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A member registered Jun 06, 2019 · View creator page →

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Respectable is all I was shooting for! I was worried this may have been too short and moved too fast, especially with all the text I had to cut, it's a relief to know they can catch your interest anyway.

Thank you for taking the time to comment and for playing!

Everything you said, yes. Some issues I noticed while putting the game together, but I couldn't tell if it was just me and had no time for a second opinion. I wanted to make this a lot flashier, but time being what it was I had to just go with it.

Thank you for taking the time to leave such a thorough comment. This game is dead and done, but your feedback will seriously help me in future projects. Also thank you for playing!

I actually haven't been able to stop thinking about these characters. Randomly throughout the day if I'm washing clothes or playing games they haunt my mind, so I'm glad they'll get their happiness and I'm looking forward to reading it.

Zooming out worked, I feel silly for not thinking of that myself, thank you.

It is equal part horrifying and hilarious that you can warp the dicks.

The game drags on a bit; I felt like half the amount would have been fine, otherwise not bad. I think this would make a good minigame in a larger game.

I love point and click games. I can't wait for you to finish this, it's good. I like the story book like aesthetic.

On a less important note, I couldn't figure out how to restart after messing up the potion. I had to refresh the entire page.

If that's all it took to get these people to start an orgy at work, I'd say they were already too uninhibited!

I wish you had more time to work on this because I'd love more levels. I get that life be crazy though, and what you have is fun.

This was super depressing, I kept going over choices I already made hoping for a happy ending, but I didn't find one.

Some of the writing is too metaphoric for me to get on the first read, so when I read over it again it felt like a punch to the gut to realize what was actually going on.

Also, I adored the aesthetic. The only problem with the game is I had to highlight the text to read it. From the screenshots it looks like the text should be more to the right than it appears. As is it overlaps with the art.

This game was amazing. I didn't expect anything form this jam to be send me on such an emotional roller-coaster.

'Less threatening than nudity' I died!

High praise for this game, even if I'm too slow to finish it.

Thank you. I spent most of the jam time on the art. I've been disappointed by what I've put out for previous jams and really wanted to make a solid effort here, so I'm glad you like it.

I'm guessing by linear you mean you could only finish one characters storyline? I did notice the odds of finishing the you woman's story is higher than finishing the little girl's. I plan to even that out in the full version.

thank you for taking the time to play my game.

Thank you for playing!

Honestly the combat is what I have the least fun doing, but I wanted to push myself to try something new. I think it's not working for me because I keep thinking of combat in terms of the JRPGs I love, and not in terms of the visual novels I'm use to making.  Fixing this is going to take a lot of innovation in the way I think. 

I'm glad you like the story! I'll watch your video later tonight.  Thank you for your feedback!

thank you for playing!

The mom fight is meant to be a tutorial... eventually. I've just never done a tutorial before, so I'm having a time of it  fitting the thing into the battle. I didn't want to make it a scripted fight, but I may have to.

My plan in to implement tooltips  to help with the battle UI and to add more movement to the battle sprites. I want to give them all attacking and damage animations. I also plan to make the battle effects more flashy, hopefully the changes will make the fights more interesting.

Thank you again for playing. All your feedback is extremely helpful in knowing what areas I should tackle first. This is a game I plan to see through to the end!

Great game! I love quirky art like this.
Taking the time to voice all your lines is amazing commitment. 

I got the vitamins, killed the alien, then didn't know what to do. So I went back home, then the game froze when I left the gym. 

I like the game a lot, and I would have played it again if you moved just a bit faster. I understand pregnancy slows you down, but for the sake of gameplay you could maybe give her a small boost.

The game window is just a smidge too large and I can't resize it, so the bottom is cut off. I was able to play though!

It's kinda hard. Once the zombies catch up with you it's unavoidable death. They move at the same rate as you and it's just the worlds most horrifying conga line until you wonder into a zombie filled room. At that point you can only decide which group gets to eat you.

I was generally confused playing this game. I'm not well versed in roguelikes, even less so the ones without pictures. I could barely tell what I was doing.
Still, I can tell a lot of effort went into this. It's very clean looking for a prototype.

This was a fun game. It was challenging without being frustrating. 
The solutions were mostly simple enough to figure by looking. The challenge came when deciding what arrows to press to put things in place.
I had to reset a lot because the button I pressed didn't go the way I thought it would.

Gonna be honest, I don't understand what you're going for. Is it going to be like bomber man? Are the ghost versions of the player meant to be enemies in a future build? Or were they just for testing movement?
Either way this looks pretty. I believe you can make it into something nice.

Thank you for playing. This is just a prototype at the moment.
My plan is for there to be more strategy with the addition of more characters.
I though having two heroes in the last battle would introduce some strategy, but I suppose I made the bandits too easy.

The tragic life of a person who can only walk forward.
That last egg took me a while to find, I had to comb the entire house again, but I got all ten.

I though this would be a horror game so I was tensed for a jump scare until the end.

Cool game. It reminds me of another game I played, except they were treasure hunters in that one I think.

I didn't make it to the end, the virus infected me twice, then on my third try I was hit by three cars. 

I feel like I don't need this job though, what with all the money I can make from suing the driver that hit me at the crosswalk. I had the right of way!

When I died to the car it also said viral overload, even though that time my virus load was fairly low because I stayed in the street.

Not much fanfare with the ending.

I played (and died) twice before I realized I could hold space to spam. After that I breezed though it.

Is there a reason to change?  It looks cool, but I feel like there's no way to dodge when you do.

Oh, it's an old school text adventure game. I've never been good at these (/。\)

When the guard was trying to extort me I was like, no, attack!
The entire time thinking it wont let me, then it does! I was beyond happy.

I found a bug maybe? When inside the building it says the chest falls with me. When I try to open the chest I replay the falling scene. It doesn't say the chest is there anymore, but if I type 'chest' or 'open chest' the falling scene plays again.

I stopped at the lab because I couldn't figure out what to do. I'm really not good at these.

I like this more than other classic text adventure games I've tried because when I wrote something wrong like 'go north' I was given places I could go instead of just, 'You can't do that'.

Should I be chopping down these trees to build houses that no one lives in? Probably not. But my island is now filled to the brim with ONLY lovely purple houses. I seriously spent way too long looking for every free spot that would let me place a purple house.

Anyways I was entertained and I look forward to seeing what this turns into.

Sorry for the late reply! I took a break from the computer for a few days.

Thank you for playing and for your kind words! I plan to work on this every other month, so the next update should be late January to early February.
(Assuming I don't get sidetracked by other game jams as I tend to ^^;)

The countdown says we have another day, which one is correct?

Sorry for the late response, life stuff kept me away from my computer.

Thank you for playing and thank you for your kind words!

I know visual novel type games aren't for everyone, but I appreciate you giving this a try.

I liked it, finishing the puzzles made me feel smart. The one problem I had was mr Back kept glitching into the boxes in room two.

Really cool idea, but the hardest thing to play on a laptop. It'd be nice if you could shoot and dash with something like 'z' or 'x'. I imagine this is simple with a mouse, but I died three times with killing a single guy. Or if you automatically aim in the direction you move in.

The bright white everywhere was kinda tough on the eyes. I can't tell if that was meant as a distraction to make the game harder. If so, mission accomplished.

All in all, solid idea. I haven't played a game that's switched it up like this.

I'm not a big fan of platformers, but I loved this. I enjoyed the Halloween-ish atmosphere and the state change was fun to play with.

I didn't get to the end because I couldn't find the third lever, it may be on the other side of the small platforms, but I'm the worst a platforming so I can't get there. -_- I did play for nearly forty minutes because it was fun just running around and changing into a ghost. Also I found the secret room entirely by accident.

I do wonder about our character. He reads a sign that says he needs to turn into a ghost to continue and he's just like; 'Yeah, makes sense.' pfft, dude what?

So yeah, I adored this not too many games pull me in enough to continue even when I'm not making progress. 10/10 or rather 5/5. \^0^/

Ah, I just suck. I'm not very good at speed games. I tried again today and still just reached nine ^.^

It is a fun game, at least some people can give this guy a happy end.

Thank you for playing!

I also had the problem with the flower when testing, but I had actual minutes to submit my game and a bunch of other things to fix. It's going to be raised in the final version, which should be out some time in October.

I'm glad you like the dialogue because I was worried about it. 14k in three days is pushing it for me, by the end I didn't know if I was making any sense. ^^;

Fun game, but kinda dark. I played twice and got to level nine both times but it seems like no matter what you'll be trapped in the mine forever.

Thank you for playing!

There are only stat boxes. In my eternal 'wisdom' I decided that the character battle sprites had to be animated, even though I've never animated anything other than a bouncing ball before. I way underestimated how long a simple idle animation would take, and I had to drop the sprites to have a game ready.
The fight with mom is meant to be a tutorial, but since there are no specials I figured it wasn't needed yet. Now I wish I'd at least put in a box saying to 'click the stat box to attack', especially if that's the cause of everyone's problems. When you're the one who made the game everything is obvious to you, I'll do better about putting myself in the player's head.

The saving system is in Renpy by default so I can't take credit for that.

Thank you for your feedback, and thank you again for playing.

That's odd. I'm not sure what the problem is, I just tested the game on another computer and everything works for me.
The only thing I can think of is maybe there's a problem with the mac build? I have no way of testing that one.
Sorry that this didn't work out for you, but thank you for trying to play!

Just my two cents:

You could make the action for the button be to jump to a label that holds all your if statements.

Also to keep the game from going when you don't have text on screen you can use $ renpy.pause(hard=True)

Ambitious is a very nice way to say 'you tried to do too much', thank you ^.^
I've been considering if I should add an intro or if it's fine as is, based on how confused you were on where to go I know I definitely have to put one in.
And you can't date the kids! The date button is for the park in general,  If I keep it in I'll move the button over so that's not so confusing.

Thank you for playing and for the insight on what needs to be fixed!

Gotta be careful with those yandere boyfriends, they'll pull a sneaky on ya.

(1 edit)

10/10 sound design. I actually jumped a few times and was on edge throughout the entire game.

I don't understand the final ending. What happened?