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A member registered May 05, 2024

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Amazing Game! Both Fun and also sometimes Stresfull :D

Thank You! :)

This Game is Great! Its really polished and Fun. I Only found 1 Bug when you place something over a  destoryed thing it overlaps and you cant repair it

Great game! I Like it the mechanics are great the graphics are good maybe the background needs some work 

Thanks :)

Good game!  Its a bit bugy and the animations are snapy, but overall i think its a Great Game. :)

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Nice Game! I liked the graphics and the movement

Thats a great game! I like the mechanic where you can change the weather and the puzzles are pretty challenging but good. :D

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Thanks and glad you like it :D

But thanks for the rating! 

Yeah unfortunately we didn't have time to make it for Mac :(

Thats a Nice Game!  Its Polished and The Graphics ar also Nice. I only have two things that i dont like.

1. I dont like the movement that much it feels like youre on Ice and the gravity feels too strong becous when youre falling it pulls you too hard and you cant control the charceter and time it well for the dash.

2. The second thing is that the hitbox of the spike is a bit big and on the sides it kills you even if you landed in the correct position

Thanks for the feedback


Its a pretty game the artstyle is amazing but i didnt really understand what to do there 

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Thats a pretty interesting game i didnt see anywhere a racing game where youre a shopping cart. The game is also fun too so for me its a great game.

Thats a pretty good game! Its fun and also inovative i like it

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Thats a Fun Game! Maybe a bit unbalanced towards new players but still pretty good and well polished

Nice Game! Maybe i would add some particles when youre climbing or picking up things but overall i think its a solid game

Thats a really nice and polished game !

Interesting Game!  The concept is great only thing is maybe adding a tutorial and main menu. I didnt know what to do. Other thing is i couldnt restart when something killed me.

Its a great game but i think a  bit to hard beacouse the attack is too slow

The Tutorial is a bit broken couldnt click the buttons. But the game is inovative and overall i like it.

Great Game! The graphics are yet simple but amazing.The game is well polished and the sound effects are also great maybe the music is a bit to energetic. Only thing is that the tech tree didnt work for me all the time sometimes i couldnt purchase stuff

Over all i think the game is good. But the audio is lacking and the movement might needs some work but the animations are great only the sound is missing 

Nice Game! It fits the theme pretty well and the sound design is also good but i think its a bit cofusing at first where to go.

Greate and Simple Game i like the idea the graphics are also amazing, but the UI broke for me in the 2 round