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A member registered Aug 24, 2018 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

From all of us who had a high number of ratings all week, we hope everyone who got high scores feels the pride we felt watching everyone play the crap out of our games. You're the ones who really deserved it!

Your video is likely the highlight of the jam for us! Thank you :)

You mean the all-time high score? Yeah. I'd say so.

This is very much the one bullet bullet-hell shooter that mark was hoping the other games were in today's stream! You should be proud of this :)

We would love feedback on our game, because it was the very first game most of our team had ever made.
Also throw your high score in the submission comments :)


Would love feedback. This was made by a big team of beginners who pair-programmed this as their first game.

(Also post how close you got to the target in the comments)

Can you emergency land this plane when one engine is out, and you're trying to fight how much your plane wants to turn left?
Current high score is 17 meters or 9 meters whether a screenshot verifies it.


(2 edits)

We wanted to setup a server for databasing and presenting high scores, but that dev needed to leave before it was stable, so  we're just encouraging players to post their high scores in the submission comments. Mentally, our  team has grouped the scores into two tiers, those with screenshots for proof, and those without, and it's so cool seeing people coming together.  Currently we're at 17 meters with a screenshot, and 9 meters without)
How are your games managing high scores?

As another very rated game, I gotta say that yours is a total 5-stars. Difficulty does feel steep without a score to compare from run to run, but without it, you've somehow reinvented the pinball genre to feel more roguelike.

I wish there was a proper highscore list going in the comments:

(1 edit)

Made it to 20 points and stopped because it was becoming easy. I get the 1 second in the red-zone idea, but I feel like it's not really more of a challenge than just having a zone you and the enemy shouldn't enter. But always happy to see a hockey game :)

I think its definitely a unique choice for the Only One. I could see this mechanic being used in squad based survival games where you're worried about the itemized health of all of your players. But besides health, this really needed something to signify a win state besides simply not hearing any more zombies.

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It was the first game for the dev who made the near-runway terrain. She didn't know to make hitboxes (or that terrains are rough in WebGL), but we wanted to include it still because it made a nicer final approach than just the far ground terrain, and we wanted to include as much as possible from every dev who worked on it. Thankfully no-one contributed anything that weren't in the game designs, but with so many beginners, a lot of things (like colliders) weren't made for more than the plane, ground and runway.

no. We love it!

Want so much! I was on the bubble for the other art thread, lol

Good false critical path on level 16!
The worst part of your game is that at 1fps, it takes like 8 minutes to beat. It is a thematic way of extending playtime I supposed, lol.

How close can you get to the center of the runway from a random starting position? Post your score in the submission comments.


(I should have tried harder in this gif, and crashing is way better with sound)

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Initially we wanted the plane to just lean over as a visual indicator when you were turning (not fully roll), but a bug made in the execution made it so the plane would lean when your pressed left, and rolled furiously when you pressed right. The bug added a lot of added challenge, because you could then only yaw left and roll left, and was crazy-fun as hell. We really considered keeping it, but it was dramatically motion-sickness inducing, it also made our physics overhaul do crazy things like rolling the plane would make gravity go up. Figuring out what we were doing wrong to get leaning stabilized was taking too long, so we cut the whole idea of leaning the plane and later found another cool visual indicator as the smoke billowed behind the plane at high speeds.

The other bug was that the terrain which worked well in downloadable Unity builds freaks out in WebGL (it's just too big). We kept it in both because one mate worked hard on it, and people have mostly looked past the buggy-terrain for the fun gameplay.


Best. discussion. Ever.

I'm excited to try these! Here's ours :)

I assume maybe the map is built out according to the waveform? If so, that's a cool concept. But I couldn't seem to make any progress because I couldn't ever go very far left or right -- the AI on the enemies is so unpredictable I never made it more than a single screen to either side before having one leap at me. There must have been hundreds of enemy AIs on screen with no real-estate for me to use to dodge them. I have no idea the differences between red green and blue-- they all seem to equally stop you.  

Great use of the one life mechanic where you have to find you life (extra life?), spend it on a target, respawn, and then retrieve your extra life before you're hit without it. Very creative!

Really high degree of polish on the game design, UI, and camera work. This reminds me of an arcade- / puzzle-version of doing suicide burns in Kerbal Space Program.

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That's great polish on the game. The explosions and camera work. Clean UI and feedback. How many people were on your team to get that done? I imagine you're mostly veterans. Most of ours were Unity beginners, so I wanna be able to tell them not to compare :-P

PS: Yours reminds me of when I was learning to do suicide burns in Kerbal Space Program.


Good typing game

(5 edits)

Obviously many of us ended up claiming multiple "Only One" elements, but I imagine we all started from one core "Only One."

For my team's project, the original core "Only One" was
"Only turning in one rotational direction, but in 3D."

I figured it'd be used for a non-euclidian racing game, but as we did a genre-brainstorming exercise with our favorite Only-Ones, someone thought of combining only turning one way with a flight genre game and suddenly the game we made started coming together.

Now our list includes: one rotate direction, one engine left, one engine remains, one attempt to land, a world-war one plane.

What was your team's initial/core "Only One" and how did it evolve?

You should be prouder of this. I don't think I've seen a game quite like it. Level 5 takes a lot more turns than the others, so it should maybe swap with level 6, but I think this is something you could build on to make a 40-60 level campaign that I'd pay $2-$4 for as a mobile game.

Oh, sorry. I meant the distance to middle of runway on the results screen. The results screen should appear if you hit the flat ground or runway and come to a stop.

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I played a few songs and enjoyed myself. Not every note is on the beat. I couldn't tell if its just because the target timing wasn't perfectly timed out on the BPM, or if it was intentional. Having intentionally off-beat notes can be okay when you have enough notes always visible to quickly catch when something is in-between beats or syncopated or something, but as few as there were on screen at a time, it was hard to visually know when I'm aiming for something on beat or off without playing staring at the box as opposed to clicking to the music.

HOW did you make this beautiful zelda-esque puzzle temple in just a few hours? Well done. I was worried whether I had all the boxes I need near the end, but you provided a nice finish to the experience. And good flavor text.

Excellent in its simplicity. How did everyone else do?

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Hi Bob, here's our 3D emergency landing sim "One Engine Left." It works in browser, and if you'd share your final distance to runway/goal in the submission comments, our team would love to see that area become a pseudo high score list.

Our team of beginners made a 3D emergency landing simulator with a twist, but we really want to know what else is out there to fly around!

Ours, One Engine Left, is a 3D flight emergency landing simulator, with a twist.
Made by a team of mostly complete beginner Unity devs.

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Talk about the critical path through the level, lol. I did not intend to play the whole game, but I was so close on so many attempts, before you know it...

All on one screen makes it a little hard to see, but it's because there's so much there. Good progression. Had a few things I couldn't figure out, but I think that's more on me than on the game.

Our team made "One Engine Left" https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/463076, an emergency landing game where your WW1 plane lost one of its two engines, and is now only able to turn in one direction. Can you land it back on the randomly positioned runway?

I'll play Microvania and Filament right now.