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A member registered Jun 14, 2020 · View creator page →

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One of the gifs on the page is the solution for the second level! Unfortunately that one ended up being more challenging than we intended, but if you decide to give it another shot the other levels (except the last one) are easier! Regardless, thank you for playing!

Thank you so much! Yes, we have a lot to learn about level design. Some of those puzzles ended up being a lot more difficult than we intended! Our musician is a rock star, he also made all of the sound effects!

You better believe when I saw that watering can I was going to water those bushes right away! Very cute and funny premise for a game. I could see this being expanded into a hilarious rpg where you get to play from a lot of perspectives. I got to wave 8! Nice job!

Really great idea! I think there is a lot of fun things you could do with switching between objects. 2 things that I think would make it more enjoyable to play: The camera should show you further ahead of where you are going so that you can anticipate obstacles, and the hit box on the spikes should be smaller. Otherwise, really cool game and I hope you take it farther!

I love it! This is really similar to our game, in terms of combining horrific combinations of humans and animals. Ours is more of a puzzle game, but I love the idea of this becoming a metroidvania! Nice job!

Super creative and hilarious idea! But wow is it hard, that poor cameraman :')

This game has really nice and snappy controls! Placing rooms felt really nice, and all the visuals made it very clear what I could do. The game is a little difficult, maybe you could have a couple levels with a smaller play area and less room variety, that way players can understand your intended strategies! Otherwise, great idea, great aesthetic, nice job!

The controls are really smooth, and you have a very consistent style that makes for a polished game experience! From what I played, it seemed like there wasn't much difference in terms of jumping over the enemies vs shooting them? Although it was nice to have the option, it meant that I was only really doing one. Maybe if you added rocks that can only be jumped over, or celery that can only be shot! I think there is a lot that could be done with the game if you wanted to take it further. It also feels like a game that would play nicely on a phone. Really nice job with this one!

I didn't really get it when it was just one block, and then the next level added 2 blocks, and I thought "oh, this is gonna get hard!" Nicely done! This is a really clever design that makes for some very challenging puzzles. The simplistic art style is also very aesthetically pleasing.

Thank you! Totally agree about your feedback, some of the puzzles seemed clever because I already knew how to do them. Watching other people get stuck and frustrated has been eye opening, haha. We hope to implement some changes after the jam!

Ah, I see! I played again and scored much better!

Something I wish we had done with our game that I loved about yours, being able to see how many levels you have left. You went the extra mile and showed a preview of each level, I loved that. The game looks incredibly well polished. The reversal mechanic is just tricky enough to be satisfying when you get it! Although, I definitely made random movements when I got stuck in the hopes that I'd end up with the right answer! Great game!

I love your art style! And I love any game that displays your score for other people. Maybe add ways to get your health bar back so that you can keep increasing your score? Nice game!

Very nice presentation! I love the little sumos. I wish there was more that I could do to stop him then just standing in front of him, but overall its a very polished and enjoyable game that could be built on!

I love all of the different art you did for the cards! They really felt like things you'd see on tiktok. Very unique, nice game!

Great little puzzle game! I'm impressed by your ability to craft puzzles that take creativity, but aren't too hard. Very cute little mushroom too!

This is such a creative game! Being able to hear what you played at the end was a nice touch that motivated me to play it again. I'm not very good at making music, but I managed to make something decent!

Nice game! I think there is a good opportunity for humor in a game like this. Perhaps a narrator that talks to you. There is a lot of room to expand on this idea if you wanted to take it further. Great job!

Amazing game! I loved the switching mechanic, and your puzzle design was great. Some levels I felt overwhelmed with understanding what everything was going to switch into. Perhaps if you could preview the switch before you commit to it? Not sure, but regardless, I absolutely loved this game, and I did beat it!

This is the most interesting concept I've seen! It felt very satisfying when I solved each one. If you aren't planning to already, you should definitely make this into a full game! I wonder if you think multiplayer could work for this? It feels like a party game I would play with my friends.

Yeah, the ghost level is a little janky! We are working on redesigning it to be a better introduction for ghosts abilities. Thank you for playing!

Very cute! Everything feels good and responsive. I could really see how you could build onto this idea to make a full game. I'd like to see more ways to get around (or fight?) enemies. I MUST LIBERATE THE CHICKENS!

I love the sight lines that lets you see obstacles but not trainers until they get in your line of sight. I am the most desirable Zigzagoon >:) Great twist on a great game!

I love the poses that the fruit make when you hit them. You've created a game that feels as good to play as playing fruit ninja! Very cute, and I love the high score feature, but it makes me realize how bad I am! Great game!

I loved finding the knife and then being able to cut vegetables, what a rush! The rat is hard to control, but in a way that feels good when you do master it. This game also looks amazing! The little man had me laughing!

This game is beautiful! But wow, it is difficult. The chakram controls very nicely though, and hitting an enemy feels very satisfying! 

Even knowing that the theme is roles reversed, I did not expect THAT role reversal. Very nicely done! It feels very satisfying to power up, especially when she is close to getting you.

I love that you can pick harder rooms but it gives you more money to play with! I think this game would be great to expand on, especially if you made the heroes drop loot for your minions. Great game!

The controls feel pretty good, and the style and aesthetic is cute! I'm not sure if there is really a traditional "game" here as everything seems the same regardless of what you do, but the bones are there for some sort of Octodad-esque arcade survival game! I could see this game gaining levels, a score system, or some sort of co-op even! The bones of something really fun and cute are here. In the future, I would also recommend staying away from .rar as your zipping method, as it's a little less user friendly when players are going from game to game so fast. Regardless, nicely done!

Cutest game I've played so far! But my heart can't take that hen losing her chicks anymore :( All of it feels very polished!

I got 80! And 4/8 moths, getting to see which moths I got was a nice touch, I might need to come back and collect them all! I also learned that I don't know much about the moths of my home state, I should study up!

I really like the night vision/binoculars effect as well!

I love deck builders, and this is a really interesting take on one! I especially love your design on the little monsters, very cute!

I really like this take on the role reversal theme! I know the first level is the same as the first level of Pacman, but it would have been nice to have some tutorials for the different items!

I don't think I quite understand how to play, but I really like the art style!

I love this idea a ton! It was a little too easy, I felt like I could just spam accept and make it pretty far, so some more balancing would be great. I can see a lot of ways this could be expanded and be made more fully featured!

Thank you! Lots of laughter was had over the last few days over the different combinations!

Thank you! There were lots and lots of ideas that didn't make it into this version, we would love to at least expand on those but we will see. Thank you for the feeback!

This feels like the start of what could be the next great first person puzzle game like portal! You could do a lot of creative things with swapping properties.

The core idea is interesting! After losing my first attempt, I realized that the game was much easier to just cheese, and I just clicked the first option as fast as I could repeatedly until I had defeated all 100 adventurers. I think there could be some very interesting ideas with adding the occasionally unique hero who return and can only be defeated by very specific conditions that you need to hold on to. Maybe characters that survive come back strong and with more resistances? Also, the dancing is obviously funny. Nice work.

Reminds me a lot of baba is you, but more intuitive! A very cool use of swapping roles and making the order you swap in matter. We also built a swap mechanic for our game because we thought it fit the theme so well!