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A member registered Feb 23, 2019 · View creator page →

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Pixelated blackletter fonts are where readability goes to die.  I understand the aesthetic choice, but it needs either pixelated anti-aliasing or some other modification.

Is there anything to do yet other than run around the zombies?  Can't figure out any keys other than sprint.

I don't either - the shaders are fine, and there should be nothing linux-specific to break them.  In fact, it should die on error loading the shaders if there were a filesystem issue, but it hasn't.

This is my first attempt at exporting SDL and I seem to have blundered.  If I had ever tested it on any PC other than my own I'm sure it would have been caught in time...  Oh well.  I didn't really make much progress since the first version.

I get what you're saying about it seeming like a fishy executable since I didn't use any engine.  Dunno what can really be done about that other than using an engine (which I'd rather avoid -- I'm too dumb for object oriented programming and 20 levels of abstraction) or compiling to WebAssembly and letting people play in browser.  I'll keep it in mind for next time.

(1 edit)

That's really frustrating, seems most likely to be missing a DLL that I have in %path% which allows it to run on my machine, or 32 bit vs 64 bit error.  If I can figure it out, I'll reupload. :/

Edit: I was missing a dependency.  This may or may not allow the program to run.  If you like, please give the new upload a try.

Oh yeah now I see it.  So much easier to kill the boss with these!

How do I train warriors?  They can't "enter" the barracks the way they can mines and farms, standing them near the building doesn't seem to change them in any way, clicking on it the only button is to destroy it...

I said this before on agdg but I think the only major flaw in this game right now is the menus being mousescroll instead of mouseover.  It is super easy and super frustrating to end turn when you think you're going to recruit etc. every time.  Otherwise I think this is great, you have really made progress in the short few times I've seen this game.  Very charming.

Difficulty may be all over the place.  I did a few missions, some I rolled over the enemy and some I got rolled over, no real middle ground.

I ran it from the command line, but that's it.  Shrug

Probably an encoding issue, it might look fine on other machines.  

Happy to report that the provided ToA.exe does in fact work and no thrice-cursed make install was necessary :)
Although, a one liner for g++/mingw would probably work fine and save the headaches.

The colors are hard to read on my machine.  Maybe this is not intended behavior from your screenshot.

Thanks for playing.  Yeah it's a bit of a mess.  I used GetKeyState in windows.h polled every frame, so if a key is pressed and released within the same frame, the input would be dropped (it didn't happen to me in testing, or I'd have jacked up the frame rate).  The reason is that the traditional method of getting messages in windows.h doesn't work in a console window and getch() would have driven people nuts.

Thanks for playing and I'm glad you enjoyed.  I'm a lousy artist and I made a lousy paint program, ironically drawing those sprites was the most fun of development.  Potions are randomized on every new game, some heal, some debuff, some make you trip balls.  There's even a warp back to town potion.  Of course, figuring out what effects each potion has per run is left as an exercise to the player :)

I do sincerely apologize about unfocused input.  It's a limitation of the engine and/or my lack of skill, since I don't have access to the usual winmain message loop using the console I instead poll the mouse and keyboard 60 times per second.

I do kinda want to expand this but my frustrations with the engine mean I'll probably rewrite everything but the game logic in SDL or something and pretend that it's still a terminal.  I had to drop animations, maze graphics, etc because they simply ran too slow in cmd.exe to sell the illusion when I tried them.  (You can do a maze, for example, but only if you stick to vector-style graphics where you only overwrite a few 10s of cells per frame)

Yes, I don't know anything about wine / terminal emulation but since this ""rendering engine"" uses UTF-8 encoding and ansi code emulation in the Windows terminal, I expect it to be broken on anything other than Windows.  (Or anything other than default terminal settings, which is what the batch file sidesteps.)
