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A member registered Jun 16, 2021 · View creator page →

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That is something I would love to implement next. Thank you for the suggestion!

Thank you for the feedback! New levels and a tutorial level are definitely on our list of to-do.

Oh I see the misunderstanding. You need to point where you want to throw. You can click near the player to “drop” the item or you can click far away to throw as far as you desire. I will make sure that is clear in the instructions. Thank you! 

Thank you for the feedback! I would definitely love to add a tutorial section to explain more about the controls. I will also look into making the clicking radius larger, as many others had some issues with that. I'm not sure if you were able to read the intro, but it explained that each side has to help each other complete their orders, hence the items spawning on both sides. You have to 'pass' them through the mirror, which is in the middle, to send them over to the other side. Thanks for the input!

I'm sorry about your experience. I tested it on a few different and smaller sized screens and it seemed to work fine for me. I did want to add more functionality for full screen and different resolutions, but I didn't have time, so thank you for pointing that out! 

The NPCs do choose a random food to order, which can create some issues if the random food items spawning aren't needed. I was planning to add a more complex system that would randomize the food items spawned based on the orders, so that the player would never have to wait, but I did not have time again. :(

Could you explain more about throwing items being inconsistent? I haven't gotten any other feedback about this mechanic and would love to know how I can improve.

Thank you for all the great feedback!

Thank you!

Thank you for the feedback! I would love to add a tutorial section to explain more how to play. Also, pressing 'R' skips the intro/cutscenes, which is highlighted in the description, as well as in game at the top left. Thanks for all the suggestions!

Thank you!

Thank you!

I guess technically the player could only use one side, as all objects (both potion and food ingredients) spawn on both sides, but then that would defeat the purpose of getting a quick time. I think if I had more time, I would focus on adding more logic to the item spawn. At the moment, it just spawns all 8 items at random, but I would love for it to take in account the current orders! Thank you for the feedback!

Art looks amazing! Love the idea of the game too. Good job guys!

This was a fun game, but super hard! I got all the way to level  15, I think I spent 30 minutes playing lol. I think making it easier would make it more fun. Also, I wasn't sure what the red bar on top meant. Is that the number of enemies? Is it possible to win? If not, is your level what you are wanting to beat each replay? Loved the audio btw.

Overall, awesome game, amazing art! Good job guys!

This was a fun game, but super hard! I got all the way to level  15, I think I spent 30 minutes playing lol. I think making it easier would make it more fun. Also, I wasn't sure what the red bar on top meant. Is that the number of enemies? Is it possible to win? If not, is your level what you are wanting to beat each replay? Loved the audio btw.

Overall, awesome game, amazing art! Good job guys!

Thank you for the feedback!

Thank you for the feedback! I was struggling trying to keep the balance of chaos and it being too slow. We will definitely add more obstacles! Thank you again!

thanks! i did have a double jump feature but there ended up being a bug in the code i couldn’t fix, which is why you can jump so many times lol. if i were to finish this i would definitely make the level a lot longer and have more obstacles. thanks for the comment! :)