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A member registered Jun 21, 2018 · View creator page →

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Hi, don't know what I did, but whenever I open my project it crashes now, here's the error.log:

Source: System.Drawing

Reason: Parameter is not valid.

Stack trace:    at System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor(String filename)

   at EasyFPSEditor15.ResourceTexture.Load(String path)

   at EasyFPSEditor15.Resources.LoadSinglelineResource(String path, Int32 type)

   at EasyFPSEditor15.Resources.LoadAllResources(String dataPath)

   at EasyFPSEditor15.Editor.OpenProject(String name)

   at EasyFPSEditor15.ProjectsList.listBox1_DoubleClick(Object sender, EventArgs e)

   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnDoubleClick(EventArgs e)

   at System.Windows.Forms.ListBox.WndProc(Message& m)

   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)

   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)

   at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

Thankyou in advance :)

Super challenging (at least for me, I'm dumb lol) but cool :)

Thankyou very much, I am indeed already working on a "DX Version" of the game :)

Fun game :)

Super impressive, well done :)

Great game :)

Cool concept, lots of fun :)

Impressive, presentation is very good :)

Solid gameplay, great graphics :)

Interesting and unique. Love the cheesy opening :)

AMAZING game :)

Very cool, lots of atmosphere :)

Fun game :)

Cool game, would actually love to see a version without the low res limitations :)

Very interesting, never played anything like it :)

Exceptional graphics, well done :)

Great game, love the graphics :)

Good game :)

Clever game, makes me feel dumb :)

Amazing game :)

Cool game, great atmosphere :)

Cool game, I like the art style. Audio would really improve it a lot though :)

Great idea, wish I'd thought of it :)

Really good, great pixel art :)

Cool game, great graphics :)

Really cool, would be a great game with some AI to race against :)

Good stuff!

Awesome game, really like this :)

Difficult, but VERY good. Gives me 'Ecco the Dolphin" vibes :)

Impressive graphics :)

Cool game :)

This is a fun game :)

Cool game :)

Nice game :)

Hi there. You are, of course, very correct. I just updated the game with a build that has sub-pixels disabled. Sorry about that :)

Great game!

Great game! Graphics have a lot of character.

Good stuff! I did manage to crash the game on the boss somehow, but I really like this game :)

Sure, Windows 10, intel i7, 16GBRAM, NVIDIA GTX 1650 :)

Fantastic, very impressive. Did have some glitchy audio, not sure if other players are having that issue or if its just me, but still, love this game.