Thanks for the feedback. The mouse is only used as a button (it doesn't matter where you click) but that's still a valid point. I'm about to retake this project using my SLAP engine. Expect good things :)
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Muy bueno. No muy alegre XD pero muy bueno y muy bien hecho. Siento que una vez que uno a llegado a un final, se pudiera dar alguna opción más rápida para ver los otros finales. Aún así, es solo cuestión de minutos correr a verlos todos. Muy buen trabajo y muy buena experiencia.
Mi única queja es que no tiene opción de full screen y la interfáz de itchio bloquea el botón de salir de la entrevista
Thanks! The shops do sound three loud notes when you're in range to sell your flowers but by the time that happens, you're already confused by hearing the windchimes for too long. It is a bit cryptic and unclear. Forced 1D movement, one-button, non-verbal is just too abstract, I'm afraid.
I'm currently working on a new audio game with a more traditional feel. I should be releasing a tech demo sooner rather than later so stay tuned. Thanks again for taking the time to comment.
Cute. I got 4 big diamonds on each corner of the screen so I guess that means I won the game? After a bit I was just pecking at random places to see if something would happen. It isn't always clear when something is good or bad.
Some of the links are:
1- Communism
2- ???
3- Joy!
but I see what you want to say even if the delivery is a bit ham-handed at points. I guess the alternative would be long texts that people wouldn't read. So I guess you're doing as well as could be done in this medium.
This is borderline more of a learning tool than a proper game. The game mechanic is essentially clicking around for a reaction. Some more dynamic mechanics could make this more varied and engaging. Maybe split it into shorter games for each aspect? Like a game for each diamond?
Reloaded. Now I was asked to choose language and it all worked as intended. Managed to complete the mission. Soy un heroe y las próximas generaciones cantaran sobre my proeza por siglos.
My only suggestion is that if you're going towards an objective and overshoot it, you get the "you've arrived" message but you can't use the space key. There should be some feedback telling the player that they have left to target spot.
But you got a solid little game here.
I've made 6 long and successful runs. Only once, in the 5th run, I've found the river. I did reach that ending. Now I just need to find the river again to try for that third ending.
I must say that you have managed to keep me engaged for quite a while. A large scale version of this does sound interesting.
Ok. Found what was tripping me. In the tree tab, some icons appear behind the box for descriptions and crafting. One needs to scroll the tree around to see them and there's no way to reach them at all if one is zoomed all the way out. That figured, I used the knife and got one of the endings. Not sure what to suggest to make that more obvious or a non-issue
After the ending, it offers me to start from the last save but I don't see a way to save. If I choose to restart from the beginning, then the icons from the previous run are still visible in the tree tab even though they don't function.
I really have no idea what to try to reach the two other endings. I see there are still two icons in the tree tab that I haven't gotten (the foot and one more tree just next and below)
Are the different characters really any different? I do think the description for the runes in the standing stones was different from what I remembered but wasn't keeping track of what it was and what character
I guess I didn't realize I needed to hunt so often. Now that I'm eating spiders, survival got a lot easier. I also had a bit of an issue mismanaging my wood, made to planks and not saving for the night.
(warning: spoilers ahead)
I check the quests tab and I see I'm missing something exploring the woods but I have no way of just exploring other than hunting. I found the swamp, went at night. It told me I got a sharp knife but I don't have the knife with me and that didn't open any new areas or activities.
Once I cut young trees in the glade and it told me it was bad luck but that bad luck never materialized in any explicit form (although I did die of hunger that time)
I'll definitely do a few more runs and try doing things differently but I'll take any hints you feel are appropriate.
Did 2 playthroughs as a scholar. Died after a few nights of no food (even once after having caught a deer that gave me an extra night). Loving it but I must be missing something.
One more run as a hunter. I can easily keep myself alive forever. I seem to have run out of things to do, though.
You got a good thing going here. I look forward to future progress