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Dalton Hutchinson

A member registered Jun 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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Love this, the characters have so much personality, even though they don't have faces!

This is awesome

I thought your game had a really sweet spot amount of challenge Garrett. The bounciness was a really cool and fun mechanic. I also loved how if you fell onto a bouncy platform, you would keep your momentum. Reminds  me of Pogostuck. I think  one thing that would help your game a lot is a little bit larger boxcast because sometimes you'll be  bouncing and not grounded and technically not able to jump.   I liked the ending of your game a lot too it was funny. Great job Garrett.

Matt, I think your game is definitely hard enough, maybe even too hard! I wasn't able to get past the second level, but I'm also not the best at platformers. There are some things that feel unfair though. For example, the coins and  health don't respawn when a player loses all their lives, so it feels like the best way to do it is restart the game every time. It also felt like depending on the timing that you start the level, the enemies would be moving a certain way that you can't avoid them, so that felt unfair as well. Otherwise I might suggest the player not having to start from level 1 when they lose all their lives. This would make health pointless but I think it could help with your difficulty. I thought the graphical style was really good for this game though. The simplicity made me just focus on the mechanics which I really liked in your game. I think the floor needs to be a little bigger at the bottom though because I can see the background. The music was a great choice and made it feel intense too. Overall, great job it was frustrating but fun.

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Vincent I really enjoyed your game, I thought the shooting was really satisfying and a large part of that was the sound. I also thought the deaths counter since your game kind of felt like a rage game with a some difficult jumps and layouts of enemies. I think to make the controls feel better I'd make the jump go a little higher and add some slippery physics materials to the walls so that you don't get stuck on them if you run into them. That's what I think you should work on most, but other than that I think you should add some visual representation of the checkpoints. I really liked that they existed but it would be nice to be able to have feedback to the player that you hit one. I think the assets work pretty well the way you've implemented them now but some animations would be really cool. I also think the color of the level floor and walls is a bit jarring. Great work Vincent this was a fun game.

Rocket jump has a really cool twist on the platforming stuff we learned in class. I think adding variant jumping height by using upwards momentum is a really cool idea and the "rocket jumps" work really well.  I also love the music and the design of the different levels works really well.  The movement feels pretty good, but I think   it would feel much smoother if you could dash after you've rocket jumped. Overall, I had a lot of fun with this game.

This is an awesome game  Josh and I really love the unique mechanic of having to get through obstacles with portals. I think the infinite aspect of the game makes a lot of sense and the camera speeding up was a great touch. The sound is also great and I loved the death screen.  There's a few bugs like the portals going to the wrong spot but that's understandable given that this is a prototype. I think a store where you could buy upgrades and variance in the levels would add a lot to this. Hope to see more!

Patrick your recreation of balloon fight is really impressive. Josh mentioned he thought the movement was much more responsive and fun than actual balloon fight and I totally agree. The side to side control helps a lot. The sound is great as always and I love how it is infinite. I do think some different sprites for the green and purple objects could help a lot for clarity because I wasn't sure what they did at first. Super cool game, awesome.

Gio, your background and camera movement is awesome! The aesthetic of this game really is great. I also really liked the title screen it fits really well. I think the camera placement could be moved down a little bit so the player can see what's below them. I also think sound would help out this game a lot. This game was really fun, great work!

I actually love  the slippery movement and  the fact that you can't jump while moving. Really adds to the feel of skiing. Plus the  jumping adds to the challenge a little bit since platforming is the main challenge. The art is really awesome too, I love your signature style. I think it would be cool to add a camera pan up and down when the player presses up or down to animate looking  in that direction. I think some more levels or being able to talk to the characters would add a lot to the lore and story as well. Overall, I love it!

Georgia, I was really impressed by how fun to play your game was! Running around just a few isles trying to avoid all the other shoppers was a fun mechanic and worked well in first person. I also think the other shoppers had movement speeds and paths that were tuned very well and that's one of the reasons running around them felt so good. Not only that, but trying to find the hidden coins on the shelves was a great way to incentivize  the player needing to move around and interact with the scene. Even though the game loop was not really complete or polished since there isn't really something stopping you when you win or die, the experience still felt fun as a playable prototype. I think adding a jump might be a cool mechanic, that way the player would have to search for coins that are up higher and could reach them. You could even add platforming and obstacles related to that. However that might be in future levels and out of the scale for a prototype. I agree with Celeste as well, an indication of how many coins we need to collect would be nice, that way players don't feel anxious as they start collecting larger amounts of coins. Instead  they could   feel excited about finding them all.  All in all, the game was a  really fun playable prototype that   with some more polish could really turn into a complete feeling game!

Celeste, I thought your game was really cool! I think the most impressive thing  that stood out to me was all of your 3d models. I'm assuming they were all made in probuilder and I could really tell how much work and love was put into them. I also thought the atmosphere of your game achieved exactly what you were trying to. The very ominous music paired with objects in the room disappearing is very unsettling. I'd often find myself looking at one thing in the room,  just checking it out, then turn around and finding another object gone! That was a pretty scary feeling. I think it'd be cool if the computer had a screen on it, maybe even be interactable, to simulate what all of us are limited to during quarantine.  Perhaps the lighting in the scene could be pretty dark, and most of the light in the room comes from the computer screen. I was also thinking it might be impactful if when all the objects are gone, the walls start closing in.  All that being said, your project is a really effective experience that really made me feel unsettled!

Patrick I think the most remarkable thing about your game is the feel you get while playing it. It's very relaxing and I think that's mostly thanks to your great sound and tuning of the player movement speeds. It's also very impressive that you were able to figure how to swap between players ;). One thing I do think would be cool to add to that, is a perhaps some movement that smooths the camera to the other player's position, or maybe a zoom out then in effect. However, that might induce motion sickness and would feel less immediate, so just something you could experiment with. I agree that player models would help this game a lot, but I also think that you should add some animation/particle effects to the gun when it is shot, to give that a larger feeling of impact.  I also really enjoyed your terrain, but it might be a good idea to make the platforms a little easier to get onto because at certain angles you can't step on them.  I think some animated water would really add a lot for immersion as well.    All in all, this is a great prototype and really shows what this game could be  and even in its current state it's really fun!

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I definitely wanted the movement to be slow, but not as slow as shown in the video. In my version the player can move the ball with a lot more speed and would be able to stop relatively quickly with the momentum in the video. I realized looking through the code I was controlling a few scripts  including player movement in the Update function which may make the speed differ depending on framerate, even if it is just adding one force. I think handling this in FixedUpdate might fix that if I understand correctly? Looking back on some of the other games I played, speed differing   from when the developers played it on their system to when  I tried it on my own seemed like it was probably a lot different. It makes me realize how important it is to understand how a Unity project runs behind the scenes, and that maybe I should do some more digging/research there. Pretty awesome I could get that feedback and realize what was happening to fix it  for future projects, so thank you! And I'm definitely gonna play around with the hinges!

Try using the a and d keys to move the ball left and right. Maybe that should’ve been more clear in instructions. Otherwise the hinge/joint function looks really useful and I’d like to try that out in the future and maybe I can return to make the rotating paddles more predictable.

I love the Super Monkey Ball Concept. One thing that I think really stood out to me was that the aesthetic of this game really does look like Super Monkey Ball, even with just the default assets. I could tell you spent a lot of time trying to make that look right. I also really appreciated how the timer worked perfectly and reset correctly, and so did the gate message, disappearing after a few seconds. I played the experimental build because I thought it might introduce a more interesting mechanic with camera movement. It is definitely more fun and responsive to steer the ball by turning the camera, but I think there's definitely some ways to make it so it doesn't freak out on collision or when the player tries to go backwards, so take another look at that. I also think the game needs more challenge, the obstacles don't provide any challenge and the player can go right around all of them. I think if you simply made some bigger, or added more, this would help your game tremendously. The maze is the best part of the current game because it provides the most gameplay. Lastly, I think I might give less time on the timer because it's very generous. Perhaps finding the best route to complete the level is the challenge of the game and the player needs to run out of time a few times before they can actually beat it. Another thing I found very successful was the checkpoints and resetting of the ball, they functioned really well.  With a rethink of the obstacles and some fiddling with the camera, I think this would be a really fun game!

I think the aesthetic design for this game was really nice and I could tell the work you put into it. That being said I do have a few suggestions on how you could make the game better. I think it would definitely make sense to slow down the yellow spinners in the middle section of the level, since it is near impossible for the player to get through and since they are going so fast, it's basically random as well. Allowing the player to find the right timing to get through would feel much better in my opinion. I also think the game could really  benefit from a unique design/mechanic. Right now the game feels like you submitted the roll a ball challenge.  I also think it is a little tedious that the player has to press x to play again every time they die. In a game like this I think it might be better to just let the player restart immediately.   Although, one thing I thought was very successful was the system for respawning and winning the game, it always  brought the player back to the right place.

This game is really cool! One thing I can definitely tell had a lot of effort and care put into it was the design and look of the stage. The curved oval shape of the arena works really well with the balls each player launches and provides for a fun and unique placement of the goals. Another thing I could tell had some thought put into it was the despawning of the balls after a while. I was thinking before I started playing the game that all the balls would start to crowd the arena but you definitely thought ahead there and made sure they went away after a while. One thing I think would help out this game would be either cooldowns or different shooting options for the players. This is because when I was playing I found that each player could just spam their shot and the players would sort of reach a stalemate with the ball increasing until it was too big for the arena to hold.  I also had to look around in the project to figure out the controls, so maybe just add a debug at the beginning to let the player know what they are. Something I think did end up working really well was the feel for shooting the balls. It feels very satisfying to shoot the balls, and I am afraid that adding a cooldown might subtract from that. That being said I still think something needs to be done to combat players always reaching a stalemate.  Great work Ev, excited to see more!