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A member registered Feb 27, 2023 · View creator page →

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thank you!

can i ask - did you find this because of One Million Checkboxes? or did you just stumble on it some other way. Just seeing some folks finding my early stuff today and I'm curious.

glad that it came across well :)

(sorry to be late to this!)


harder than a celeste c side :o

Oh!! That's so cool! Thanks for letting me know :)

this game spiked in traffic today and i have no idea why, if you found this game today do you mind telling me how you found it lol

Figure I'll post my own scores now that I'm done fixing bugs :)

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Yeah I do think a more interesting upgrade system could add more replayability and a wider variety of interesting strategies. I enjoyed finding different ways to build a good DPS tower (e.g. "multishot + explosion" vs "pierce + returning + farshot + poison" or whatever). I think if there were more buffs that interacted with the other upgrades that might help, maybe along with giving you more control of which upgrades to purchase.

I also considered making tower build cost scale much more aggressively with upgrade count so that you felt really incentivized  to keep one tower unupgraded to build your maze, but I didn't like that because buying upgrades is the fun part of the game.

But glad you found it fun (and thanks for leaving feedback)!


This was super fun. The drift-vs-go controls felt intuitive to me almost immediately which is really neat. I loved drifting through the levels and would have kept going if there was more! I also didn't experience the camera issues that some other folks did - I'm not sure why, but the camera just kinda cooperated for me (maybe it's that the controls clicked for me immediately).

I do agree that "go to the next level automatically" + "background music" would enhance the experience here.

Also: the combination 3D / 2D style is so cool! 

Loved this one! I don't think I've seen anything quite like this before and I really enjoy the core mechanic. I actually tried playing for a bit on a trackpad just out of curiousity and it was pretty fun but ofc mega hard. Controller's definitely the way to go here.

I did find aiming even with a controller to not feel _quite_ right - I think the problem I was having is that I was sometimes surprised at the horizontal speed of my kick. It felt like sometimes I'd go _really really_ fast with the kick, especially when travelling purely horizontally, and that wasn't consistent with the kicks in other directions. So it could be hard to aim.

One minor bug: I died immediately after clearing a level (while the slomo effect was still playing, before the level clear screen showed) and the level restarted but I was stuck in slomo!

The vibes in this game are great. The music is excellent and I like the simple art (and I really like the pallet!). Really nice job on this one, I'd be excited to play an updated post-jam version.

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I'll +1 the fact that if the goblins grab all your tools you're in a lot of trouble because you can't drop any back off at your base. I worked around this by using the seeds, which are dropped automatically eventually - you can kinda slowly bring all your tools back by bringing the seeds back, using them till they drop, bringing shovel back, digging more, swapping to seeds, using them till they drop, etc. But it's pretty tedious and if the mischievous goblins (I love the mischievous goblins) are still around they're just gonna steal your stuff again! It'd be nice to have a "drop tool" option.

Maybe more generally: I was a little too tired to understand the mechanics here the first time I played the game but came back just now and totally loved this!! The mechanics actually seem totally clear to me so I'm not sure what I was confused about tbh. Just mentioning in case "exhausted eieio  was confused when playing this" is helpful somehow lol.

I think you captured the arcade game feel really well here and I like that a whole lot, and it was satisfying to sit down and beat the game.

One other minor gripe I had is that the relic altar is right next to where the goblins were putting all of my tools, so I kept accessing the altar by mistake when I wanted to pick up a tool (and kinda vice-versa). Might be easier if they were slightly farther apart although for flavor I get why you did it this way! 

Anyway I'd be excited to come back and play a fleshed out smited :)

by mucking with for long enough you too can go HISSSSSS

Thank you! Really glad you enjoyed it!!

If you don't mind me asking: did you find the first few levels (minus like, the first 3 tutorial levels) frustrating / confusing? I feel like I probably ramped the difficulty a little too much without explaining some of the core mechanics, but of course it's hard to know that when it's your own game!

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Super chaotic (in a good way)! Once I embraced that everything was gonna be broken I had a good time progressing through the level. I think the music did a really good job of emphasizing the chaos.

I found "J" for shoot unintuitive for some reason and so that was a big sticking point for me on my first run - i kept jumping when I meant to shoot and vice-versa.  I also found it a little hard to tell me when I was actually being hurt by the environment vs when a part was just falling off randomly, which was kinda confusing. I ended up just farming enemies to stay at full health most of the time as a result.

I made it to what I think was the end? There was an obstacle that I couldn't get around a couple of screens into the game. Let me know if there's a way to avoid it and I'll give it another try :)

Fun little runner (skier?) game! I think the sound effects for smacking into things are great.

Just curious: can you make it to the bottom of the mountain? I'm assuming no but am not sure.

One funny little bug / odd behavior: if I reload or try to close the tab after trying to start the game, chrome pops up an "are you sure?" dialogue and the sound glitches (basically repeating the same note over and over again) till I dismiss the dialogue box. Not a big deal at all, just hadn't encountered it before and thought you might find it interesting.

Oh I see! Sorry I just didn't clock that that was the theme tie in. Makes sense.

Shame about the bitsy limitation D:

That's very nice of you - thanks!!

Fun! Made it to 1740. The controls feel nice. Unsurprisingly I agree with other folks on sound (but you're probably sick of hearing that!!) - I think my only other gripe is that I wish that I moved more quickly when I was in screen-wraparound mode. Sometimes I'd be stuck there for long enough that it'd kinda break me out of the zone.

But really nice! I'd gladly play a polished post-jam version :)

I really enjoyed the graphics and animations here - the whole world felt very recognizable and I thought that was pretty impressive for a first game made in Bitsy!

I found it pretty distracting that the music was disabled during each screen transition - I'm not sure whether that's a limitation of Bitsy or not, but I eventually disabled the music because it was cutting out a lot. It's also not totally clear to me how the gameplay related to the 'penalized' theme, but that's alright :)

Fun writing! Felt like the writing, visuals, and music all had a cohesive style that fit well together.

I love the vibes here! Fun music, fun art, some really nice juiceness to movement and the UI - impressive!

That said I agree with other folks that I found the start way too challenging. The package retrieval mechanic is pretty punishing and I found it I made a mistake it was easy to get stuck in a loop trying to recover the package and then hitting an obstacle immediately, which I found a little frustrating. I got stuck in the well a couple of times.

I think it'd be nice if the difficulty had ramped a little more gradually so that I had a bit more of a feel for the movement - I bet I could have dealt with my problems in the well with a little more practice.

Really nice one though! Feels very complete, impressive that you made it in a week.

Laughed out loud at "no blue cars!"

Is the game over after the second level? Nothing happens for me after I complete it and hit enter.

Love the art and music on this one - feels very gameboy-y, which clearly you were going for.

The writing has a distinct (and kinda funny!) style too and I appreciate that, but I think there's a bit too much reading for me early on - the dialogue is pretty dense. But I could imagine someone else enjoying that - just my own preference!

FWIW the game lets me advance past the starting cutscene (playing in the browser on MacOS).

Fun idea! This is a really impressive amount of text to have written for a game in a week - you must have a lot of practice writing stuff like this! I do wish that the gameplay that I saw on screen lined up more with what the announcers told me was happening, although I can imagine that being difficult to implement in this timeframe.

I get stuck in a loop after the 3rd question (answering all three correctly). When I walk through the door in the cake room I'm teleported back to the start of the cake room. After walking through the door a couple of times the game freezes and I see this in the console:

index.html:1115 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'tileData')
    at TileMapHandler.resetLevel (index.html:1115:60)
    at TileMapHandler.switchToNextLevel (index.html:1255:18)
    at PlayMode.pauseFramesHandler (index.html:2154:36)
    at play (index.html:7128:30)

But I failed some rooms for fun and the platforming is tricky! Took me a while to clear the second punishment room. Jumping feels really nice.  Fun idea!

Hey, just a heads up that this doesn't load for me. If I open up the console before clicking play I see these errors:

Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token (at Pursuing Pixels :1:1)
index.html:141 Uncaught ReferenceError: Engine is not defined at index.html:141:16

I haven't seen this before, but makes me think that potentially 'index.html' is trying to load assets by the wrong name? Sorry I can't be more help :(

Funny how chaotic everything is! I found the camera here a little too hard to control and ended up clipping through the ground a lot. I couldn't tell which parts of that were intentionally and which weren't - and sometimes I found that frustrating. That said, I did eventually get enough of a hang of the game to play through a few days so it got easier!


Thank you!

This was fun! I think you hit a pretty nice curve for progression and I appreciate the number of different things to click on. And you came up with a pretty nice vibe - the jazz suits the style and setting :D

Did you balance upgrade costs via some formula or did you just go by ~vibes~ ?

No worries!! Maybe it would have been helpful if when you clicked on the slingshot the game was like "no no no, click on the boulder instead" lol

Thanks for playing :D :D

(1 edit)

Are you clicking the boulder or clicking the slingshot in the bottom left? You need to click the boulder (if you click the top of the boulder the slingshot will bump it down, if you click the bottom of the boulder the slingshot will bump it up)

If you are clicking the boulder and not the slingshot, what platform are you on? I don't think anyone else has had your issue yet but I will poke around.

I see - thanks!


(1 edit)

FWIW the keys worked for me but it took a while for me to realize that i needed to hit 'C' to do anything / build turrets, so for a while I didn't think any of the keys worked.

But I managed to win! :)

I do think I'm a little unclear on what the grid spaces on, say, the bottom left are for, since I don't think towers there do anything.

I was worried 55 might be just too hard!  I could hit it during  testing but yeah, I think with a a few more upgrades (I love the idea of upgrading the griffin) it'd be more manageable.  The strat I used to hit 55 seconds was to just build up _all_ my height at the start (slingshot, griffin) then parachute immediately and hope to get lucky with bounces.  I'll play with an upgradeable griffin.

Also I hadn't even considered making the parachute togglable!  That's a neat idea and makes so much sense.

And thanks for playing, I'm still not over the thrill of strangers playing my games :)

Hey, thanks!  Sorry about the SPC/Space confusion - I had gone with SPC because I felt like I didn't have much space (heh) for the whole word but...that's not true - I changed it to "Space" instead.

this rules!


aww thank you!

Thanks for these!  I just used them for a very simple tetris implementation while learning Godot and it was really nice to not need to think about assets at all :)