520 with four diamonds though. This was fun! I think the hitboxes for the enemies were a bit too big and the hitboxes for the diamonds and axes were a bit too small -- most of my deaths were within the first couple seconds of the game getting swarmed in the opening area, but overall I liked it!

I got a score of 166 and then I got stuck without getting the game over prompt -- it looks like the leaderboards are offline right now so maybe it glitched out trying to get the leaderboards ready. Overall it was fun, though! I think the bullets travel too far, though, since on my first playthrough I was able to just spam bullets and alternating gravity and I didn't actually see any enemies until around 100m or so because my bullets kept killing enemies before they showed up onscreen.

Thank you! Yoghurt making is a difficult process.

Thank you! It seems some devices don't like the fire shader; not sure what's causing that, but I'm glad you liked it despite that!

Thank you! I hope it's helpful! I didn't get the time to add too much of a tutorial to the game itself, so I figured this was the next best thing.

I beat it on my first playthrough and only died 37 times! This was really fun! Definitely the best game of the jam I've played so far!

Is my assumption that "two buttons" means analog stick/d-pad/arrow keys/mouse movement/etc. are not allowed (unless for example, down on the D-pad is deliberately chosen as one of the two buttons) ?

Thank you! I just purchased the Source pack, and it looks like the License.txt in there is slightly different from CC-SA, but if the page here is the authority on the license, then that works for me! Excellent mushrooms, thank you for making and sharing them! :)

These look amazing! Just to confirm, the assets in both the normal and source packs are CC-SA 4.0 licensed?

Thank you! I'm glad you liked it, and am honored that a five year old April Fool's joke is still finding new players! But now I can reveal to you the true ending:

On January 1, 2024, a piece of Mucky Mouse's soul was pulled into the Public Domains. His Steamboat Core is now where all good old artworks belong, and the Public Domains continues to thrive. It is to the credit of great artists and freedom fighters like You that we can all celebrate this victory today.

But the fight is not over. Mucky Mouse may have been defeated, but there will always be creatures like him trying to stay out of the Public Domains when their time has come, and some will do whatever it takes to make that happen. So remember that the creative freedom of Public Domains isn't free -- but it should be celebrated and used! Use the art of the Public Domains to create your own art, or to give your own spin to a classic character or story, or just make another "what if we made this beloved classic children's character the bad guy in a low budget slasher?" movie, because all of this is your right, and perhaps even your duty!

Whereas Mucky Mouse feared the Public Domains as he thought it to be a sort of death, through the freedom of expression it brings, the Public Domains are the lifeblood of creativity!

Thank you for playing!

This was my favorite game of the jam! I wish there were more than 10 levels just to see how far I can go, but that won't stop me from replaying this again and again trying to maximize my score.

I loved this! One of my favorite games of the Jam. Using emotions/vibes as currency is a fun concept that definitely fits with the Jam's theme. Lots of games have a "you can do this if your something level is over 10" but a "you can do this if you have a something token" changes things a lot. I'd love to see more of this game, and more games in general with this kind of dynamic!


This is one of my favorite games of the Jam! Got a high score of 223. Since the spawn rate for people doesn't seem to change based on number of houses or amount of food, it seems like the winning strategy would just be to make a ton of houses and fields at the start, get as many people as possible, sacrificing the bare minimum while the blood depletion rate is low, then just factory farming people into churches and libraries and then into the pit to die once things speed up.

Alas, this game is not too realistic, or else every librarian would be chucking Molotov cocktails at the White House daily.