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You don't have to take any feedback -- me giving it is just a habit. Keep learning and making stuff, you're doing a good job!

- for the ceiling, you could just add some kind of art there, like more clouds

- for my last suggestion, I was trying to say you could animate the camera to look up/down slightly while the player is rising or falling.



Oh, good idea on removing the spikes for safer exploration!


This is one of those big brain games

But my brain is a potato

Cool idea and great execution in Gdevelop!

Sorry for the multi post, itch glitch :D

The shooting is addictive. The spawning ramped up very fast suddenly for me, way before I got the shield down. Only the text of the buttons is clickable, and the music is only in one ear.

Very cool idea! The platforming is a little hard, I wish there were some affordances around ledges etc. I didn't get far enough to know if there's an extra color but I wonder if combining A and S into one key (making the choice binary) would make it easier. OTOH, maybe I'm just bad. :D

Congratulations on your family's new player!

Really fun concept! Especially love the slo-mo.

- I agree that the text is a little long to just jump in, but it made me laugh and set the tone, especially one sentence story of "you're a soccer ball that's been kicked around long enough."

- The SFX are very loud — even when I turned them down.

- on level 3, I think, I spawned in moving and hit like 3 players before I even knew where I was.

- I love the slo-mo. I have mixed feelings about the controls. It took me a while to get used to the right-click left-click thing, and I found myself holding down right click long after I should have let it go. (probably meant I wanted to be in slo-mo more of the time, or at least slow down the regular parts of the game.) I wonder if combining the slo-mo and shoot buttons — so press left-click goes to slo-mo, release left-click shoots — would solve that. But it would introduce a tradeoff to slo-mo, which you may or may not want. Maybe cheat the whole game speed slightly slower to compensate for that.

- some kind of reticule, or line hinting what path your shot will take, would be helpful and juicy. Maybe a focal length change when you're in slo-mo.

I have a lot of notes but I think it's a really cool idea, and I had fun playing it!

- Could you point the camera in the right direction and make the pipes appear out of the cloud earlier? First time I played, I had no idea what was happening.

- Feels like there's some kind of multiplication going on with the jump — if you're already moving up, your next few jumps will make you move incredibly fast. Intentional?

- Agree with Pharland and Zackavelli that you need something to tell you the invisible ceiling will kill you.

- Also agree that a score feedback loop would make this more fun.

- since you're in 3D, and since the player probably isn't going to move the camera after they're pointed in the right direction, maybe some subtle up/down movement on the jump/fall would make this juicier.

Good work on finishing a game!

Nice art and music!

- could you add a keybind to the restart button so it's quicker to get back to playing?

- thanks for  checkpoints! It'd be nice to restart further into the level after you've made a good amount of progress.

- you can bounce off the side of the green platforms. Is that intentional?

Nice! If only I could solve ALL my problems by shooting at them while backing away...

it'd  be cool to see more of the field... these ufos keep sneaking up on me.

high score = 25/110!