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Thanks. Totally agree with your comment. I spent many hours as a kid playing 'mine sweeper', the animation of the human to robot when it is discovered is influenced by the shapeshifter from 'among us'. I didn't manage correctly the times to polish the game in many aspects. I had to take a hard decision about how to introduce the player to the gameplay, I took the easy but not very effective way to include messages with AI voice to avoid reading. I tested to make the collider area visible with the color of the detector but it felt really unappealing. In the next jam I will allocate more time to polish and make it easier for the player to know what to do.

Last jam I ended 29th due to the controls and lack of feedback to the player of what to do and when to do. Plus going to far with the theme and prerequisite. This one I tried to stick more to the theme and prerequisite but I will always try to bring some twist to the gameplay (I'm done doing platforms or battle arenas).

Finally a game adaptation of WALL-E. The arty style is great, with a lot of details. I struggle to understand what to do but I managed to finish the game. It felt very short for such a high quality gameplay.

I was lucky and apply scope creep since the first second. The first idea was to make rooms where you control the doors and activate the full room as detector, and the boss is in one room. In that idea, the humans have to kill in melee the undercover robots and that allows to pick up the guns. When, as a player, you feel your humans are ready to fight the boss, force them with the doors and some beacons to go to that room and fight the boss. As you can imagine that idea is more for a month game jam, so for 48 hours I have to get rid of most of the gameplay and focus on an empty space. Even I took the boss sprite from the game jam image to save time.

Thanks for the comment. I played your game (all the exe. I downloaded in a isolated computer for safety reasons so are the last one to be tested in gamejams) and really enjoyed.

Thanks for the comment. I struggled a lot to balance. I could make it better, in the last Jam I had time to implement difficulty options, in this one I ran out of time due to changing the number of robots unbalanced everything so it was required to change values such as movement speed, or in easy dif to change green the npc by default when they hit an activated detector, change the spawn points, ...

There are some tips during the game (around 10) that helps to master the game and been able to reach boss battle with 10+ humans, which is almost instant kill the boss.

I coudnt defeat it at all. But I m kind of bad player apart from strategies games

Really good game. The pattern of the attacks and the phases works perfectly. The hits feels good thanks to the art and the visuals. 

I would add some penalty to keep firing without stop, because if not player press LMB non stop during the full game. Some penalties could be, reduce movement speed or overheating the weapon having a cooldown.

Congrats for the game

Nice concept. It's looks like ready for VR, almost got my VR headsets to play. Pretty hard to survive these filthy ungrateful workers :D

The abilities is a nice touch to give more options. I would love to have sound feedback from smashing the enemies.

(1 edit)

Great game. I really appreciate to start with a dummy enemy to get use to the controls and be able to select power ups for the arms (I recomment to reduce the health of the dummy if you restart, to not kill the flow of the game). As was mentioned in a previous comment, the roll is not instantly, that frustates the player.

If you have it, would be great to include a small description of each power up to help the player decide what it fits best his play style.

Great idea to include the controls on the floor, that's a great design decision.

Thanks for the game.

Great game. The style and the controls are solid. Very difficult to survive, I coudn't make it so i dont know if there is a boss battle in the end.

I would recommend to add doors to the houses, with the current black entry looks like it's possile to explore inside.

Cool boss battle. I would love a keybinding option or support for controller. Idk if it's me but I struggle with the keys set up by default  for control.

Congrats for the game.

The art and animations are great. The only thing I am confuse is about the coins, doesn't add gameplay to the game. 

I was expecting different enemies in each level or different attacks, but I understand the time constrains. 

Congrats for submitting the game. The product is solid for a 48 hours jam. 

Great game and I really enjoyed. It feels like a Cuphead from top view, I think is due to the art style. If the art and the animations are done from scratch by you guys I really recommend to sell art in the digital stores. Because this quality is very rare to found in the market.


I really enjoyed. Apart from the controls and art style which is great I see many great details. For example, the robot loosing one arm/weapon when is low in health or the transition scaling the minions when appear. This kind of details helps to have an overall good feeling when someone play. If you have time, add some ambient sound mixing boxing and robot sounds. Perhaps you could find an audio of a robotfight that would feet perfectly.

Congrats for the game.

The game feels very solid and the art design is great. But the goal doesn't look clear for me.

Low poly but very appealing. 

The mouse sensitivity is super high. Too hard to kill something. One hit and you  are down, and between the pitfalls and that you started surrounded by enemies it's super difficult to survive more than 10 seconds.

Pretty fun. I coudn't defeat the boss, has too much health. I would recommend to add "coyote" time to the jump. The art style is great. Missing the sound, I imagine a katana sound when the player's attack.

Great work.

Cool music and graphics. When I was playing I was  missing coyote time in the jumps. Also, in the first floor, I fall in the left side, I would recommend to add some barrier to avoid falling off the scenario/camera.

Great presentation. The art and specially the pallete of colors is great. I would recommend to include AWSD for movement also.

Very nice art and visuals. The music fits perfectly with the ambient. Missing some audio from the enemies movement.

Idk if it's a bug. In the intro the enemy in the middle of the screen stays there with the text. If I climb up the wall and go beyond the camera and launch mysef to the enmy the game crashed. I try a few times and happenned the same every time.

Good game.


+ controls are responsive and feels good to move through the scenario.

+ art style is cohesive and high quality

+ animations are impresive.

+ soundstrack fits perfectly with the art design.

- missing the "coyote" that it is standard in the platforms games.

- if there is no end board with the points score, the coins have no sense at all. Maybe to kill an enemy from top you can use the coins as power up, changing the color or the sprite of the player for a short time of period (it would require revisit the level design.

- boss enemy spawn to close to the player, happens to me the first time I died almost instantly in that level.

- enemies in the scenario perhaps could increase or make an attack range when they detect the player in front of them to add more interactions in the game.

Overall, very solid game and enjoyable experience. but also very standard result

Congrats for the game!

Amazing.  It's feels very solid, I would rather another key for recovering the balls. The music is too loud, maybe should be down a little bit. I can imagine for a 2d game working with the perspective has been a hell :D 

If I could add something would be to be able to aim instead of shooting straight. But maybe it would add a lot of work for the enemy agent to be competent agains you.

Thanks for the game, really enjoyed.

Thanks for the comment. It's need a ton of polishing and I know the boss battle feels too basic and the animations are not set up properly or even missing. I disconected the detector during the boss battle due to would be take a lot of work to redo the detector code to match the dynamic of the boss battle. Also, I disconnected the marking colors for the boss, but I forgot to return the spritecolor of the NPCs to white when we are in the boss battle (due to all the NPCs in this stage are humans, there was a bug having robots disguised in the final battle but I solved today) Instead I added that you can destroy the boss bullets with your LMB. Therefore, the best change to win is to keep as many humans alive until boss battle and try to intercept as many bullets possible to save humans from the boss.

Thanks again to take the time to play and comment.

Thank you for your comment. 

I took note and I added an end pannel where it shows how many humans left alive and how many robots you destroyed. 

Give it a try!

Very enjoyable game. The stress sprite looks like a banana in the dark. The loop game is solid and fun. Congrats.

Nice work. Good polish game. Idk if it's only me but it's make me feel dizzy after a few rounds, maybe the speed increase should be slower :D

Thanks for the feedback. Looks more complex than it is. Every tile has 6 nodes which randomly are true/false (green/red). Every node search for the closest node and compare the status. Very basic but very effective. Here how looks:             

The tile rotation is a magic trick, the nodes are children of the tile, so when you rotate you are rotating the children, not the tile. The tile change the sprite and then the nodes were update pairing with the closest one again. One challenge I didn't forsee was a cascade effect, if a red node makes another node red, after rotation this red node will make the next node red. For that, I created another bool which save if you are green/red by your own. That's prevent false red nodes.
Not relying in the game physics has advantages. The debbug is mostly code and perhaps some clipping (layers order), so less than 4 hours to fix the annoying bugs (some of them are still in the game). And the "fun" of the game can validate without opening the project.

Have a wonderful day.

(1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback. About the theme, yes I was trying to not be so literal due to I wanted to bring something unique and avoid making a platform game or click game. The player experience is something that I hadn't time to improve, in my inicial plans the tiles you can rotate either show the button over them or they are a little bit bigger, both cases the result was horrible and I ran out of time.
I put over 20 hours in development, starting from minute 1. Investing only 30 minutes to validate the concept in inkscape, because a board game where you can play solo you can validate just playing around with a paint program. 
But even being quite efficient I had to scope creep a lot but that didn't prevent, as you experienced ,the gameplay overall (controls also) where impacted negatively  for that.